November Due Dates (cont)

Omg I'm so sick! I never get sick! My whole body physically aches from it! Off to get a bottle of olbas oil and paracetamol and a can of cold coke to cheer me up!

Shhh talking bout milk! I would love an ice cold glass of it now but cause my taste buds are buggered up, when I tried I nealy got sick! :( day for the couch and being cosy I think!
Omg I'm so sick! I never get sick! My whole body physically aches from it! Off to get a bottle of olbas oil and paracetamol and a can of cold coke to cheer me up!

Shhh talking bout milk! I would love an ice cold glass of it now but cause my taste buds are buggered up, when I tried I nealy got sick! :( day for the couch and being cosy I think!

Oh, dear, sick how? Flu sick? How's your temperature? So sorry to hear you're not well, Phin. I hate being sick! :nope:
Why wouldn't it be ok to drink full fat milk? I avoid skim milk and only drink full fat. I avoid all low fat products as generally low fat = high sugar

I answered above on Bean's comment about why skim is better for large quantities, but I wanted to say that I'm with you in general. I don't really pay attention to fat intake. Remember the margarine era (idk your age) when they tried to make everyone believe that butter was bad and margarine was good. Turns out that margarine is loaded up with trans-fats, which out body can't process and which lead to more problems than saturated fats. :dohh: Also, the body needs fats, so people that are on a no-fat diet really scare me. My labmate is a slight woman that eats a high-carb/sugar, low-to-no-fat diet. You'd think as a chemist she'd have looked into why this is a bad call. :shrug:

Don't want to get into a diet debate but after doing a considerable amount of my own research I am very much a low carb advocate and dot really buy the whole low fat dogma. I hate when Mum buys chemical laden low fat spreads, low fat yoghurt loaded with sugar and other 'diet' foods and thinks they're healthy just because that's what she's been told to believe. I'm always being scorned for only eating butter and full fat products yet my cholesterol has improved drastically- increased, yes, but the ratios of good to bad which are what count (not the overall total) have improved. I followed Atkins for over 2 years and will go back to eating that way after breastfeeding as I've never looked or felt better. I've been eating a standard diet throughout the pregnancy and feel generally yucky sluggish and bloated because of it :(
Why wouldn't it be ok to drink full fat milk? I avoid skim milk and only drink full fat. I avoid all low fat products as generally low fat = high sugar

I answered above on Bean's comment about why skim is better for large quantities, but I wanted to say that I'm with you in general. I don't really pay attention to fat intake. Remember the margarine era (idk your age) when they tried to make everyone believe that butter was bad and margarine was good. Turns out that margarine is loaded up with trans-fats, which out body can't process and which lead to more problems than saturated fats. :dohh: Also, the body needs fats, so people that are on a no-fat diet really scare me. My labmate is a slight woman that eats a high-carb/sugar, low-to-no-fat diet. You'd think as a chemist she'd have looked into why this is a bad call. :shrug:

Don't want to get into a diet debate but after doing a considerable amount of my own research I am very much a low carb advocate and dot really buy the whole low fat dogma. I hate when Mum buys chemical laden low fat spreads, low fat yoghurt loaded with sugar and other 'diet' foods and thinks they're healthy just because that's what she's been told to believe. I'm always being scorned for only eating butter and full fat products yet my cholesterol has improved drastically- increased, yes, but the ratios of good to bad which are what count (not the overall total) have improved. I followed Atkins for over 2 years and will go back to eating that way after breastfeeding as I've never looked or felt better. I've been eating a standard diet throughout the pregnancy and feel generally yucky sluggish and bloated because of it :(

My boss is on Atkins right now. That really can't be healthy. He doesn't even eat vegetables because they are carbs. Obviously you feel strongly, so does he, but I personally think everything in moderation. My boss eats just meat, eggs and cheese, which I think is terribly unhealthy sounding without the inclusion of fruits and veggies. My coworker eats just salad and bread, which also seems terribly unhealthy to me. I'm no dietician, but I think diversity in food is important. All that said... your body, your choice. :)

In any case, I am with you on the low-fat butter and sugared low-fat yogurt. I always use real butter or olive oil, and whole fat yogurt with real fruit and sometimes honey if I've got a sweet tooth.

Thanks oh so! Ye flu sick! Temp up a bit but nothing to worry bout, just feel so achy and exhausted! The joys of preg, I went from scrubbing the house yest to barely being able to move today! Just took some paracetamol, it took the edge off the aches thank god! Preg really does lower the immune system I'm known for not getting sick now I'm really sick :(
Phin - Hope you feel better :hugs:

Oh_so - Your OH is being a complete willy - I really hope he changes for you when the baby gets here, because it's stressful now for you, but wait until you have a baby to look after too :(

Weight wise - I got told to avoid carbs by my midwife to avoid another big baby BUT, I didn't really eat a lot of carbs with him (just craved takeaways) .. and to be honest, don't have many carbs with her either ... I don't think :shrug: Just a lot of chocolate ... DAMN craving!!!!

And milk - me and my other half use the Green milk which is skimmed?? My boys are on the full fat milk it's recommended children only have full fat stuff - they go through 18 pints a WEEK!!!!! I'm constantly buying milk for them :dohh: lol For heartburn, I just chomp on rennies all day or down Gaviscon bottles :haha:
hi ladies,
Ok I'm not even going to try catching up on all the missed chit-chat over the last 3 days! Just too many pages.

Phineas - :hugs: hope you are feeling better soon!

AFM - had a rough few days with very little sleep - blinkin insomnia!! Night before last I landed up having about 3 hours broken sleep!
Also been a bit of a spending spree - bought all the big furniture for the nursery. Just waiting for it all to be delivered now. DF is fetching the moses basket from his parents tomorrow, then the washing marathon starts again.
So clearing her room is even more urgent, esp seeing that I'm back at work on Tuesday for about 4 or 5 weeks.
Also been really busy sorting out our wedding invitations! Have designed and made a mock up of our invitation. Have also ordered all the bits and bobs needed to make all invitations. Can see its going to be a case of weekends and evenings will be spent making invites from now on.
Ok we all know eating to make u feel better doesn't work, but doing it while preg just makes u feel so icky and sick and prob will bring on heartburn cause ur so stuffed u need to lie down! Lesson learned? Def!

Sk how long until ur wedding? Enjoy making ur invites! We too got our Moses basket, not sure if I really like it tbh cause its a rocking one (I wanted a steady one!) but hell I'm only borrowing it so who am I to give out! I also found a smaller version of a throw for a bed to use as a pram blanket! Love it so much and was so easier to get a gender neutral colour cause it's not actually a baby blanket! We had one for DS but it was Disney green, but love this one more!

Bad to say its actually the first blanket I've bought it's so hard to find neutral blankets bar white!
My 2c time!!!

Full fat milk is still a low-fat "food", as it is only 4% fat. My doc put me on a 5% fat diet when I was in Uni - I could eat anything I wanted as long as the fat content of the day was 5% of total intake or less. Nightmare, not fun, but did produce results... I lost so much weight people thought I was terminally ill. The irony there was, even looking as ill as I did, I was still technically "overweight". If my BMI gets anywhere close to 25, it just looks baaaaaaaad.

Anyhoo, I've been drinking a buttload of milk, skimmed or semi-skimmed (whatever we can get, really), and I think it's for 2 reasons: to calm the heartburn, and because the pills I take for the heartburn aren't the Tums anymore, so they're not a calcium supplement. I think the milk thing is partially satisfying a craving for easily accessible calcium, and partially soothing the heartburn.

And jeeeez, oh_so... time to change the locks!
Why wouldn't it be ok to drink full fat milk? I avoid skim milk and only drink full fat. I avoid all low fat products as generally low fat = high sugar

I answered above on Bean's comment about why skim is better for large quantities, but I wanted to say that I'm with you in general. I don't really pay attention to fat intake. Remember the margarine era (idk your age) when they tried to make everyone believe that butter was bad and margarine was good. Turns out that margarine is loaded up with trans-fats, which out body can't process and which lead to more problems than saturated fats. :dohh: Also, the body needs fats, so people that are on a no-fat diet really scare me. My labmate is a slight woman that eats a high-carb/sugar, low-to-no-fat diet. You'd think as a chemist she'd have looked into why this is a bad call. :shrug:

Don't want to get into a diet debate but after doing a considerable amount of my own research I am very much a low carb advocate and dot really buy the whole low fat dogma. I hate when Mum buys chemical laden low fat spreads, low fat yoghurt loaded with sugar and other 'diet' foods and thinks they're healthy just because that's what she's been told to believe. I'm always being scorned for only eating butter and full fat products yet my cholesterol has improved drastically- increased, yes, but the ratios of good to bad which are what count (not the overall total) have improved. I followed Atkins for over 2 years and will go back to eating that way after breastfeeding as I've never looked or felt better. I've been eating a standard diet throughout the pregnancy and feel generally yucky sluggish and bloated because of it :(

My boss is on Atkins right now. That really can't be healthy. He doesn't even eat vegetables because they are carbs. Obviously you feel strongly, so does he, but I personally think everything in moderation. My boss eats just meat, eggs and cheese, which I think is terribly unhealthy sounding without the inclusion of fruits and veggies. My coworker eats just salad and bread, which also seems terribly unhealthy to me. I'm no dietician, but I think diversity in food is important. All that said... your body, your choice. :)

In any case, I am with you on the low-fat butter and sugared low-fat yogurt. I always use real butter or olive oil, and whole fat yogurt with real fruit and sometimes honey if I've got a sweet tooth.


No veg? That's ridiculous! Sounds like he is doing his own version of low carb, not really Atkins as veg makes up such a high proportion of Atkins - especially the lower carb veg like cauli, broccoli, leafy greens etc. For example, instead of using normal pizza base, I make cauliflower pizza crust (it can be done!) instead of lasagna sheets, I use thin slices of eggplant (aubergine) instead of spaghetti I use zucchini ribbons, instead of biscuit base for cheesecake I use almond meal and crushed nuts. Veg is used to substitute all starchy, floury things - nobody can argue that's unhealthy.

Anyway I can't really talk, I've been a bit fat pig this whole pregnancy! Just eating what I feel like, when I feel like it :dohh:
You ladies are killing me with the milk talk!! I am looove milk, it hates me back :nope: I am lactose sensitive. I can have cheese, yougurt, ice cream (in moderation) but milk is a no-no. Full, skim, 2% none of it agrees with my tummy and makes me very.....well lets just say the second it goes in, it comes back out :blush:

So the hurricane has hit here in the mid-west (cant really call it a hurricane when there are no oceans around us) but it has rained non-stop for 24 hours! I dont want to complain we really need it, but I had plans with another mom to take our sons to the park and play. All my other friends have been flaking out on me so I made a new friend with a single child the same age as mine (my OH co-workers wife) Looks like those plans are cancelled. :nope: Guess OH and I will arrange closets instead, he is going to be so thirlled (very much sarcasm there lol)
You ladies are killing me with the milk talk!! I am looove milk, it hates me back :nope: I am lactose sensitive. I can have cheese, yougurt, ice cream (in moderation) but milk is a no-no. Full, skim, 2% none of it agrees with my tummy and makes me very.....well lets just say the second it goes in, it comes back out :blush:

So the hurricane has hit here in the mid-west (cant really call it a hurricane when there are no oceans around us) but it has rained non-stop for 24 hours! I dont want to complain we really need it, but I had plans with another mom to take our sons to the park and play. All my other friends have been flaking out on me so I made a new friend with a single child the same age as mine (my OH co-workers wife) Looks like those plans are cancelled. :nope: Guess OH and I will arrange closets instead, he is going to be so thirlled (very much sarcasm there lol)

I haven't had real milk in ages. I usually drink soymilk, although I do eat cheese, which I craved sooooo much during the first trimester.
I've been craving cheese too this pregnancy! nom nom! My mum said when she was pregnant with me all she craved was Cheese - so wondering if it's a more girl craving?
Ok we all know eating to make u feel better doesn't work, but doing it while preg just makes u feel so icky and sick and prob will bring on heartburn cause ur so stuffed u need to lie down! Lesson learned? Def!

Sk how long until ur wedding? Enjoy making ur invites! We too got our Moses basket, not sure if I really like it tbh cause its a rocking one (I wanted a steady one!) but hell I'm only borrowing it so who am I to give out! I also found a smaller version of a throw for a bed to use as a pram blanket! Love it so much and was so easier to get a gender neutral colour cause it's not actually a baby blanket! We had one for DS but it was Disney green, but love this one more!

Bad to say its actually the first blanket I've bought it's so hard to find neutral blankets bar white!

Wedding is set for April 6th next year! Wedding fever seems to have hit this house with vengeance! It's invites and favours all round here at the mo - well between baby stuff too! hehe
How are your wedding plans coming along?
We too are loaning the moses basket. Fortunately for us the moses basket fits perfectly in with the teddy bear theme in the nursery.
I've never been a lover of milk!
But on the cheese craving - I think you might be right Charlie! I could eat chunks of cheese all day long - esp cheese with pickled onions! :haha:

This is making me hungry! But I don't have a block of cheese in the fridge - just grated cheese! and that just won't cut it right now!
Hmmm maybe a packet of crisps/chips will do the trick!
It could be Charlie!!! I have been craving spicy cheese...on EVERYTHING!!! :haha: No wonder I have heartburn all the time. But the last few days I have been craving chocolate doughnuts and garlic stuffed olives. Not together of course lol
oohhh chocolate donuts - now we are talking!!! drool!!
Pickeld Onions?!? Ive never had them but that would go great with my garlic stuffed olives. I bet OH would not come near me for days with that smell going on :rofl:
Sk we only ever have grated cheese here too .... OH always moans at me for just picking at it out of the packet ... plus eating grated cheese with your fingers is messsssy :haha:

LOL was going to say chocolate and garlic olives ... nice combo ;)

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