November Rainbows 2016

Awww yay to Henry coming onto the ward I'd never put him down again :flower:

Pretty much ready just need to tackle the bathroom and kitchen and catch up with some washing, spent the last two weeks cooped up so trying to get out this week a bit me and OH are out for lunch today as our stupid heating man didn't bother turning up! And I needed to grab the last couple bits for lucas' birthday

Loads of aches and pains but I've stopped reading anything into it
Lost a little more of my mucus plug although this time it was even less that yesterday's. I think it may have been slightly pink tinged but that may have been my eyes playing tricks on me! :shrug: it's crazy that in the early stages of this pregnancy I was petrified of seeing anything remotely pink and now I'm hoping to so that it could mean the start of something.

Nesting is still very much here. I scrubbed the bathroom this morning and then proceeded to paint the grout in the shower with that grout paint pen thing as it was looking a bit yucky and I've been meaning to do it for ages. Looks a million times better now. I've got a really sore back and cramps now like I would the day before AF - shower or sign of impending labour I do not know. Still not getting my hopes up though. Gotta do the ironing, dishes and hoovering now.
I'd like to think so but I think I'm probably just over analysing every little thing. I honestly feel like I'm going to be pregnant for forever :haha:
Fingers crossed for u hon xxx
Sounds promising
Hope it develops for u.
Be lovely to see bub num 2.
We be halfway there :)

Dr check up tomorrow.
I'm swelling more and thought had trace of ketones in urine
But tested again and clear
So maybe its normal preg thing
I'm way too paranoid something is gonna go wrong!!
Gotta shake it and enjoy last two weeks
I haven't put him down all day!! Lol. He's amazing.

Oooh Lynanne I'm hoping it's a good sign for you! Baby news soon hopefully.

Awww lilesmom hope things settle down for you soon. Sounds like your having a rough time.

Hope all is well lucusmum!
We do need another baby to even out numbers :haha:

Tetris has settled well ate well yesterday so that's a good sign :flower:

Washed the blanket Lucas came home from hospital in and made the mistake of telling him he was the only baby in the family to have one, they were designed so you got one with your first and it was passed to your other children, it was knitted by his great nanny who passed away before any more children were born (apart from her step great grandson born a few months after lucas who she deemed not worthy of one) well anyway he heard nothing more than "mine" he loves a blanket anyway wrapped himself in it and managed to dollop pizza all over it :dohh:

Called the heating man tonight as he didn't turn up today he said he has to wait for the go ahead from our land lady, told him she has given it the fact that he wants cash payment and she has transferred us the money which is sat ready and waiting for him is not good enough for him, so he hasn't even ordered the fecking parts needed!
I'm just being a dumbiemaryanne
Looking forward to having her out in my arms :)

Glad Tetris is doing well xx

Hope heating guy calls
Its actually really warm here at the mo
16 and sunny today
Hope it isn't too cold over there xxx
It's not to cold and it's only the front room be so the other rooms are warm bloody annoying though :wacko:

Lucas has a new fixation it happens a lot he fixates on something and becomes obsessed till the next thing all part of the ADHD and autism but the new one is adverts it's driving me bonkers, when it was trains or buses or clocks it was bearable but the constant reciting of adverts and the fecking rating system he has for them all makes me want to gag him :wacko::dohh::haha:
Simes used to love adverts.
He has gone off them now though.
Can def imagine it getting irritating if being repeated though :)
Simes couldn't do that.
Prob would hve if he could hve id say

My tummy is ill last few days.
I'm hungry a lot
But when I eat its not agreeing with me
No matter what it is.
It's Christmas ads that have done it I'm hoping that it's a short lived phase :thumbup:

Awww no to having a bad tum I hope it passes really quick for you :flower:
I've spent the evening searching for beautiful rainbow tattoos but nothing is taking my fancy :wacko: OH knows what I'm after and could knock something up in moments for me but I'd be waiting till this baby is 21 :dohh: going to have to designer cheat on him me thinks to get what I want :haha:

Also went through Lucas' birthday present stash considering he had a few days away as his present he's not done so bad he has a new hockey stick but that's a 3 way present from me OH and his boss, new elbow pads, an American football, PJs and new clothes he wasn't supposed to get much at all :wacko: I think I'm a bit of a soft touch :blush: I've also ordered him a personalised medal holder as I'm sick of picking them up all the time, it was originally a birthday present for him from the new baby but I've decided to hold it back and take it to the hospital so she can give it to him then as I was going to get something anyway for her to give him at the hospital so makes sense rather than buy something else :wacko:
I'm beginning to hate night time!!
Used to love my bed
Now its a bit sucky!!!

He will love his presents xx
Lucky Lucas .
We always go present over board too
We never had much growing up
Feels good to be able to spoil them then xx
Another bit of mucus plug this morning and definitely pink tinged. Spending the day with my sister and niece so hoping that being productive and busy brings on labour!

Lucas sounds like a lucky boy with all those presents! I should try and sort DH's birthday presents today but I know I probably won't!

Lilesmom, I don't like bedtime now either. Im either lying awake while DH snores beside me or I'm trying to turn over but struggling from hip/pelvic pain.
That's such a good sign Lynanne! I'm so excited for you.

I'm hating sleep to but for a whole different reason. These wards are so noisy! I've forgotten what sleep is. Plus my hips are still pretty bad. Guess it might take a while to get back to normal after carrying round a 9lber lol.

Bet your excited about lucus birthday! Last one before he becomes a big brother! Can't wait to get home and celebrate zacks. Killed me being away for it. And I get what you mean about the obsessions/fixations, they can be really hard to cope with.
I also hate bed time I just can't sleep or get comfy I also in a lot of pain then OH rolls over and moans his back hurts I've usually been awake most of the night and to be quite honest when he does I feel I could quite happily stab him in the eye, it must be so tough for him to be able to sleep snore and fart all night all at once :growlmad:

OH lynanne is getting close now due date for you tomorrow sounds like he won't keep you waiting to much longer :happydance:
Lynanne that's fab
Hopefully soon for u now
Great to see ur body gearing up and getting closer xxx
Is it tomorrow ur offered a sweep?
With these signs and one u could be off very soon
Or u might go before that hopefully xxx

Maryanne hosp is,a killer
Get f all sleep
I find the beds super incomfy too
Once back in ur bed hopefully ur hips improve fast xx

Lucas mom , it annoys me when Oh complains of bad sleep too.
I'm like really well u saw u asleep for most of the ruddy night

Last night was first night in yonks Simon slept really well.
His appetite I back too
Think he is finally adjusting to the epilim
Took him ages poor pet
But great to see him happy.

Made me realise how much of my bag sleep is from pregnancy though.
But def soooo happy he has adjusted so much better.

Off to gp now
Still itchy
But my shampoo company changed the smell of it
So I have to switch shampoos
So very easily could be that at fault.
Least I'm going to Dr anyway.
Will get her to look up last weeks vbloods
And prob do more
Nothing happening yet at least. I dont know if anything will! I have my midwife appointment on Thursday so I will be offered a sweep then. If nothing has happened before then hopefully that will kick start it all and then at the weekend I can tell you all about my baby boy.

Maryanne, is there anything worse than trying to sleep in a noisy hospital? My sleep was so broken last year when I had surgery from all the different machines going off and people moving about. Nightmare!

Lucasmum, DH has complained recently about sore shoulders and back from work and I just roll my eyes. They have no idea what it is like to be tired and achy! :haha:

Lilesmom, hope things are okay at the doctors today. Glad to hear Simon is finally adjusting to his meds.

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