Good evening ladies thought I should check in, I'm just so busy at the moment and start back to work in less than two weeks
I can't believe I've been away so long you are pregnant
congrats Hun will be thinking of you fingers crossed it all goes well
I hope every one else is good, no more surprises I should know about
Edith is doing good, no teeth, no movement but is eating so that's something
we've got a decent eating routine and she takes a bottle well which is good as she will only be able to feed evenings soon
Lucas isn't doing quite so good, we found out a just over a week ago he is being bullied rather badly at hockey, it came to a head when they kid in question tried to strangle him
though from what I hear he didn't actually strangle him just used Lucas' neck to then throw him to the ground, there were reliable adult witness' and it's all being investigated with the hockey clubs child protection officers, but he will be grand he will come out fighting and be much stronger for it
Had some beautiful weather but my ginger lady is burning through her factor 50 despite it being layered on thickly and regularly, I'm thinking I may have to use complete sun block, the thought of touch that is horrible for me though, I'm not good with sun cream don't use it myself so that's a daddy job
Two friends have had babies in the last three weeks, pretty sure Edith was never that teeny but it makes me want another one again OH is still a big fat no