NOVEMBER Babies, write your day here! 29 BABIES BORN ALREADY!

I have some of him playing with the pups lol

Pool wise its a one person pool really I can just lay in it but if I was say leaning over the side he could get in too, but I dont think he wants to incase I poop or something :haha:

MW wise it would never be 100% what MW would be deliverying anyway just who ever is on call I guess.

Ahh shame about the good pants! Im lucky I seem to gain all bump so still in pre-preg trousers etc and even my long floaty tops. Hope it goes away after birth hun, take it nice and easy as to not make it worse


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Awwww such a little cutie! Look's bigger than a nearly 2 1/2 year old. And the puppies are so cute and fluffy, think im in love <3 Can't believe you haven't managed to sell them all yet, what's wrong with people?!

I thought it'd be a bit different having a home birth, and that they'd make the effort to give you your MW? I hope my MW doesn't deliver, she'd probably ask if she's doing it right :rofl: (thankfully she didn't when she did the sweep otherwise I'd of told her not to bother and let OH have a go at home :haha:)

You can fit in your pre preg trousers with that big ol' bump you've got?!! I'm stunned!! Though I did well to last until 26week's
He is a big boy lol His stocky like Oh (although Oh hates me calling him or kyle stocky :haha: ) Well you see we had a HUGE litter 9pups, 8 to sell as we are keeping one to thats 8people to find who not only want one of the hair lenth, colour, have the money but also that we want having one of our pups.. We have turned away plently of people because of phone call that go like this

Buyer; Ight you still got any of those dogs left?
Oh; err yeah....
Buyer; wicked I wants a well ard dog innit
Oh; Hangs up phone...

Buyer; R these bitches for breeding from? as I wonna knock out some pups.
Oh; Yeah once you have paid for X test (£300), Y test(£300), Bitch is over 2 years old, suitable stud (from £200-£800) etc etc
Buyer; Oh I was gonna cross er enit. Hangs up :haha: "

Haha noo homebirth is just the same random midwife unless yours happens to be one who is working on call that night sucks really..

I was the same clothes wise with kyle, only thing that changed really with Kyle was my hips became wider but that did not really make a difference.. I hate mat jeans soo really thankful I just get bump :haha:
I can't believe some people, that's so despicable! Poor puppies, good job your caring people or who know's what could of happened to them!
I realy am surprised by the home birth thing. What if it end's up being a really long labour, would you have a MW change over like in the hospital too? Did you have a hospital or home birth with Kyle? I know what you mean with the 'stocky-ness' Auron's big built jus like his daddy. Weigh's about 3stone now, and not a single slither of fat on him, must be heavy bone's (which sound's weird, but he's not muscular, so it's the only thing I can think all that weight is coming from!)
Yeah, I agree, maternity jean's suck doo doo!! What's the point in the elasticated waist if you still need a belt? :shrug: Though I have a rather lovely pair of white linnin trousers which were lovely in the summer and have the elasticated pockets with buttons on the inside to adjust the sizing! Shame the weather's turned so bad with all the rain or I'd still happily wear them, and there's no point wearing them jus indoor's and jammie bottom's are by far the most comfortable thing on the planet! If it wasn't for the fact that it look's damn right tacky and chavvy, I'd probably wear them out and about lol :haha:
Im not sure what happens if its a long labour tbh.. Although a good thing about a homebirth is I get one on one care and when I get to a certain point I will have 2 mw's fully dedicated to me, Or if I have a student aswell I get 3 mw's lol..

Yeah I had Kyle in hospital I call myself young and stupid at that one lol I was put consultant led due to my age! when infact there was nothing high risk about my pregnancy, I hate hospitals and had a bad experince after giving birth with lack of help even when I called the buzzer..

Last time I weighed Kyle he was abotu 2and half stone a few months back, his pretty strong, and will carry about 5kg bags of patatoes if you let him :haha: He helps wheel out our black bins too and has been very helpful with the moving stuff :haha:

I do have a pair of mat jeans MIL brought them for me last time and I think one of the other reasons I hate them if the pair I got they took away the front pockets to put in elastic like WTF?! I dont use a handbag I need all the pockets I can get :haha:

We need Levi to come back and tell us about her baby!
Hey ladies...

Lovely to read about the November babies that have been born. I'm sitting twiddling my thumbs... bored of waiting, I want to just go into labour and get my baby out!
:hugs: Wanna-b-mummy, finger's crossed there will be something for us with the full moon tomorrow! I can't even think of anything positive to say as I'm feeling quite miserable myself with still waiting.

Lesleyann, I didn't realise you'd have more than one MW with you at a home birth, fair play!! If you don't mind my asking, how old were you when you had Kyle? I agree with the lack of love for hospital's, the smell and feel of being in a hospital isn't pleasant. For me it's the association of hospital's and needle's!! Just typing this is making my hand's and arm's feel weak and weird, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! But I'm not brave enough to try a home birth either. Plus there is a certain smell with birth that I'd rather not have lingering in my teeny tiny lounge lol :haha:
I was 17 when I gave birth to kyle, so he got to be at my 18th birthday party dinner! This time I will be 19 or 20 depends if she comes before sunday or not lol Oh yeah hospitals are just so so clinical I hate it the smell the need to intervene when its really not needed its just due to staffing issues wanting you in and out of a delivery room as soon as possible, the fact the midwife flits between rooms rather than giving you their full attention.

Well my new house stinks of paint and gloss paint so hey ho :haha: Plus cant smelly anyworse than wet dog Eww
Your fortunate to have a decent sized house though (or should I say house's until your completely moved :haha:) where as my home is tiny! My kitchen is a brill size, bedroom's are alright seeing as they are literary used for sleeping, but the bathroom and lounge are so small, it's horrible! And there's no storage space here either, so all the christmas stuff is behind the door in Auron's room, and all the more homely stuff/storage type stuff is still in boxes by the side of our bed next to the wall from when we moved in.
Ahhhh, the big 2-0!! I remember not wanting it to come as I didn't want to be a non teenager, and decided I would be twen-teen :haha: Do you have any rough plan's for your birthday?
Yeah I'm moving house :haha: wonder how many lady's will go tonight with the full moon...

My "current" house is tiny no storage apart from the loft new house has a nice cupboard attached to the space under the stairs and a nice sized cupboard on the landing.. 2double bedrooms 1single, kitchen dinner and an alright sized livingroom but the garden anit nowt good lol
Hi all! I just wanted to say I had my baby girl on her due date! The 4th.. Both my boys were late so I assumed that she would be too.. She was born in her waters too! Apparently thats lucky! Third stage of labour was just 7 minutes.. Two pushes!.. I was at home at six, she was born at 8pm exactly in hospital.. When I got the sharpest contraction telling me I knew I had to go to hospital I looked up to see that there was water coming out of the ceiling, ! Our shower was leaking, so I was there having a huge contraction, I had my 8 year old asking me why I couldn't talk and starting to cry because he was worried and my toddler decided to stand and wee in the bucket I managed to get to hold the water leaking! I called out to hubby who was in the shower we had to call a plumber but say I was in labour and that we had to head to hospital.. Honestly, you couldn't write this stuff! Luckily we had the kids sorted and got to the hospital in time.. I did struggle this time and in all honesty just didn't feel fit enough for labour, but nevertheless our beautiful girl is here... On time..

Inde Isla born 4th November 2011 @ 8pm weighing 7lb 3oz.... Thank you lord I am truly truly blessed.... Xxxxxx
Congrats hun!! wow everything at once, hope your leak is sorted.. Our shower does that all the bloody time landlord just re-seals and then it happens again! How are your other children with the baby?
Congratulations tinnkx!! :happydance: How awesome that she came on her due date, boo for the shower situation though! Must have been so glad that hubby was there when it all started!!

Lesleyann, Full moon was an epic fail for me, not pleased :growlmad: wonder if there are any successful ladies out there?
hi ladies got home last night!!! she was born at 1,38 weighing 8lb! she so good feeding going well weve all had sickness though not nice feeling loads better though. hows everyone ? hope all well xx
My bubbs arrived early! Sunday November 6th, basking in all her sweetness now!
:happydance: Congratulations levichips and angelashope :happydance:
Would love linky's to your birth stories (if and when you have a chance to do them!) Hope your enjoying having your babies and not missing your bump's to much :hugs:
Oscar was born on the 3/11/11 by emergency c -section after a week long failed induction due to me developing OC... The liver function illness.
I went and got itchy hands/feet checked out thanks to the sticky thread on here...

Was admitted immediately and began a week of torment before my beautiful boy was born by c-section. About as far from my planned water birth as you can get... But at least he is here safe and sound.
Congrats to everyone who has had their babies!!

We finally have gas at our new house! Got the meters changed today, our current house supplier said it would take till Feb to get rid of the bloody pre-pay meters, we rang the new houses current supplier wednesday 10pm set up an account in our name and got the meters change 10am today!!

Going to be weird moving house on my birthday no relaxing lol But we are all going out for dinner in the evening for mine and my brothers birthday since his is the monday
Hello ladies just stopping in to let you all know that I had my precious Caedon Justus one day shy of his due date on 11/6/11. He weighed in at 7lbs 6oz. and was 20 1/2 inches. He was totally worth the wait. Congrats to all the Nov. Mommies and their little ones! :flower:
:happydance: Congratulations clownfish and Soon5kids :happydance:
If you have birth stories we'd love to see them! I'm glad everything turned out well for you clownfish, seem's that it was a long and intense time for you!

Leslyann, apart from the moving home, I hope you manage to have a lovely birthday tomorrow! Your poor parent's having you both within a day of each other! (though I guess they have know one to blame but themselves :haha:) Nick has 3 older sister's (one's 6year's older and twin's are 3year's older) but the twin's were 6week's early and his mum went into labour on his oldest sister's 3rd birthday! Luckily for her, she managed to go past midnight so they were born the day after lol

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