November Rainbows 2016

Bus came thus morn.
But they couldn't open the doors to get the chair in
Then found out none of the two escorts or driver are epilepsy meds trained.
Even though their boss told me last night they are
So I kept him home.
I was too tired to drive him up and down twice again.
Its 40 mins each way.
And he was tired too.
So I said f it
And we had a snuggle play day instead :)

His tummy has been dodge from med raise too
So it was no harm to stay home for a rest
That's bad! I'd have done the same. You would think they would have had full training, what happens if a child needed treatment on route to school? Hope you both had a lovely day anyway though.

Im expressing at the mo with my new electric pump, one cause I still want her having milk and two cause I'm so uncomfortable. She's taking it fine from a sippy cup though. Just feel a bit lost :(
Yeah we had a nice day.
Meds seem to be kicking in a bit.
He has only about ten today.
Cross ur fingers and toes for us please girls xx

Yeah u would get so sore.
Be careful don't get mastitis
Had it with Simon
Its horrible xxx
Glad she is still taking her milk xx
That's great! Will keep everything crossed for you!

You have any scans coming up? I'm meant to have my 3D one tomorrow but they said there's no point in doing it cause he's engaged. We wouldn't get to see his face. Midwife checked today and he's still there. Getting comfy now I think.
I wouldnt have sent him on the transport either no harm done in having a day at home and snuggles :flower:

I hated when we stopped feeding maybe she is just having a funny few days and will be back to normal soon enough :flower:

I'm so so tired all the time I just realised the other day I was supposed to repeat bloods at 14 weeks as my iron levels were borderline :dohh: I'm have 28 weeks bloods done next week so will make sure they check check and check again as I now wonder if they have dipped to low and thats why I'm so tires, they are never particularity high at the best of times, cant believe they and I forgot :dohh:
I hope so lucusmum. I feel really sad about it. I miss that closeness even though she is a little sod and bites me all the time. Guess I just wasn't prepared for it that's all.

Defo get them to check. I've had trouble with iron levels this time. They have settled down now but felt so bad when they were low. Defo make sure they check them. You do so much though, no wonder you are so tired. Bet you can't wait for maternity leave!
I've bee not reading along but I can't even remember when I last updated you guys on me! Or responded for that matter! Not really been a very good, active member of the group, have I? :dohh:

Anyway, this week I had my anti-d injection (ouch!) on Monday. Showed up for the appointment and the midwife told me that I needed to get my blood taken again as my midwife at my appointment the week before had misspelled my name so the sample was unusable. :dohh: Then I got my anti-d jag before she noticed that I haven't had a random blood sugar test (my dad has late onset type 2 diabetes) so I needed to get more blood taken! Yup, I was prodded with needles three times in the space of about 30 minutes! Lucky me. Fortunately I'm not bothered by needles though, DH would have freaked out if it had been him. She said I would hear back if my blood sugar levels were concerning but I haven't heard anything yet so I'm hoping that's good news. On the plus side, I know my iron levels are fine :thumbup:

The dog went in to the vets for a scale and polish yesterday as her tartar build up was quite bad and she was running the risk of getting gum disease in the next year or so. I was so worried with them having to put her to sleep as anyone can have a bad reaction to anaesthetic but she was fine. Done by 11:30am, home at 6pm and just a little groggy. She's been fine today, totally back to herself. You wouldn't know if it wasn't for the fact she has lovely clean teeth and two little shaved patches on her front legs!

Enough about me though! Hope everyone is doing well and has a lovely weekend.
I will be maryanne it only dawned me yesterday when someone asked as I looked a bit pale I'm normally quite rosy cheeked, so much so that when I need a transfusion for having a full blood count of just over 6 (I believe between 11-14 is normal for a woman) they had to triple check it was actually blood for me as I looked perfectly healthy and was wandering about when they said I should not be able to move off the bed :haha: This isnt the the only time this has happened, in fact with all my transfusions I get a look of she is surly faking it :wacko: I'm not I promise blood transfusions are the pits and I always feel guilty about using up blood when reserves are so low :dohh:

7 Weeks till I go on maternity leave, if I could really be bothered I would work out the days but no doubt that they would increase anyway :wacko: I'm struggling with a few more clients now who have smaller bathrooms :blush:

The police came to interview the client who had her money stolen today and she revealed that she knew the lady she let in to use her loo and it was a carer who used to work for us, she said she was to scared to tell at first as she thought we wouldnt believe her :cry: I have no doubt she isnt making it up for the simple reason she hasnt the capacity to think of such elaborate lies :growlmad: This woman now owns her own business I hope it all goes tits up for her evil cow
Glad it all went well at the hospital Lynanne. I know it was stressing you out a bit. And I'm super pleased that your pooch was ok. Was only wondering earlier how it went.

Lucusmum the tiredness is the only induction for me. I'm always pale, so can't use that to judge my levels but I just kinda carry on, it takes a lot to stop me. Mine level was 7 a few weeks back so I'm on 4 tablets a day now but I had it checked this morning and it was 10 so they were pleased with that. I have no idea of normal ranges though.

That's dreadful! How can she live with herself. I hope karma comes back and bites her on the bum big time. Vile woman.
I'm sure the normal are within 11-14 mine are usually about 10 and I think it was just under at 12 weeks thats why it was supposed to be repeated as its low but not overly for me they always told me if drops below 7 I have to have a transfusion again not sure if thats even possible when pregnant :shrug:

I hope she loses her business :flower:
Sorry I caught up earlier
But didn't get to reply.
My brain is mush,
Feeling weird and spacey today
Not sure why.
Took squish to pool this morn, then
Went for lunch and cinema with my friends
Was lovely day.
But I'm feeling weird.
Hope I wake up normal tomorrow :)
Nieces baby shower tomorrow.
Will go for an hour r so
But I'm allergic to leaving mouse since he started playschool

Happy weekend xx
Me too! Are the piece going to do anything?

Hope you had a lovely day lilesmom. I'm having a off day too. Brain feels like mush and feel a bit spaced out. Thinking I'm just tired though but going to get checked out if it carries on. Have you spoken to a midwife? Hope your little man is doing ok today?
Mush here as well :wacko: Bloody exhausted and have a pounding headache to boot

Hockey season started today, my teeny tiny 9 year old made his debut for the U13's and scored 2 goals which is fantastic but it also means he will play a lot more games for the 13's as well as all his 11's games, I feel my money draining away already :wacko:
Prob just heat and tiredness.
Hve glucose test tomorrow
And hosp Tues.
So ill be checked lots :)
All our iron seems to be dipping a little too
Could just be the stage we r at.
Aw go Lucas.
That's fab xxx
It's great he has such a healthy interest and hobby
But i do understand the time and money from mom
Takes a lot too!!
Hurray for the scoring
He must be a good little player

Hope u feel better soon hon xxx

Maryanne hope u feel better soon hon .
Glad ur iron is up a bit.
Do u feel any better for it?
I should prob start taking something
Even every second day
But it worsens constipation so much!!

Lynanne glad y found ur hosp place alright
And ur dog took sedation well xx
All sorted for while again.

I'm a bit allergic to everything
And I'm not even sure why!!
Don't want to go the shower
Even though I know it will be nice.
Don't want Simon in playschool anymore
Even though I know long run its good for him.
Its prob just the change
And not knowing if he likes it or not.
He is only 3.
The youngest in his class
And he is the only one with physical disabilities as well as autism
The slt , ot and physio etc haven't visited yet
So I'm kinda wondering how much benefit he us getting
But I know it will all fall into place with time.
Sorry rambling now.
I'm a cranky bee today.
Gotta snap out of it

Hope ye r having happy weekends xx
Hope the GT test goes ok lilesmom. Those things suck. I must admit I do feel a feel a little better since starting the four tablets, I'm still tired but think that's just the stage of pregnancy I'm in now. Sounds like your under a lot of stress at the moment. I felt similar when Zack first started nursery. That's why I insisted on going with him the first week so I knew what was going on there and if they were giving him the care he needs. He was non verbal so couldn't tell me and I just couldn't be ok with him going until I knew what the nursery was like. Would they consider doing similar for you? It really helped me and Zack with the transition.

That's awesome lucusmum! Bet your so proud! Sounds like he's a great little player!

30 weeks! Yey!!!! Had a run to triage last night as started having contractions. They registered in the monitor, were regular at every 6 minutes but stopped after an hour. Thank god. I was terrified. Had my first steroid injections just in case he decides to come early. Those things bloody hurt!
Its a nerve racking time for you with Simon starting nursery but I guess it will all fall into place eventually, if it was me its the unknown that would cause worry but so long as he is happy and not distressed when you drop him off then I would carry it on :flower:

Good luck for thest tomorrow and consultant Tuesday :)

Glad they have stopped maryanne cant believe you have 10 official weeks to go :happydance: ouchy about the steroid injections though but I guess you have to have them should our little Henry decide he is coming early :flower:

My friends sister had her baby last week at 32 weeks he was quite a chunk (4lb 11oz) and is doing well considering still in hospital but are hoping he will be out of special care within a week :cloud9:

Lynanne you must be close to the 10 week left mark as well :happydance:

Who'da thunk we all would still be here now I certainly wasnt optimistic all those months ago that I would ever be at this stage in a pregnancy again, we had pretty much resigned ourselves to only Lucas not that thats a bad thing he is amazing (even if I could kill him right about now :haha:) and we were had decided after a lot of discussion that we were ready to start the process of teenage fostering, still would love to do this but i want to foster troubled teens and its not appropriate with a new baby so plans are on hold for a few years :flower:
It's crazy isn't it! Sometimes I literally can't believe it. Two years ago I never thought I'd have another baby let alone two in two years. Just can't wait to bring my little man home now.

That's lovely that you want to foster. Think you would be great at it! We were planning on adoption before we had Aurora. We were going to adopt a child with Down's syndrome. Still might one day, me and DH were talking about it the other day. Would love to give a child with no parents a home and family.

Wow what a little chunk! Think our Henry is heading to be that way. Makes me feel relieved that if he does come early that he stands a good chance. Must be horrible having your baby in special care unit though. I'm still hoping he stays in to avoid that.
They r very anti parents at the school maryanne
Which makes me even more suspicious.
Even first day we had them taken off us at the door.
Weren't allowed near the classroom.
Ur allowed to front desk and not beyond.
I kind of get it for first day.
Not lingering goodbye which could upset
But even when they showed me his preschool months ago.
I was kind of ushered down quickly and half shown around.
Prob cos strangers could cause some of the kids to get upset.
But I would like to peek un the windows at him once or twice.
When Simon is,really upset he withdraws instead of cries
So um afraid they think he is grand cos quiet.
But really he might be upset.
And I've no way of knowing
I'm winding myself up a bit about it now.

Thank god they stopped Maryanne xxx
My sis in law is up to hosp every two days being monitored.
She is getting contractions on and off
Bub engaged and small
But she has made it through 5 weeks like that
Is at 34 now and hoping for few more weeks.
Hope henry hangs in a little longer xxx
Steroid injections r great just in case xx
Lucas mom it is fab we all still here xxx
I wanted to adopt too
But Oh dead set against it
I've no idea why
Maybe he felt I was giving up on having more ourselves
Or thinks it wouldn't be the same
But I think u would love the child to bits no matter how he/she came into your life
Dads love their kids and didn't birth them
Why cant we :)

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