November baby!

I'm due November 13th. FTM and we're having a boy. The weeks seem to be flying by so fast these days. I can relate to the women who feel like they still have SO much to do before baby is here. I can't wait to meet our little one.
I'm due November 26th with a baby girl - but know that it will be early-mid November that she arrives as I'll either be induced or have a C-section at 37-38 weeks. Trying to get as organised as I can ... but still seems like there's loads to do and my 3 year old boy's eagerness to help means everything takes twice as long!
Im due 22nd november with my 4th :) Ive was 2 weeks late with my sons and induced at 40 weeks with my daughter.. Ive got a feeling this lil man will arrive early without needing to be induced!! X
Due 19th of November with our second boy. Ds is 19 months and was born a week and a half early so hoping just over 5 weeks to go. I'm still suffering with morning sickness and just exhausted!
November 22 here. Third child, first girl, and I'm not planning on anymore. So excited. Nervous and not even close to being ready!

Beth, I'm due the same day! How have you been feeling!!? This is my fourth baby and first BOY, so I'm excited! Did you get a shower for your baby girl?!
Im due 22nd november with my 4th :) Ive was 2 weeks late with my sons and induced at 40 weeks with my daughter.. Ive got a feeling this lil man will arrive early without needing to be induced!! X

My fourth also! Due November 22.... I'm feeling somewhat crampy, but nothing remotely close to labor or anything... I have nothing ready! I have rocking chair not put together, bassinet not set up, no hospital bag, clothes unwashed...nada...but I have ZERO motivation since I'm always tired due to the three kids I have! Lol
November 22 here. Third child, first girl, and I'm not planning on anymore. So excited. Nervous and not even close to being ready!

Beth, I'm due the same day! How have you been feeling!!? This is my fourth baby and first BOY, so I'm excited! Did you get a shower for your baby girl?!

I've been in lots of pain throughout this whole pregnancy. My hips and pelvis revolted against me for a few months, but since she has went head down, I've gotten some relief. My bump is huge to me, I have to prop a pillow under it when I am on my side because I feel like it is just dangling. I had a shower last weekend, ok turnout, got lots of clothes. And I'll be attending 3 more in the weeks to come because other than mine, three more babie on my dads side of the family is due to arrive in early 2015. I said we all must have gotten snowed in with the weather we had this year, nothing better to do than make babies! LoL! As I get closer to due date, cramps and Braxton hicks hit often, but not regular. I just keep a close watch on myself....
I'm due November 9th with second son. Sorted my hospital bag out the other day as I kept having dreams baby was early and all I had were towels to wrap him in lol. Can't wait to pop him out the lightening crotch is getting unbearable!
Due Nov 13th - team yellow.

DD is 2 and very clingy so a little worried about how I'll cope with a newborn and attached toddler. We're doing lots of playing with dolls to try and get her "into" it. DD was 5 days early and I'd take the same again this time! Hoping not to get to my birthday on Nov 26th (not that I have plans or anything! :))

At the moment baby is breech... but a few weeks left to turn xx
Due Nov 13th - team yellow.

DD is 2 and very clingy so a little worried about how I'll cope with a newborn and attached toddler. We're doing lots of playing with dolls to try and get her "into" it. DD was 5 days early and I'd take the same again this time! Hoping not to get to my birthday on Nov 26th (not that I have plans or anything! :))

At the moment baby is breech... but a few weeks left to turn xx

Our toddler is also very clingy but trying to explain there will be a baby arriving soon not that he grasps what I'm saying! My baby is also breech and has been since my 20 week scan :dohh: I have a routine growth scan on Monday so I'm hoping he's turned his butt round :haha:
I am due November 20th with our first baby, a little lady! She's already proving to be a bit of a diva and wants to arrive ahead of schedule! Just got out of the hospital showing signs of preterm labor so we'll see if she decides to be a Halloween baby or a Thanksgiving baby :haha:
I'm due between Nov 4-8th with my second (OH's first). I say between those dates as LMP said Nov 4th (and what my doctors' have listed), but dating scan I had at like 9 weeks said edd of Nov 8th. I'm going with that latter and hoping he stays in there as close to that date as possible.

We are pretty sure it's a boy, though there is a very slim chance Pickle is a girl. U/s at 23 weeks, she said boy, but showed it so quickly and we have no potty shot pic, that it could have been the umbilical cord. I have an u/s this coming Wed so I'm hoping I can get her to check again, of course if Pickle cooperates, lol.

I'm nowhere near ready. I finally bought the car seat today, but it's cold and windy out, so I told OH we can put in later, but need too soon. We still need the pack 'n play. I've been slowly getting things for my bag. It's not packed yet though. And I need to start washing baby clothes, which I plan to do tomorrow and on Wed. Nesting came and went quickly. I'm hoping that it kicks in again so I can start getting crap together, lol.
Im due Nov 10th, this is my 3rd.
DS is 8 and DD is 19 months old!

This is my 3rd C Section, its scheduled for the 6th but I am hoping that LO comes a bit earlier than that, possibly Halloween!
I have been having tons of contractions lately but I think they are BH, my Dr said that I will have stronger more frequent ones with each pregnancy.
I'm not technically due until 11/24, but have a c-section scheduled for November 4th at 37+1! I run a chance I'll actually deliver my babies this month, but I'm really hoping to make it to my November date! I cannot believe I'm at basically 4 weeks or less until I FINALLY meet my little ones! Some say time has gone too fast. For me it's the opposite. I feel as though I have been pregnant for-ev-er.
I'm not technically due until 11/24, but have a c-section scheduled for November 4th at 37+1! I run a chance I'll actually deliver my babies this month, but I'm really hoping to make it to my November date! I cannot believe I'm at basically 4 weeks or less until I FINALLY meet my little ones! Some say time has gone too fast. For me it's the opposite. I feel as though I have been pregnant for-ev-er.

Twins! So sweet, but I bet a lot of work, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
:hugs: Hope you make to at least 37 weeks.
Do you know how much they weigh??

My sis in law has twins :) she made it to 38 weeks and they had awesome weights!

Good luck with your pregnancy :hugs: I couldnt imagine having 2 little ones in there! lol I feel like my one is running out of room!
We're due November 15th with a little mister. I'm sure of his due date, but do. Said he was measuring three weeks ahead when he sent us for a growth scan (because he was measuring big). I'm hoping his growth has slowed down some. We have another scan October 28th to check his size. Fingers crossed for a natural unmedicated delivery.
I'm due on 16th with my second little girl but being induced at 38/39 weeks so she will be here a little earlier.. and I'm so not ready :wacko:
I'm due Nov 8 with my second child. I know I ovulated 4 days later than LMP, and at the second ultrasound, it seems everything was a week delayed, so I suspect I might be late.

However I have a lot of BH and I've started feeling the same sort of unsettled feeling recently that I had for the 3 weeks before DS was born, so who knows if it'll happen sooner?

We've arranged the furniture to where we need them in the baby room. That's all that's been done.
I'm due November 20th with my second DD. DD1 was a week overdue, though, so I don't expect to meet this one much before December! DD1 is very excited and keeps asking if the baby is big enough to come out yet. It still feels like a long way away!

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