November Rainbow Babies

Dahlia-I'm not sure if the 13w u/s was 3d or not but it was amazing. Very clear and detailed. I guess it was the type of machine it was done on.
Lol, yes I'd agree that the waiting is getting to you! I'd be dying to know too. I prob would of had to book a private scan just to get in sooner lol. I'm VERY impatient! How I'm on team yellow is a mystery to me!
I haven't started washing anything yet. It's fine that you have though. It's not like it's brand new clothes your washing. Heck, they prob needed a good washing anyway since being stored up lol!
The cribset was the LAST one I could find ANYWHERE online. They discontinued it and marked it half off. (still at half off it was $169.00) It was a miracle I even found it. It came in packed in a matching storage bag. The storage bag had some black stuff on the bottom of it. (I think it will even come off in the wash) I called the company and they confirmed that it was indeed the last of its kind. They offered to refund $25.00. I was pleased and am even more tickled at the price and that it's the last one! Whoo hoo!


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hey girls! i got crafty today. I bought wooden letters from Michael's and painted them in baby pink,green and yellow and white. they were out of the letter K in the letters i wanted so i bought it in another style but i think thats ok since its the beginning of the name. i love how it turned out! im going to hang it above her bassinet/ then crib. i took a pic but its with my webcam so i took like 20 pics but have bad aim and this is the best pic i could get lol


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Klein- I love that bedding, it's great for a boy or girl! And so calming : )
I love the feeling of getting a deal for something you really like, and at least they gave you $25 off.

Dancing- Way to go! Homemade touches for baby are so nice, and often times cheap/affordable. I think the K looks just great, and the bold effect makes it look like the first letter of her name, so all is good!

AFM- I'm 2 hours into putting the dresser together, and I guess it will take another two hours to complete, but oh it's great being handy
And DH found this rocker at a garage sale yesterday for only $5 and in perfect condition, just going to wash the linen part : ) rocks, plays music, and vibrates

***Just wanted to mention that its really been nice to be able to share things with you ladies :flower: so thanks
Hey ladies,

wow everyone is well underway with their baby bits. I hope you guys don't mind but I am stealing a lot of your ideas. Dancing I love the painted letters.

Klein- I'm with you on the green bedding. It looks fab.

Dhalia the rocker was a GREAT find!

Cata I'm really happy for you that the relationship between you and FOB is amicable.

AFM- OH (who has not wanted us to buy stuff till now) wanted to go to some baby stores to see what stuff there is to get.......He walked around and around in a circle again and again then said he had a headache because of all the vast amount of baby things you can buy and the cost of stuff. He was like "the cost of that cot doesn't include the mattress? gulp!". Hahaha I'm glad I can now begin to buy some things with him. Yay!

My arm is way better so I think i'm going to try to knit some baby things.

Last night my bubs kicked me so hard it woke me up and made me jerk up. I can't believe these kicks are going to get even stronger.

Dancing and Dhalia your bumps are so cute. Mine is very pointed, and all to the front (a sign of a boy so i keep being told). I feel huge in comparison to you guys.

sharonfruit- third time lucky with the scan. :thumbup:x

PCB- glad everything is going well with you.

Because OH hasn't let me buy things for baby I have gone a bit book made. I bought What to expect first year, A wise birth, and the womanly art of breast feeding. I got them second hand and thought I'd get a range of different books with opposite ideas so that I can see what works for us. Anyone one else got these? Any already mummys tried these books out?


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Hi everyone.

Ugh I've just turned into a stress-ball this very minute. Vacuum is not suctioning the right way. Then.. my daughter and nephew slung a toy under the oven, which I recovered for them by scooting the oven out. But now the plug for the oven, which is very touchy and came unplugged, isn't fitting into the ancient outlet that it was just in :cry:
It's just so stupid.
Maybe I'll just need to take the vac in for a tune up, but I hope the oven isn't effed : ( I'm hoping writing will help and get my mind off the nonsense.

Well last night DH and I dtd. I got all worried after cause baby wasn't moving. DH was on top of me for a minute or two and that's what made me freak out after. But I read that the rocking can cause baby to sleep, so I think that was it. This morning baby didn't move as much as she usually does at breakfast time, but this afternoon she was back to normal. And I guess it's okay to have these days with less movement since we're not at the point of getting regular movement yet.
-I'm going to post a belly pic! And I must say, DAMN I've gotten big!

I ordered the Shoal-creek dresser and I can't wait to assemble it
There is a second had baby shoppe around here that I am going to visit once we find out the sex. Hopefully we'll be able to find a nice swing for baby there when the time comes

PCPS_-thanks for the update. That's very nice, lots of girls!!

Blakes- My dd would always say that the baby is a girl, and that our MC was a boy...? Two more weeks to wait, just like me! My exact appt is on Mon July 16 at 10 am. When's yours?

Cata- It sure will be eye opening for your brother to be there for the birth : ) And if your best friend could be there that would be so nice! And in no way lesbian ha
FOB giving you some money is a step in the right direction : )
And personally, I wouldn't really care what FOB said about names. You're the one there, taking care of baby, so I think the choice is all up to you! Now if you were "together" with this person then it would be nice of you to care about his name choices.
I liked your Ryan, and Xavier names the most : )
Since your aunt is coming to town, I would just make sure I had plenty of things to do in case I needed to just conveniently not be around her. lol. So better get going to the craft store : ) haha
But that was very nice to hear about you sending money to your Gran. I hope it was put to good use for her. I have worked in a retirement home for a few months and the lives those people live is nothing compared to what it could be in a family members home : (

Klein- can't wait to hear about your appt with the new doc! Another U/S pic would be great too!

Mine is Friday the 13th of July--good thing I'm not superstitious!! DH thought I should have picked a different day but I didn't want to have to wait an extra week LOL CUTE bump pic--you don't look huge at all--It sucks being in the awkward phase where people still aren't certain if we are expecting--We still have a ways to go before the big obvious bumps!!
Hey ladies

Grrr I wrote a long post with a pic of my big bump but because I mentioned that I bought a certain famous controversial baby book the entire thing didn't post- think the authour sues websites like these for commenting on it. I haven't heard from the admin team but took me a while to figure it out then when I googled it was obvious.

So just going to make it short:

Dancing / dahlia your bumps are very cute. Mines huge and all on front- very pointed. I will post a pic again when I'm on my laptop.

Sharonfruit and Blakesmom good luck with scans this week.

Cata I'm glad things seem amicable with FOB.
Klein I'm with you on the green - looks fab
Afm- I've started reading some baby care books (which I won't mention the names of incase it doesnt post) I got a variety so I can have a balanced view to see what works for us. OH and I window shopping for baby things this weekend. He was a little over whelmed.
Good week to all x
Your post posted up above with your bump pic babyjo!! Now I'm curious which one is controversial LOL. I read WTETFY when I had Blake--did have a lot of usual info, but it seemed like they went really in depth with a lot of things we never had to deal with--so I would be concerned about different things that were never applicable to my baby, but I guess they have to cover as much as they can when they put out a book like that. I haven't heard of the other two books...
After I posted the last message the admin sent me a message to say that they edited it out and posted the original edited message. The author sued another mum internet site x
dahlia - I love the dresser and your bump is so cute!!
That rocker looks super nice and $5 really? that would never ever happen here :p love it :)

Klein - I am so glad you had a good experience with your
doctor, your feet comment made me LOL.
That cribset is beautiful! awesome find!

Sharon - Only 3 more days until your rescan :) yay!!

Dancing - Wohoo for getting crafty! :) Loved the letters and the color you picked :)
very pretty

babyjo - No books for me, I'm just so lazy that I've been watching documentaries
and series about birth, videos on how to breastfeed, also for some fun I watched What to expect the movie and it was fun :D
Love your bump!! :)

Girls, my family is very weird :( my mom was the only one who left that place and came to the city to go to college with a huge scholarship, and thanks to that we now live here and were raised differently. I know it is not the same in every country but here most of the people from outside of the city are very friendly but extremely judgamental and love to gossip about other people when their own life is a mess:wacko: that is my family on my mom's side... to put it in a dif way: they all suck, all but my granny :flower:

Ok well the aunt didn't come, she will be here next Wed and will apparently stay until Saturday. This past Saturday my brother and his GF took me out for lunch since my dad was out of the country so I didn't have to cook :happydance: then we got a phone call from my cousin ( my aunt's daughter :dohh:) saying she was outside of our house and she needed to stay here until Monday with her OH:growlmad: we are talking about a 25 yo woman here that will take whatever she finds attractive from your house: jewelry, makeup, clothes and her oh who is on parole :nope: she said her son's dad won't give the boy back to her because the little boy said my cousin's OH abused him (WTF!!!) I have been their maid for two days and I'm in a very passive aggressive aggressive AGGRESSIVE stage at this point :blush: I just want them to leave my house NOW I did put away my sister's make up and jewelry just in case.

On a brighter note FOB called yesterday and he did send a tiny bit of money but I feel better knowing he was serious about helping with that and now I can buy some stuff I needed.

Also TODAY IS MY V-DAY!! :happydance:

My little brother and future labour cheerleader ( he made it clear that he is a very manly cheerleader when I said that) made breakfast for me and hugged me, he also said he was so very proud of my whole organism for taking such good care of LO LOL, he's weird but he's a sweetheart.

It's officially "winter" here, rainy season should have started since march and we are getting the first rainy afternoons :happydance: I hope everything is going wonderful for all of you girls... I'll try to stay around so I can post more decent answers and not a whole book :blush:

Oh wow, even I skipped over your first post babyjo,! That's weird, cause yeah it posted. That author suing is wack. So I thought we had freedom of speech and right to have our own opinions. I am going to have to investigate that!

Post pics of your knittings!

I've been reading my America Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding book, as well as Pregnancy Week by Week.

Cata- That great about your mom changing your lives like that. Environment really molds a person and I'm sure you're grateful.
omg, I very much dislike people that I cannot trust. I can' believe you're putting up with them. Has your brother been able to visit while your cousin is there again? That would make be a bit more sane if I had some backup. And I hope nothing gets taken from your home!
Yay for more money. Will you be having a crib or bassinet for baby in the first few months?

Ew Winter! lol. I am glad we still have summer to go here and then some fall for us when baby is born.
Dahlia - I will be grateful with her for the rest of my life, I cannot imagine how my life would have been otherwise.
My brother and I live in the same house, since mom passed his GF lives here too, we are an unusual family lol Dad, brother and his GF and me :) my little sister has her room but is never here.
Cousin's OH left today, she cannot have her son near him until they investigate, she wanted us to lie and say she was living here but since we said: you can stay but we won't lie she said she will leave this week. we spoke and all agreed not to take part in putting this child in even more danger that he already is. they will bring him here tomorrow apparently, the little boy.

I will get a crib for LO :) we don't really use bassinets here, they are so cute tho :cloud9:

Well I'm glad you are enjoying summer :flower: i was wrong apparently as today was super sunny lol I went out in flip flops :wacko: but that's how it is here, crazy weather. I wish we had fall here:cry: is so beautiful!
Hey ladies,
Just stopping in for a sec to say hi. I've been super busy these last few days w/ ds's room and just life I suppose lol. The lady that is painting his room is doing an amazing job so far! Can't wait to post pics :)

I am so sick of the dang rain. It has rained here for a solid week and a few more days to come. I have no idea how many inches we have got but its been alot! Where is my sunshine???
Klein I think your sunshine is here but it's sooooo Hot. In the 90's every day and uncomfortable!!
Here this summer weather is soooooo rubbish. I had our heating on last night it was that cool and it rains everyday for the past month. Such strange weather.

How did everyone get on with scans this week?

Klein - I know what you mean about being super busy- I want to get things done while I still can get around

Whoop whoop we are all fast approaching our V- day!!!!

Cata congratulations for reaching your V-day.

This is our last milestone before birth- so exciting
I was wondering about scans too. Mine is on Monday so the countdown has started. I don't think DH will be able to come due to work, so it's just me and DD.

We had a few great days of some nicer summer weather, but today it started getting really hot again. I'll take it though.

I've been eating a lot of fruit lately. Peaches, nectarines, strawberries, rasp. I could eat and eat them all day long, but I have to ration them out so that doesn't happen. lol

Can't wait to see your son's room Klein!

Cata- That's to bad about the situation with your cousin's son. I'm sure the little boy is feeling all that stress too : (

I guess that's it with me.
My scan is later this afternoon---the minutes are dragging by LOL

My SIL had her little girl this morning. Baby was having a hard time keeping her O2 saturation levels up so they ran numerous tests and ended up transferring her to a larger hospital. They also discovered she has an enlarged heart but needed to get her to a hospital with a NICU to further evaluate. Poor SIL isn't discharged from her care she had to let baby girl go to the other hospital in the ambulance with daddy while she stays there : /
Klein - I think your sunshine and my rain got confused! it is supposed to be raining cats and dogs here and nothing!! super hot and super sunny and I need so me fresh weather!
Will wait for pics!

babyjo - you too send some rain this way please :p thanks! I can't believe time is going by so quickly!

Dahlia - yay! for your scan! mine won't happen until the 27th unless I go private... we will see.

My cousin got her son yesterday and announced she needs to go to the judge on Monday, so yeah she is still here and I'm going nuts lol controlling myself a bit because I noticed how it affects my LO, he barely moved yesterday due to my stress :(

On a brighter note I just got a call from my best friend ( the one still working on the cruise ship) and she said she just tested and got a BFP!!! I just wish she was here so we could share this stage of our lives and I could hug her, she is very scared and we barely spoke :dohh: we just cried over the phone :blush:
I am a happy auntie now :D

Hugs to all :)
Cata- maybe LO was trying to sleep through all of this nonsense ; )

Blakes- aw, congrats on your niece. I hope she'll be alright. I feel for the mother not being able to hold her baby. My experience with DD was the same (with the not-holding part). I am thankful that the hospital I am giving birth at has a great NICU, God forbid anything were to happen.
And your scan is soon, for some reaon I thought his was next Thursday :wacko: ! I can't wait to hear~!
2/4 hospitals in our City have NICU's--I wouldn't personally EVER go the the hospital she choose to deliver @ even tho its closer to home--but that is where her Dr. delivers at...I hope they get some answers soon for her. Sounded like her Dr. flat out said "there must be something majorly wrong with her heart for them to transfer her..." MIL was less than impressed with his bedside manner on giving that news : (

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