November Due Dates (cont)

I got my first cold :( so sick! My throat and nose all buggered up! Mean ass DS spreading his germs giving me kisses lol
lol what are these kids like hey ... passing on their germs whilst trying ot be nice to mummy :haha:

I've got heaaaaaartburn!!!! Really bad this week and no amount of Gaviscon is touching it :(
Ive got it too! Only just started this week and its horrible :(
I forgot one other thing from my appointment yesterday: I have gained 15 pounds total, 4 of them in the last 1 month and a few days since our last appointment. So my doctor says, "Well, no changes to your diet and exercise are needed at the MOMENT." As if I was borderline or something. I really like my doctor in general, I just felt like she was being way too cautious when I think I've been really good about nutrition.

Well, I'm up 45 lbs pre-pregnancy, so a lot more than you. They say they aren't "concerned" because my sugars were good, but they always say stuff about low carbs, etc. I'm sorry, but I'm not drinking soda all day or eating candy between meals. I'm not about to make some big effort at a low-carb diet. They can stuff it. lol! :haha:

Low-carb?!? In my opinion, that's not a very healthy diet even when you're NOT pregnant!! Your body needs whole grains! I guess I could understand if the doctor said "don't eat as many simple carbs like doughnuts and cake" but just to suggest low-carb sounds like a TERRIBLE idea to me! :nope:

No, they didn't suggest Atkins diet or anything, but they said I should try to eat more protein-rich food, and cut down on bread and carbs. In any case, not on a diet so don't care much for their opinion. I'm an educated woman, I can make my own dietary choices. :p
I forgot one other thing from my appointment yesterday: I have gained 15 pounds total, 4 of them in the last 1 month and a few days since our last appointment. So my doctor says, "Well, no changes to your diet and exercise are needed at the MOMENT." As if I was borderline or something. I really like my doctor in general, I just felt like she was being way too cautious when I think I've been really good about nutrition.

Well, I'm up 45 lbs pre-pregnancy, so a lot more than you. They say they aren't "concerned" because my sugars were good, but they always say stuff about low carbs, etc. I'm sorry, but I'm not drinking soda all day or eating candy between meals. I'm not about to make some big effort at a low-carb diet. They can stuff it. lol! :haha:

Low-carb?!? In my opinion, that's not a very healthy diet even when you're NOT pregnant!! Your body needs whole grains! I guess I could understand if the doctor said "don't eat as many simple carbs like doughnuts and cake" but just to suggest low-carb sounds like a TERRIBLE idea to me! :nope:

No, they didn't suggest Atkins diet or anything, but they said I should try to eat more protein-rich food, and cut down on bread and carbs. In any case, not on a diet so don't care much for their opinion. I'm an educated woman, I can make my own dietary choices. :p

Yeah, I would be really peeved if my doctor said to lay off the bread!! I couldn't survive!
That's just it. I'm not at all peeved. I am eating normally, all bloodwork and vital signs for me and baby have been stellar... aside from the thousand BH per day we're doing great, and you'd be hard-pressed to tell me that's diet as I'm plenty hydrated. Basically I have 4 midwives that I rotate through. They are all kind about it, but mention the weight gain and carbs each one of them each time, and each time I give them the unconcerned look and they drop it as they don't seem to be particularly concerned, either, they are just doing their jobs. :)
Short OH rant:

So, ever since "the incident" things have been touchy with us. He'll treat me nice, then coldly, and today when I called him on it he said "good". So, when I got home I paid him no mind. He then smiled and called me "a selfish a-hole". No reason given, because there is nothing he could possibly put behind that, he just did it because he wants attention. I've got his number. He's such a child. So I told him to shut it and not talk to me. All night since then he's wandered in my room with his little smerk trying to talk to me. Seriously? Do you not get that you ruined any hope of having any interaction with me today? Then most recently he requests "access to the baby"... yeah, no. Baby is in my belly and I want nothing to do with you so move on. The nerve! He has NO idea how hard it is to be pregnant. I got home from a 90 degree heat wave exhausted, struggling with BH contractions and just plain not needing grief from him. But, he dished it out. You know, yeah, thanks for sweeping a bit in the house and all, but watch your mouth, you want attention there are other ways to go about it... like apologizing for being a jerk!

end rant.
I also vote for the purple one! Way cuter!

My feet HURT. I don't even think I've been on my feet all day! Went grocery shopping, did some work at my department, picked up books at the library, sitting down now, why so sore, feet?! Lol.

My heels are always killing me lately :(

Purple! The seam on the other one goes along you belly, like someone else said, it doesnt makes you not look pregnant!

I think reflux is going to be my norm from now on...
My DH pointed out to me that I have been drinking 2 liters of milk... PER DAY! I hadn't noticed! That's how bad the heartburn is lol! He felt he had to say something when he came home and I was on the sofa swigging from my SECOND 2 litre carton of the day! It's skim milk so can't be that bad right?! Can you overdose on milk lol?!

I hear ya with the sore feet, if I wear really flat pumps I feel it so bad... I must be getting heavy lol x
I can only fit two pairs of shoes now :( My sneakers and my DH's flip flops!!!:D
Oh milk helps with heart burn? maybe that's why I've been feeling like it... hmmmm!
I don't think you can drink too much milk as long as you're not just drinking/eating too much in general. Although sometimes people get rashes from drinking like a litre... so...:shrug:
I don't think one can over dose on dairy but it could cause constipation :/
I think you should be OK drinking milk so long as it isn't full fat! Its all fluid and its not as if it has caffeeine or anything in it!

I totally can't keep up with all these posts, I check back in every few days when I have time and there always seems to have been like 2-300 more replies lol!
Why wouldn't it be ok to drink full fat milk? I avoid skim milk and only drink full fat. I avoid all low fat products as generally low fat = high sugar
Skimmed milk doesn't have any added sugar?! It has all the calcium of full fat but without the fat. I can't imagine drinking 2 litres of full fat, that would be too much fat for your daily intake surely?
Trim or low fat is different from skim. Skim milk they take the top layer of fat off along with the nutrients. The other sort which is probably what you are actually drinking is what people should drink. They remove the fat another way without taking out the other nutrients.. Full fat or at least 3.5% milk is actually too much fat to be drinking in a healthy diet. It's good to avoid low fat things as they are mostly shit, have lots of sugar in them or just other crap. But low fat milk is actually good. Also no added sugar:).

Anyway, dh bought me an IPad:) which I'm writing on now!!!!!
Skimmed milk doesn't have any added sugar?! It has all the calcium of full fat but without the fat. I can't imagine drinking 2 litres of full fat, that would be too much fat for your daily intake surely?

Correct, skim milk does not have added sugar. They just take out the fat. Maybe she's thinking of that "low fat chocolate milk" which is low-fat milk with tons of added sugar.

I love whole milk, but 2L a day would be way too much saturated fat for anyone's diet to be healthy. I usually drink about a cup of whole and a cup of skim per day.


As to the heartburn, I get it with no anticipation. I can eat jalapenos and be fine, and eat a plum and get heartburn. There is just no rhyme or reason. :shrug:


As to the feet, yeah, I only fit my crocs and keens, my running shoes are now too small even, and my other flip flops are too small, too. I'm guessing this size change is permanent?:( :dohh:
Why wouldn't it be ok to drink full fat milk? I avoid skim milk and only drink full fat. I avoid all low fat products as generally low fat = high sugar

I answered above on Bean's comment about why skim is better for large quantities, but I wanted to say that I'm with you in general. I don't really pay attention to fat intake. Remember the margarine era (idk your age) when they tried to make everyone believe that butter was bad and margarine was good. Turns out that margarine is loaded up with trans-fats, which out body can't process and which lead to more problems than saturated fats. :dohh: Also, the body needs fats, so people that are on a no-fat diet really scare me. My labmate is a slight woman that eats a high-carb/sugar, low-to-no-fat diet. You'd think as a chemist she'd have looked into why this is a bad call. :shrug:

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