November Rainbows 2016

I could go with a chicken burger right now we had lemon and herb chicken with roasties but a spicy KFC burger would go down a treat :blush:
I had to express for Simon for the first week
I only started getting decent.bits after 5 days
But it gradually increased over that time
It wil give u a head start when the time comes xxx

Silly men
She is on the way now anyway
Which is great
Expressing will prob help too xx
I've killer heartburn but I'm hungry
Not eating as much these days
Everything makes me sick.
Might hve to get up and get something though
Cant sleep either
I keep reading how heart burn should be getting better mine is getting bloody worse especially when I go to bed :wacko:

May have another go in a minute nothing on the TV so might as well do something :haha:
Me too
Its putting me off food it's so bad
But hunger makes it worse if too hungry
I cant win with it def lower
It should be better
Prob the extra hormones cos my hip is sorer too
I've gone of food completely nothing seems to take my fancy only eat because I have to as well as the heart burn I still suffer really badly with constipation oh the joys!

Managed to get a whole 1ml my right boob seems more generous :haha: so rewarded myself with a few squares of choccie :blush:

Few tummy cramps as well but they don't mean anything either these days it's quite normal :dohh:
Just had cornflakes
Seemed like the least heartburny thing we had
And fastest.
Just eating to try appease heartburn all the time.
Sorry to hear your struggling with hand expressing lucusmum :( even with an established supply I still get pretty much nothing if I try by hand. At least your encouraging milk production though, probably find once you can use a pump after birth there will be loads as you said you had a great supply last time. Fx it's the same this time for you. How exciting getting all your things ready! I remember being so excited doing it. We let Zack pick his first outfit, I think it's lovely to get the older ones involved.

See now I want a chicken burger lilesmom :rofl: I'm stuck with crappy hospital food. Yey for 37 weeks!!!! It feels like a lifetime ago i was 37 weeks. Baby wasn't even due till Sunday, instead he will be coming up a week old by then.

My heartburn got massively worst towards the end. Apparently it's a good sign. Your body realises hormones to soften the pelvic muscles and cervix and that can have a knock on effect and cause heartburn. It sucks. Like the last few weeks aren't hard enough already!!
I'm getting excited now I think with just a week to go and it's fairly busy one cot is being built tomorrow then I can see if the matteress fits, Sunday we are meeting up with OHs mum and will probably go back to hers so I can have cuddles with my niece, Monday my heating man is coming hoping he can fix it this time :wacko: ties wed and thurs have to go on cleaning bathroom lounge and kitchen then Friday is Lucas b rthday and then it's D day :happydance:
I didn't hve my chicken burger.
Might get one today somewhere :)
Made do with cornflakes
Was right choice
They cured the heartburn ( mostly)
Had to get up and hve crackers in middle of night
Stomach was raw.
Like first tri again.

Maryanne hows henry doing hon
Are they feeding him your milk through tube
Or the drip type food awhile?
Simes had the drip for a good bit
But took to my milk no probs after xxx
He's doing well lilesmom! His latest results from his spinal fluid were clear!!! He still has to finish the antibiotics but they are going to let him wake up from sedation today!! I'm so so happy. It means I will be able to hold him. He will be in special care unit till Monday afternoon and then will be moved to the baby ward. Then it's a few days of light therapy for his jaundice and he will be monitored but hopefully be going home this time next week. He will need further tests as he grows as the chance of the gbs infection causing things like deafness, damage to his lungs etc is high but they said that will be a case of watching him as he grows. He's still getting mummys milk through a tube and hopefully Monday they are going to try latching him on.

How is everyone feeling today? I really sympathise with you all. The last few weeks are so hard. I honestly can't believe how much better I feel now he's out. I feel like a new woman. Hang in there, your beautiful little ones will be here soon.
My favourite picture from before he got so poorly. He's the cutest little thing.
Aw he is gorgeous hon xxx
Glad he is on the mend.
I know its horrible yo be told he might hve complications later
But they really like to present worse case scenario to cover their own asses.
With every child u might encounter these things as they grow
But most parents aren't aware of it like we are.
Hopefully he escapes any complications later
But if he does hve something mild
Forewarned is better
Cos u can help him right away to cope with it
Simes wouldn't be as good as he is
If he didn't hve therapy since being a little dot.
I'm rambling now :)
Soo glad u get cuddles soon.
It is horrible not being able to hold them
That's why I was overly attached to Simon for about 2.5 yrs :)
Just as well I hibernated yest
Simes awake half the night with his cough
Between that and heartburn it was a crappy night
So happy to hear that, maryanne. You must be thrilled! I know there may be complications later on but at least you know you've got a wee fighter there! A gorgeous little fighter! That news has made my day.

Lilesmom, poor Simon and you being up all night. That's no fun. My sleep is so broken now that I've found I can manage with only a few hours sleep which is good considering what I'm in for in the next few weeks! Heartburn has gotten so much worse for me too even though he's clearly dropped. I hate heartburn!

Lucasmum, only a week? That's come in so fast and with a week like you've got planned it'll go so much faster!! :happydance:

I really want this little guy to decide to make an appearance in the next couple of days. I just want to meet him! Plus I'd love not to be super achy anymore!
It honestly has been my worst nightmare lilesmom. Zack was rushed off to special care unit and ventilated for 5 days after being born and my worst nightmare was this happening again. I know it's something different this time but still had a similar outcome. And I am worried for his future seeing how much poor Zack has had to struggle but I'm just going to have to take that a day at a time. He's alive which to be honest is amazing as at one point it looked like he wouldn't pull through. It was 50/50. Annoyed at the hospital for not repeating the gbs test closer to my due date seeing as I've been gbs positive every pregnancy, and was in this pregnancy earlier on but was told at 35 weeks the swab was negative. So he wasn't monitored like he should have been after birth. Consultant said test should have been repeated so I really do need to look into that.
Oh no lilesmom :( poor little thing really has a tough time doesn't he. Can't be nice for you either. I hope you are both ok?

Lynanne I'm still checking every few hours for updates. Hoping to hear some babies news very soon! I'm so excited for you!
I've tested gbs + earlier on in this preg
Hve had two clear tests since but I'm Ireland
They treat u as if ur pos if u ever get a pos
Effectively they ignore my two neg since
Which is a good precaution.
She said the tests aren't very reliable and if u test pos once
U should be considered pos
That's good news about Henry I bet you can't wait for cuddles :cloud9:

Got the cot up this morning and the matteress fits so going to head out shortly for some fresh air and hopefully will get the sheets
Had a lovely wander round town today was wet and miserable out but I quite enjoyed it, also bumped into my friend and her teeny tiny newborn in mothercare so that was nice to meet her she is adorable so so small :cloud9:

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