November 2014 IUI - Looking for buddies

Hello Chiclet2012!

This will be my first IUI as well as long as I can figure out these ovulation kits hahaha... Fingers are crossed for you!
Yes ladies this is our month!!

Mhankins - Yeah its my first time too @ IUI and trigger. I wonder why some ladies do trigger shot and others don't. I was scared at first with all the injections/shots I had to endure but I am so happy I "manned up". LOL. Are you being monitored at all?

Savasanna - Yeah I understand cheaper but in the long run do you think staying with the specialist will be more beneficial to you? Yes your right we all have to pick our battles... after being with my obgyn and no results for 2yrs, I needed a more aggressive approach, plus I don't think I was getting the medical attention I needed now that I know everything we had to go thru to get this far. Yeah @ sperm order!!!! Will your doctors office monitor you at all?
Santa "please send Savasanna some really good soldiers" :spermy:
Good Luck love and FX for you!

Yes, it is funny how we end up on the same forums. I am glad I have you ladies to chat with. Lets keep chatting in both, no reason to stop now. lol

Chiclet2012 - Welcome!! This is our month to get our :bfp: Good luck!! sending baby dust your way. I almost got put on Menopur but the doctor was good with me staying on follistim injections. I also had my first IUI. I actually had 2 IUIs back to back. I wanted to increase my chances after my trigger shot. Again welcome to the club and good luck during your TWW!!!

Want1too- I guess I am not really being monitored.. All I have had done was the blood work up, an pelvic exam?.., and an HSG. My next set of instructions was to call when I had a positive OPK..which I jumped the gun on and was too early so I am currently waiting for the positive and hoping I don't miss it. I have a fear of missing it because it is my first time testing for it lol..riding it out and seeing how it goes..
Monitored for my clinic means that I have almost daily bloods and internal ultrasounds during the cycle to confirm follicle size and amounts. When they get big enough they will tell me to take a trigger shot to induce ovulation when they want me too. Then the IUI is done right on time, no guessing.
Myshelsong - I am from the Ottawa area, but grow up in the GTA.

Went for my first ultrasound today, 4 follicles above 9mm(2 in each ovary). I go back for another one Monday morning to see the progress!

Questions for you ladies...Is it possible to ovulate from both ovaries in the same cycle? I was always thought as they grow, eventually one side with become dominant and 'pop' and the other will give up. Not sure if the meds make a difference.

Hopefully this is our month ladies!! :cloud9:
LovingMyLife... 4 follicles sounds promising.

I think normally, when not on meds, only one follicle becomes dominant. With the meds there are multiple follicles that can burst and thus risk of multiples...

That thought runs through my mind and it makes me panic a bit. Of course I would be elated either way but to think about twins makes me :wacko:
So far no monitoring for sounds very expensive but the no guessing sounds nice lol
It doesn't happen often but you can ovulate for both ovaries. That is how fraternal twins are born, two separate eggs released on or around the same time.
I am really hoping that with the medication I get at least two good sized follicles. I don't necessarily want twins, but I really want to up the odds this IUI.
Started spotting yesterday and temp dropped today but still waiting for af to start.
Hi ladies I would love to join you! A little bit about myself: DH and I have been trying for 18 months. We suffered early miscarriages in August and October 2013 and January 2014. I had a large septum removed from my uterus in Arpril and have been trying ever since. I will be having a saline ultrasound November 25th to check the shape of my uterine cavity, surgery on November 26th to remove a nerve from my foot and then we will be doing our first medicated cycle starting in December. Our protocol is 50mg clomid with one monitoring ultrasound and then an ovidrel trigger and insemintation the next day.

The world of artificial insemination is new to me, but we are hopeful this will give us at least one forever baby.
Mhankins - I wonder why they don't monitor you or did you just elect to no monitoring. I am not really sure of the cost. My insurance covers a percentage of my treatment so I only pay my co-payment when I went in for blood work and US. When my DH and I went in for IUI we also just paid our co-payment. I am actually still waiting on the IUI bill.

Myshelsong - Yes, that's what it means for my RE office as well @ monitoring

LovingMyLife - That's good @ 4 follicles. They will keep having you go in for blood work and US then they will tell you to trigger if your doing the trigger shot.
I was told you can only ovulate from one ovary a month. However I am sure there is a small percentage out there when some ladies do release from both.

Chiclet2012 - That's what I understand too, with meds it can cause multiple follicles to be come dominate but from the same ovary. This is one of the risk when meds are involved, potential for multiple births increase. I am right their with you on the twins... scary but willing to do meds to have our baby.

Jrepp - Welcome! Sorry to hear about your previous loses. I hope this month is for you as well. The SONO (saline procedure) is not bad. It wasn't really painful at all. It hurts a pinch when sticking the catheter through the cervix. Other than that you will be fine. I went straight to injections vs. Clomid b/c doctor said would increase the chances. DH and I also did 2 IUIs back to back. We have been TTC for almost 3 years now.

Ladies - Good Luck! This is OUR MONTH! :hugs:

Thank you. I had a sis before (actually 2 in one day), but because of the twist and tilt to my uterus its a bit moe difficult for the doctors to "fill it up." At least I know what to expect this time.

How many of you have done iuis/medicated cycles before and how many of you is this the first try?
Welcome Jrepp! I am sorry about your losses as well. I hope your surgery goes smoothly and December brings your forever baby! In the meantime, I am here for the ride.

I am not sure why they aren't monitoring me..Little further back into my story.. We are using IUI with Donor sperm because my hubby had cancer twice as a teenager which has resulted in him being sterile..We "Tried" to get pregnant for two years until we could make the step further to see a specialist..Our fears of not being able to have a biological baby was confirmed in July..All of my test have come back normal so I don't know if they think monitoring isn't necessary for me now or what.. If I do miss this cycle I will be bringing that up and see what they say..Hopefully all is good and I am just jumping the gun on missing my ovulation lol..I read clomid can cause your cycle to be longer so who knows?
This will be my first try Jrepp.. and I took 50mg of clomid days 3-7..just waiting on a positive OPK. :)
Jessica - This is my first IUIs. I took follistim + low dose hcg injection + trigger shot + IUIs and monitored.

Mhankins - I am so sorry to hear about your DH and that yall cant have a child biologically love. I send my blessings and strength to both of you. :hugs:
I requested monitoring cause after everything we went through to get this far and with my insurance coverage it only made sense. I don't have an answer for the Clomid situation since I have never used it. FXs still for you and hoping for a big fat :bfp:
I'm sorry about your husband, but so glad you found something that will work to have children
Mhan - good luck with the procedure, I am sure if they needed to monitor they would have. A lady at work had an unmonitored IUI with donor sperm a few years back and they had great sucess!

Jrepp - Hello,Mathis is the first time we have done Anything! First time on fertility medication and first time IUI.
Mhanks - did you test again this morning?

Not much to report on my end. Today is CD5 so day 3 for clomid - man.. I can't wait to not take that anymore. It messes with my emotions too much! I'm considering doing morning and afternoon opks when it's time - would you recommend what you're doing Mhanks or do you think it's more anxiety than it's worth?
Jrepp - I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. My sister has gone through something very similar, so I know the emotional toll it takes on you. This will be my first try with IUI. I am on FSH injections (gonal-f) and then a trigger. My doc said they only do 1 insemination per cycle. I wonder if getting the second one gives you added benefit...

Mhankins - Sorry to hear about your DH. As Myshelsong said, if your dr thought you needed to be monitored they would be. When I was on clomid my cycles were shorter than normal for me, but I have PCOS, so normal for me is long irregular. I am sure you will be able to get a positive shortly. I know that everything always seems longer and it feels like we are just waiting ALL the time for the next steps!

Savasanna - I hated clomid. Made me have hot flashes and mood swings like crazy. Normally I am fairly level headed, so I think that made it worse!

As for me, had my second ultrasound today. Only 1 follicle has grown to be 13.5. there are a few others that are around 10ish... Dr said 1 more shot tonight, and then another ultrasound tomorrow morning. He said ideally they would like 1 or 2 more, but is worried about the potential of having too many if I stay on the shots or increase my dosage.

I have an irrational fear of bumping into someone I know at the clinic. :blush: I'm always worried I am going to look up and see my boss or a co-worker standing beside me. Also, what do you ladies tell your work about all the appointments?!? I always come up with some excuse for being late, but I hate saying I have a dr appointment. The last thing I need is people at work asking if I am pregnant. My DH is always just telling me to tell them I have a dr appointment, and I know they shouldn't ask anymore questions, but I work with a bunch of ladies and we are fairly close, so I know they will expect some sort of explanation. I think the guys have it so much easier...although it can't be very fun for them to have to do their business at the clinic :winkwink:
Funny you say that - I actually ran into an old boss when I was getting some blood work done last week. It was painfully awkward. We hadn't seen each other since I left the job 4.5+ years ago.. We kind of flubbed through some pleasantries and then went on our way. I mean.. what do you say?? "How are you??" nope. Can't ask that. "oh.. I'm so sorry to see you're coming here" Nope.. that's akward. haha.
You ladies are too funny talking about running into people at the DRs. I have been very lucky in that sense..1..We just moved to this area so I know NOOOOOOOO one lol..2..Since the move I haven't been working and we decided to try to have a baby and take advantage of the opportunity of me staying home.

I am sorry you guys had side effects from the clomid. I took 50mg days 3-7 and didn't have any. I did take it at night, don't know if that matters..

AFM- I FINALLY GOT MY YES+ AND MY SOLID SMILEY FACE! Called the office and had my bloodwork done to comfirm... now I am waiting for results..FX tomorrow is the day!

Savasanna- I don't know what to say lol. In the end both tests gave me the same result on the same day. I liked having one test first thing in the am and the other later on in the day, made me feel like I had less of a chance of missing my surge, something that I read a lot of on here happening to people. Which I think was my problem. I was impatient, a worry wort and read too much online hahaha. I can't complain about either test. The good thing about the CB is you are supposed to be able to use it again if needed. Whereas the FR is no good to me now that I have my + and there are a bunch of wasted tests that will be thrown out.

Thank you all for your support :)

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