November Rainbows 2016

I'm actually on baby watch Lynanne! I keep checking in every couple of hours. Fingers crossed things get moving for you soon.

I so happy to read Simons improving lilesmom. Poor little thing. He has so much to deal with. Must be so tough for you too. How did the doctors go?
Totally feel like he's just teasing me, pretending he will be here soon when in fact he'll have me waiting forever. I'm trying my absolute best to remain patient but it is hard to now that my body seems to be gearing up for labour! I'm probably just overanalysing things. Yeah?
No i don't think so. Your due date is tomorrow so it really could be any time now. I found the not knowing when it would happen tough, on my first I went two weeks over and those two weeks were some of the longest and toughest weeks I've ever had. Every little twinge sent me thinking I was in labour. I know they say baby will come when baby is ready but honestly I got so sick of hearing that.
I'm starting to feel like he won't go overdue two weeks at least but this waiting around hoping my body jumps into action is nuts. I just want to meet my little man so badly!
maybe over analysing but we all do it especially as close as you are, it's not as though we all know what we are looking for either I've not gone into labour naturally so don't have a clue what I'm looking for :haha:
We all over analyse
But at the same time u hve good signs ur headed in right direction Lynanne
Annoying thing about the signs is the distance to labour differs for everyone
But having said that I do think ur hopefully not far off
Sweep on Thurs could easily kick start things for u
I think sweep works if ur getting there yourself.
Fingers crossed.

I might ask for a sweep at next appointment.
Not sure if they will want to or not though
My Dr today said she feels if I went myself and was progressing nicely
I should be safe enough to try without section
I like her and trust her
She gave me some guidelines to go by timewise
And stuff for trying myself if I did go
So now I'm letting it up to god
If I can do without section I want labour soon
If not ill wait for my section
Might be asking Oh to jump me again
I def can't be the one doing the jumping with my hips

She recommended against pumping too
I'm not sure if I want to or not
She kind of w I might find bf too difficult with Simon too
I'm gonna,try anyway

Did bloods again to be safe
But hoping the itching is just itching :)

Hows henry doing?

Lucas mom ur so close now
How come ur told to express do u think
Is it to help induction
Help milk
Or both? Xx
You just do what you feel comfortable with lilesmom. If you want to try then try. If anything happened then they could get you into theatre quickly. But if you just want to wait till section them that's ok too. It doesn't matter how baby comes as long as your both safe and your happy.

Henry is so much better. He's opening his eyes and looking around now. He also cries every time I put him down. Hes breastfeeding now which is amazing. They thought he might take a while to feed normally but nope, first time he got it. Can't believe he's a week old today!
That's fab
He is doing great xxx
Well done henry and mum :) xxx
Everything is extra amazing when you hve had such a scare
I'm delighted he us better xx
Ye be home soon if he is feeding well xxx

I would like to avoid section if its safe
But its hard to tell until maybe its too late with getting stuck
But I wont be letting anything linger on this time
Sure I might not budge before my section date :)
If my section date arrives with nothing
I'll just do that.
Thanks xx
I thought I was like u Lynanne earlier
been losing of plug for awhile now
Had some pink when I wiped
But it was just a spot or something that bled little
That I don't know how I got down there
Lovely pregnancy :)
I was all excited :)
I'm hand expressing because she may have low blood sugars and be very sleepy so they want her to have some colostrum ready just in case :flower:

Its time consuming though done two syringes so far and only one was full hope she isn't to hungry :haha:
We won't be allowed home till this time next week. It's a standard with neonatal sepsis to keep them in two weeks. I literally had no idea how close he came to dying. I was talking with the midwife earlier. He had more of a chance of passing away than pulling through. He is my little fighter. Still can't believe it happened but I'm so glad he's on the mend. Even if he has been left with disabilities I don't care. He's here and that's all that matters. I'm kinda nervous about going home now. A bit worried that we will get him home and something bad will happen again.
Maryanne, that's crazy but Henry is certainly a little fighter. I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so much better, even feeding. I bet a part of you cant wait to get home but I totally understand your anxiety about something going wrong. I'm sure once you get home all will be fab.

Lucasmum, surely at this stage it is normal for us all to be overanalysing every little thing. Never giving birth before makes me wonder about every little thing!!

Lilesmom, if it is safe it'd be great if you could avoid the section. It's totally just a case of waiting for all of us now! Well, except Maryanne!!
I think I've done my fair share of damage to the environment today :blush: I'm partial to a bit of bleach or in today's case 2 bottles

I've scrubbed my bathroom to within an inch of its life pulled out the drawer units that never come out very often it was filthy :blush: have bleached the walls, windows, tiles, toilet, sink, doors, shower and bath just need to do the floor and buy more bleach :haha:
Wow I knew it was serious with Henry but never thought it was quite that bad :cry:

Glad the little man is on the ward and only one more week that's not so bad makes it bearable when you think what could have been :hugs:

Does not matter one little bit about any disabilities or struggles he may face not when he has you to fight his corner :flower:
Sounds like your nesting is in full swing lucusmum! :rofl: j was like that the few days before induction. Don't know why I bothered though as God knows what the house will be like by the time i get home.

Awww thank you lucusmum :)
Not so much nesting more I live with 2 disgusting males and it needed doing and I have an unhealthy obsession with bleach :rofl:
I'm hand expressing because she may have low blood sugars and be very sleepy so they want her to have some colostrum ready just in case :flower:

Its time consuming though done two syringes so far and only one was full hope she isn't to hungry :haha:

Ah that makes sense now.
They really do only need tiny amounts in the start
Their tummy can only handle a teaspoon amount
Which is 5 ml
So anything would keep her going for a bit

Simes got low blood sugars after birth
Which masked his seizures
Which is what made me want to pump
But hopefully things should be different this time
Do u hand express directly into syringe?
Is it hard to actually get it in
Sorry for dumb Qs :)
Aw hugs Maryanne
So glad he is a little toughie xxx
Hoping he wont hve lasting effects
But like u said if he does ye will deal with it
And do brilliantly for him.
Thank god he is still here with us xxx
Huge hugs xxx
Not so much nesting more I live with 2 disgusting males and it needed doing and I have an unhealthy obsession with bleach :rofl:

Was going to say nesting too
But haha
Yup guys def dirtier than girls.
Just as well our numbers are evening out
Although kids in general r just messy :)

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