November Rainbow Babies

So Savannah Grace it is! Says DH : ) We have decided to keep the name our own lil secret until baby is born. We can't tell DD either, as I'm afraid she'll spill the beans! I am going to tell DH's cousin that is using the same middle name our baby's middle name will also be Grace though just out of respect.
Anyone else not name telling?

Blakes- What are you thinking for boys names now? I absolutely love the name Blake. My nephew is "Miles Blake" and I just think it's so different and non-common.

Well Klein- considering I didn't sleep from 2-5 am I am ridiculously tired today : ( My allergies were keeping me soooo congested. I had the bright idea of opening the windows yesterday night because it had finally cooled down, but I forgot that my allergies get real bad if the windows are open while sleeping.

I would say that a week or two ago, I was getting really tired where naps were needed. I just say it's another baby growth spurt taking you over! Klein, for a minute I though my iron was low, so I sarted eating spinach. i don't think it ever was, but spinach can't be bad ; ) It is summer though and maybe ice is just what you need. Hey how has the pool been and your new suit? I finally outgrew my swimsuit bottoms, so I won an auction on ebay for a Liz Lange maternity suit. Can't wait til it comes.

Savannah's room is almost done! lol I feel silly saying that because in my head it's still early. But in my life right now I have nothing better to do. It's the most organized part of my life, too. So what the heck might as well get 'er done. I am about to go off to the $ store and get some tissue paper to make some of those tissue paper pom-pom flowers to hang in the corner of her room. Woohoo! And I am making a cheeseball because it's what I'm craving.

What's everyone else craving?
Dahlia I'm keeping our names quiet too but my OH isn't really! He has only told his family and I am not too fussed about that, I'm not telling anyone though.

Our names are Trey for a boy and Katiya for a girl xx
Sharon-I am loving your name choices! Katiya has always sounded so exotic to me, and Trey is another name that isn't used too much and that's what makes me like it so.
Dahlia DH and I are having a hard time agreeing on names. It would have been easy for a girl because he didn't care, but thinks it's "his pick" for boy names----UMMMM NO!!

I like Skyler, but not really with our last name LOL, and DH's pick was Deacon which I don't care for. We both like Lucas (maybe spelling it Lukas--because I like K's LOL) I also like Zackary but don't know how DH feels about that. Might have to actually look into a "name" book. I'll keep you all posted if we can come to an agreement before the little man is here!!
had a scan yesterday at 8:30. Everything looked great and she's still a girl (yes i did ask that when they were scanning lol) I got a 4d image of her profile and ill post it alittle later because i have a regular appt with my OB today. i dunno why they scheduled my scan at a place different than my regular place because they have sono machines too but oh well. I'm going to ask her today what their policies are in the delivery room because i'd rather not be confined to a bed with an IV in my arm and a monitor on my belly if i dont have to. I want to be able to move around and give birth in a position other than on my back :( Anyone else have ideas on how they would like to give birth?
Blakes- yeah I feel like if we had a boy DH would be more adament about any name he liked or didn't like.
I like Lukas and Zackary. It's hard to come up with a name that sounds good altogether with the middle name and last name sometimes!
Have you gone through any of Blake's stuff and figured out what you can still use?
And... have you ever got that mommy-guilt feeling? The one that comes when you think about how your first child has been the love of your life for so long, and their life is going to change once baby #2 is here? I was talking about that with my gf the other day. It's only when I deeply think about it that I feel sad. If I just skim the surface of having two kids, I only get happy thoughts. So I try to keep it at bay and be HAPPY!

Dancing- Another 4-d baby making me jealous again ; )
Well, for pain for me, I plan on getting through the contractions as much as I can without any hookups. But when the time comes I will ask for an epidural. I feel like this time I know more about what to expect, whereas with #1, I was more wanting to do it naturally. So due to that I may have held out longer before getting the epi.

I really wish I could go naturally, but I just don't think I can do it. And I know that if that's something that you want, you have to read up and be totally committed to it. There is the fact that I had an episiotomy last time as well. I would hate to not have gotten the epidural and then need stitches again. However, when I spoke with the midwife, she said they don't do them that much. I'm still debating whether to go with one of the midwives or a doctor. My family heard about how I was seeing a MW at my appointments and I think they secretly thought I was crazy. Because they all know this one girl, who decided to go with a midwife, and the baby was not delivered properly, resulting in the baby's death. : (
I feel like that was a freak accident. I will even tell the MW that if there is any shadow of a doubt about anything, to bring the on-floor doctor in. But then part of me says, if I plan on getting an epidural, to just go with a doctor. DH isn't any help because he just won't understand if I talk to him about it. He'll just say "it's up to you."

Well here are some nursery pics. Made the hot air balloons out of light bulbs and hung them above the rocking chair with 3M command strips. Made the pom poms for above the crib. I had painted the Dahlia picture last summer and thought it would go great in a baby girl's room, but I still want to add one more Dahlia. And that's the closet there, with the blue curtains.


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Dahlia nursery is looking amazing, well done!

What you said about the 2nd baby thing - I was thinking that about my dog yesterday, that's probably really stupid but he is the love of my life and I look at him sometimes and think, how can I ever love anyone or anything as much as I love you :haha: xxx
Hey ladies, so sorry I've been MIA. My grandmother passed away last week and her funeral was today. We were really close and it's been hard. She was 80 and in pain though, you get to the point when you don't want them to suffer anymore...but the letting go is still hard.
Anyways, I've been reading up on everyone and I love the pics of Dahlia's baby girl nursery!
Painter has started on the nursery...I'm getting so excited!
I wanted to touch on the birth plan topic and the second child guilt.

First, the second child... I did the same thing when I got pregnant with DD. Even though you know you want to expand your family...your first child IS YOUR WORLD. It's natural for you to feel upset when you think about things changing for them. It's a sad time in a way. The end of an only child era. BUT the bottom line is you are enriching and expanding that first baby's lives by adding a sibling. They will always have that friend with them. It helps them grow and love just like you. Gah, I remember it like it was yesterday. My son Taylor and I had been thru SO much together. I couldn't even imagine having another one in my head. Taylor and I will always be close, we will always have those firsts together... DD came and changed us for the better. Watching him grow into a big brother was just great! His new chapter in his little book of life. So sad they grow up and suddenly aren't 'the baby' anymore but it's good for them. They need to grow sad as it's going to happen.
I even thought there was no way I could possible love anyone else the way I love Taylor. I was nervous about it!!! Boy, was I wrong! It's just as easy the second time as it was the first! Sorry for the ramble lol :)

How I'd like to give birth---
-First labor was 22 hrs long. I had to wait 17 hrs of hard labor before I had dilated to 2 cm and could get my epi. I was begging for it after 5 hrs of labor. I did have an episiomoty and a forceps delivery.
-Second labor was 17 hrs long. I went in already 2 cm dilated and requested an epi when they broke my water (I knew the pain was coming hard then). It was a comfortable labor :) I did have an episiomoty and another forceps delivery.
-This time I have a new ob and he has told me that he has never delivered 3 forcep babies in a row. He also validated my concern that my epi was turned up too high for me to push effectively. This time I am going to try a water birth. I haven't really told alot of people about this decision. I honestly figure I will cave and have to have an epi. So I don't want a ton of people to know lol.
I am doing alot of research online about pain techniques, taking a natural labor class, and reading up on the natural/home birth forum on B&B.
-I realize that if I have to be induced...I don't think I stand a chance at doing a natural birth. It's too hard and too long. They use aggresive tactics making it almost impossible!!!
If I fail, I'll be ok with it. Last baby so I thought I'd give it a try lol. With the hard labor I had with my first was HARD labor for 12 hours...and I was being told no for an epi during that duration, I could of possibly made it for the other 5 if I wasn't so exhausted and mentally done.
My plan for this time--
*as soon as I confirm head is down at the start of weekly checks, I will get on my exercise ball and start moving and bouncing on it. (I think this is what dilated me to 2 with dd weeks before delivery)
*if it's close to delivery time I will attempt to use nipple stimulation to increase any contractions I have and try to stay home as long as possible if labor looks like its near and bounce on birthing ball
*I am thinking about using a tensing unit for pain as well
That's all I have so far lol...I'm still researching and reading up on things!
well docs went well. measuring slightly ahead and everything else is good. She did tell me I gained alittle too much weight this month :( 4 lbs. probably those late night sweets. Oh well i'll have to just keep on top of things and watch what i eat more closely.
Dahlia- the nursery looks so cute!
Dahlia since this LO is due just 2 1/2 weeks before Blake's Birthday I image I can use all of my same things I had for Blake unless he is WAY bigger. Blake was in preemie clothes for about a month, but then started catching up pretty soon after that. I would like to have some newer/better of the bigger items like swing/ bouncy chair as I bought those 2nd hand and they we're really my first choice, but got the job done.

I think with watching my SIL bringing home baby her new baby girl and her little girl being just barely 2 years old, its sad that she didn't have more time with Mom and Dad and is going to be growing up that much faster with new baby, but then when I think about Blake who will be almost 4 a new baby will be exciting and new for him. I could be living in a crazy delirium tho as it will of course throw his whole world upside down. I'm most sad that we most likely wont be able to send Blake back to his day care because most of his "friends" are there and its such a lovely family environment, but we wont be able to afford 2 kids there.

My biggest fear with a 2nd one on the way is that I wont think the new baby is a cute as I think Blake is which is soooo stupid, but I don't want an ugly baby LOL

As far as the birthing process, I will go into this labor knowing that I will most likely want an epidural--last time I didn't but was "strongly encouraged" due to my blood pressure rising and lack of progression. Once I was able to relax after the epidural things went much quicker!! My hospital does have birthing tubs but you can't be in them after your water breaks, so I will try to spend as much time as possible in there!! With Blake even though I had my IV in I was in the Tub for a little bit!!
Dahlia the nursery looks amazing!! We have some crafty girls on this page!! I'm off work all of next week so might talk DH into helping me get paint to do a new room for Blake. I have a fun theme in my head just not sure if I can execute it LOL. Then he will have a little bit of time to adjust before we start in on the nursery...

Ladies when is the Glucose testing---is it generally 28 weeks???
Sharon- I know what you mean about the dogs. We also have had two dogs since before DD was born. DH's dog is like his savior- she's been with him through a lot. He'll probably cry more the day she dies, than if anything were to happen to me :haha:

Klein- sorry for the passing of your grandmother :flower: Old age can be very sad when it comes to what that person is going through physically. She is in a much better place and pain free now.

As for 2nd child, yes I am so happy I got 5 solid years in with DD, and like Taylor is for you, Natalie will be my little special buddy forever :kiss:
Ugh, and I hate to think that she will grow up, but I know we have done a darn good job of raising her so far. I just don't want her to have her first baby when she's 19, like I did :dohh:
I am waiting for the birthday of lil girl #2, and I am getting tremendously excited about it. I also can't wait to instantly fall in love with her.

Klein, may I ask what forceps aid in? Obviously with getting the baby out, but is it like the last try before they would have given you a c-sec or something? I hope you get your forcep-free delivery. Those are some worthy labors you've had. My first was 12 hours, and I think I pushed for a little under an hour. I will probably follow you in terms of stimulating labor once doc says baby is engaged and I'm dilated a few.

*ps- what color are you doing for baby's room?

Dancing- I thought I gained a lot. I've gained 15-16 lbs since conceiving. But I calculated that if I gain a lb a week until delivery I'll be right around 35 lbs gained. Which is fine with me. It's all the delicious carbs I like to eat :pizza:
So are you thinking you'll do a drug-free birth? Do they offer any tubs at your hospital?

Blakes- will you be SAHM for a bit then? Is Blake going to preschool this fall? If so, that will give him some regular playtime with new friends.
LOL about ugly babies. DH and I were discussing what babygirl#2 will look like, and we thought it would be hilarious if she looked exactly like babygirl#1 :haha: Nothing to worry about there if so. I'm sure babyboy#2 will be beautiful!!!
I did enjoy the relaxation I felt from the epidural, I could smile and sleep through the contractions.
A nice setup for Blake will make him feel good before baby comes. Like he is still special too. I have to work on something special for DD, but I don't know what yet.

I'm doing the glucose test at my next appt, which will be at 27 weeks. They say to do it 28 weeks of before. She even said I didn't have to fast for it, but not to go eating a chocolate bar for breakfast:haha:

Update in twin Vivienne- she is coming home on Saturday! I got to see her at the hospital yesterday and they had her in the car seat carrier for an hour to make sure all would be well. She is about 4.5 lbs.

Cata- how are you?
Hey ladies,

The updates are great!

Dahlia your room is fab fab fab! Yay for your niece coming home! I hope she has an easy transition to home life. Is she on lots of meds?

Klein- I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother:( I know how amazing grandparents can be. My grandads in hospital at the moment (went in on tuesday). It's so sad to see our elderly frail or in pain. I wish they could live forever. :(

Dancing and Dahlia your weight gains sound about right. I had lost weight in the beginning but now I've ballooned! I'm seeing MW on wednesday so will get weighed there(I'm not looking forward to it as I know I've put on more than is allowed). My boobs are getting huge A cup - D and growing.

I started to get paranoid that I had Gestational diabetes as I have to drink 3l of water minimum everyday. I tested my blood sugar at work (not official) and it was perfect. I won't tell the MW i did test it though I still want the official ones.

I'm a dreamer when it comes to the birth:) I plan to hypno-birth and want to go drug free. I have used very simple hypnosis at work and seen it work very well on other people. Hmm i wonder if i can breath this little baby out! HAHAHA. Really I'd love a home birth (midwives here carry gas and air etc to help) but OH won't support me in this. Really I am keeping an open mind about birth and seeing what happens. A water birth sound good too.
Hi sorry Babyjo, I lost you in all the commotion!

Vivienne will be on oxygen, and that's it. She'll have a doc appt every week for 10 weeks. And it was confirmed yesterday that there are no areas of concern for her brain* It's all clear, which is a blessing.

omg your boobs!!!! That is crazy! I've just gone from 34B-38Cish. I do feel like they've shrank a bit again. But when milk comes in I know I won't be larger than a C.

I'm scared I'll have GD too. Diabetes runs on my paternal side, which means I do have a higher chance of getting it. So I just hope all goes well with the glucose test. I'm not too worried about it though.

Yes your birth options sound good. I don't have much faith in something like that, probably just because I know the epidural is available to me if I want it.
Lol! My OH is already taking the mickey out of me wanting to try hypno- birthing! I don't think I will write a birth plan as such but if i need drugs I'm not going to play hero and say no at all. I will remain in my unrealistic dream bubble until d day.

That's so amazing about Vivienne! She is a real tough fighter! What an amazing story she will be told about her start in life in years to come.

It's cool that for some of you during your routine scans that you get a 3d/4d done too. Here we can only get it done privately and pay for it.
Another long post!!!

Thanks for the kind works of support!

blakesmom-Too funny about an ugly baby. I wonder if the same rule applies for the water breaking and tub use...I need to call and check on that. Better yet write all of my questions down...then get answers lol Wondered about the IV too...

babyjo-people go natural all the time! I say prove them all wrong and go for it. I'm going to give it a try :) If you haven't already been popping over to the home/natural birth forum I'd recommend it. Too funny about your :holly: Mine have grown alot too! They tend to just get in my way and on my nerves. Too bad I can't enjoy them while I have them lol.

Dahlia-That's great about baby Vivienne! Wonderful news about her going home and she's been given the all clear. I know everyone is super excited. Love the nursery. My fav is the 3d object in the corner!

I hear you on being a grandmother too soon. Ugh, I don't even like the sound of it. My mom told me...yep, 3 more years if Taylor does what you did, you could be a grandmother in 3 more years!!! I'd be 33!!!!!! :wacko: Man, that'd stink. FX-ed they wait and grow up a bit. I tell my kids they want to be an adult, find who they are as a person before they are responsible for a human. Wouldn't trade my experiences for anything but they probably would of been alot better off if I had been 'grown' myself lol.

The forceps were used the first time in pulling DS out b/c I assume I wasn't pushing or bringing him down. I pushed for 3 hours.

With DD her heartbeat actually started dipping after an hour of pushing. I saw it dip twice, the nurse left abruptly, brought in the doc and bam there she was.

I still think the epi was turned up too high---I FELT NOTHING...COULDN'T TELL A CONTRACTION AT ALL, THEY HAD TO TELL ME WHEN I WAS HAVING ONE TO PUSH with both of my kids. I couldn't even tell they were using forceps!
My babies were 6lbs 11 oz and 7lbs 2 oz. I'm not a particularly small person (5'6 and weighed 130 before pregnancy) and after doing tons of research online I think it could have been avoided with the epi turned down, me changing positions etc. My new doc even said sometimes that is what other doc's get in the routine of doing instead of trying other ways to push effectively first. Not real sure. After doing the research though, it's not common for a woman to be built 'too small' for childbirth. It's rare.

DD has been playing in the nursery with her babies and loving it! She's so excited about this baby. It's so sweet. :cloud9:

DD (7yo) told me she wants a BIG SISTER shirt...I pondered about askind DD (13 yo) if he wanted one made. I finally did and he said if it looked 'cool' enough and said something like 'BOSS BIG BROTHER' Hmm...don't think those will be mass produced anytime soon :dohh:

OH! I will be leaving for vaca on the 1st of August! I'll be back on the 18th. I will take my laptop with me and be reading posts but prob not posting very much. I'll be having B&B withdrawals :cry:

Had to pay $650.00 for my camera to be repaired today. Apparently I was a bit emotional b/c I cried when I gave the guy over the phone my debit card number :cry: Heck I'm still :cry: That's a chunk of money!!! :cry: Hubby consoled me and that helped some but dang, that's alot of money. I asked how much a 'new' lens would be instead of paying to fix the old one and it was $1800.00. Needless to say, we choose $650.00.

Can't remember if it's been mentioned, anyone hiring a doula?

I'm thinking of using my grandmother's name in our girl name somewhere. I haven't mentioned it to DH yet. Her name was Dovie and my middle name is DovMarie (named after both of my grandmothers, Dovie & Marie) So I'd be naming her after me and her technically.
We are having such a hard time deciding on a girl name, I don't know if it would even fit. BUT I am trying to work it in if I can :)
Dahlia I just plan to take 8 weeks off but I would love to quit working maybe after April/May if we get a good tax return that could maybe help us support a 1 income household. Only problem is that my job is where Blake and I have insurance as that isn't offered thru DH's employer and I don't think we can afford private insurance. (I have to pay all of Blake's insurance premiums but only a percentage of my own now...)

So exciting that Vivienne will be home--I'm sure they are MORE than ready to get her out of the NICU!!
yes the glucose test is at 28 weeks. they gave me a bottle of the stuff to drink an hour before my bloodwork before my 28 week appt. fun fun. The doc told me they're pretty open about what you wanna do in the delivery room. they even have tubs to use so im pretty excited! i know this sounds so primative but i would really like to try squatting to birth if i can. But who knows what will really happen when im actually in labor. they also told me my 28 week appt is my last one month appt. after that i go every two weeks. then every week until birth!
ah omg Dancing, yup, one more apt til the every 2 weeks will start!

Blakes- I hope you are able to get a big return! It would help us out too with some of the debt we incur throughout the year, including the birth. Insurance is such an important issue. DH chose the best insurance option, which takes out $100 per week. It really would be great to not have to give up that $400 every month, but it's important that we don't have to pay a lot for injuries and doc appts and such. For the birth, we will be paying a $500 each for both myself and baby, so $1,000 altogether. And that's for everything.

Klein- yeah, omg, imagining being a grandma is terribly scary!
I only felt just a bit of pressure when DD was born, that I can remember. They did have to tell me when to push too, because I couldn't feel any contractions. But I just pushed like I was pooping like they said lol!

Aw that's nice for DD to be excited. My DD has not done that yet. However, I do hang out in there on the rocker and read her stories.

Well lucky you get a vacay! We won't be going anywhere :( Can I ask where you're going? Spending that much money for a camera would make me cry too. But hey, that's your profession so it's worth it. But I know you'd have rather spent it on something else.

I would get both the kids a shirt. I'm sure your son would wear it the day you gave birth, if not any other day as well.

I won't be getting a doula. A midwife is close enough to that for me, and that's one of my options.

It's always fun to try and incorporate a family name into baby's name. Were you still thinking Journee *sp* for a girls name?

Babyjo- Sorry for your grandfather. Do you think he'll be getting out of there soon?

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