I rang up at 2PM like a good girl and was told to go in at 4PM, Score! Got everything ready set go, and got there just after 4 (we went through drive through Maccy D's for thickshake's!) Got put onto a monitor for LO's heartbeat for 30min's, then had to do a pee sample, have BP done and then for the internal. Am still 3CM dialated, which is too far for the pictocin (look's like a tampon
) but the labour ward didn't have spare bed's for me to have my water's broken for me. So basically, I'm too far to be induced, and not far enough to stay in and labour "naturally" (with breaking my waters for encouragement) So I had a "good" sweep done, and have been having small contraction's here and there since. I've got to ring up at 8AM to be told what time to go in (she reckoned it'll be about 9AM-ish) and have my water's broken ect. When I go in tomorrow, I
will be leaving with a baby in my
arm's and not my
Lesleyann Boo shame on the old landlord! Why does he need you guy's at the house for a viewing? Thought you'd moved everything already and were pretty much done with it?
babyhopes hurray for the 6! I looked through my note's on coming home from the hospital earlier and mine is a 7
Fingers crossed it'll come naturally with the sweep for you, so it'll be a bit sooner than friday morn!
Cashewnut How very random indeed! We swapped side's of the bed when Auron was born (because of having the moses basket on Nick's side as there isn't enough space on the other side of the bed) and it took ages to get used to it!! Though we've just kept it that way as it's usually me that'll sort Auron out in the night (if need's be) because of Nick goin to work early in the morn. I'll still roll over onto my old side of the bed in the morn when Nick goes to work