November Rainbows 2016

Honestly I would feel the exact same lilesmom. Zack was the same, he didn't give off obvious clues that he was upset/distressed and it caused me such anxiety worrying if he would be ok. I'm lucky the nursery were great and after me breaking down and saying I couldn't let him go they were more than happy to let me go with him to I was comfortable. I mean I had to respect it was an autistic unit so had to kind of sit in a corner and be very quiet but it was enough for me. I hope you feel better soon, I really do, it's so stressful and you don't need the stress at the moment.

I hope he stays put a couple more weeks. I know it would hurt me so much seeing him in a incubator, and not being able to hold him. Fingers crossed your sil baby stays in a bit longer.
Thanks hon xx

It was lovely after.
Stayed much longer than I thought :)

My little gran nephew in Simons class has been asking to go to school everyday
So maybe it is really nice for them
And I'm winding myself up unnecessarily.

Are u being checked more often now Maryanne? Xx
I'm Being monitored every week cause Henry isn't quite as active as they would like and I see my consultant every two weeks for growth scans. Apart from that they just said to ring triage if I start getting regular contractions. Got my second dose of steroids tomorrow though. Guess I'm covered if he turns up early then. Feel like I live at the hospital but keep reminding myself it's all worth it.

Glad you had a great time. And it's totally normal to be having a hard time with it. I pretty much had a full emotional breakdown when Zack started nursery. It's hard when you spend all your time with them.
That's good they r keeping a good look out for ye xxx
Very reassuring xx
U could be after us after all
U never know with babies :)

I expected to be a bit nervous
But I'm worse than I thought
I think its cos I thought they were set up for kids with needs like simon
But it seems badly run with the buses and lack of training in emergency meds so far
I expected them to be so used to kids with epilepsy
As it often goes with autism
I'm entirely with you all on never thinking I'd get this far! After five first tri losses in the space of about a year who could blame me?! And yet here we all are, getting closer and closer to meeting our little ones. It's absolutely amazing! I mean, how can I have just over 10 weeks until my due date?!

With struggling to imagine it would ever happen DH and I were also considering adoption, although maybe not for another few years. We haven't ruled it out for the future but by having our little guy the idea has definitely been put on hold for a while. At least until we see what the deal is with us conceiving/having a second. I think it is really lovely to adopt or foster and I certainly wouldn't love them any more or less than a biological one!

lilesmom, I think I would feel exactly the same way about the school if I was in your position. I hope that Simon is okay and adjusting well. Maybe let them know that when he is upset he withdraws so that they can keep an eye out for it?

maryanne, Can't believe that's you (and almost me) at 30 weeks! I hope Henry stays put just long enough that he is healthy and doesn't really need any extra special care. I wouldn't say no to meeting my little man a week or two early providing he was ready and healthy but no earlier!

lucasmum, Yay for the hockey season being back but it's rubbish that it costs you so much. It must be really lovely to see Lucas do so well at something he loves. DH and I were just talking about how we need to get tickets to see a couple of games this season before our little guy arrives!!
Got a washing on this morning filled with hand me downs that we got from SIL at the weekend. I think that Monkey will have a new outfit for every day of his first three months at this rate! I may have gotten a little carried away with all the cute little dungaree sets that she had for her two boys! And that's not factoring in the presents that we are no doubt going to receive when he arrives!

We bought and built his cot yesterday and so his room is starting to look more like a room. I am aware that he won't be in it for ages but I really just wanted it all set up for when he is. I still have to put up all the decorations and remove all the different boxes that are still sitting in there but it's nice to see it all coming together.
I have Henry's crib all set up too Lynanne! I just couldn't wait. It's so exciting seeing it there. We are washing too today, we had to buy all new as I didn't keep anything from my son bar his first outfits etc which I wouldn't use again. I just didn't think I'd have anymore. And then when I had Aurora I bought all girly colours so literally had nothing. I've loved boy shopping though but think I've gone a little overboard.

Just had my second dose of steroids, still feeling a bit nervous but no more contractions so hoping it was a one off. I had Aurora three weeks early and she was absolutely fine so ideally I don't want to meet Henry any sooner than that. Plus I'm starting to get nervous about birthing alone so at the moment I'm in no rush at all to meet him.

How did nursery go this morning lilesmom?

Anyone else struggling to sleep? I literally can no longer get comfy in bed, and I seem to lay there for ages awake till I eventually give up and get up.
I can still get to sleep but I wake up multiple times a night in pain from trying to roll over. Stupid pelvis and hips! As my hips hurt it can be so difficult to find a comfortable position to lie in and it's driving me crazy. I've got about ten weeks left of this?! :dohh: Oh, I also seem to be constantly melting in bed, even if it isn't that hot!
Guess who forgot to label all the school uniform and forgot to make sure OH had an alarm set for the first day back at school oh and while we are at it forgot to buy new PE kit :blush:

He was on time, just only because at 0800 someone said is your son looking forward to school, to which I replyed yes can I use your loo and frantically called home :haha: in un ironed new uniform so not to bad just packet creases :haha: and I hope they didnt have PE today :wacko:

I struggle with staying asleep I wake for a wee and it takes ages as the hip pain makes it difficult to move for a while :dohh:

Actually finished work for the day so once I've picked Lucas up I'm going to go get my bloods done ready for fridays appointment and take him to chose something nice for tea then slob about in front of the TV :flower:
So glad it's not just me. I literally hate bedtime at the moment. May as well have a newborn here waking up through the night as I'm getting no sleeps it is. Least then I will have a little baba to snuggle.

I'm well impressed that you managed to get things sorted that quickly! Super mum!
I keep just getting time to catch up and no time to answer.
Mouse is terrible at the mo
Last med raise hit him hard.
His reflux gone bananas and just generally el Groucho!!!
Very little time fir anything else
No school again today.
They will think I'm a total flake
But its just bad timing.
Took him to Dr instead of me going for glucose test
Getting it done at hosp tomorrow.
So fasting two mornings ��
Upping his,Zantac and hoping that helps.

My sis asked me if I want a baby shower
I half do , half don't.
R ye having one? Xx

Well done on the catch up Lucas mom ��
Hope he settling back to school alright x

I must get my clothes off my sil and sis for squish.
Hve another sil gonna give us clothes too
Delighted ��
I'll hve loads!! :)

Love to all
Sorry for stuff I've read and forgotten to reply to xx
Oh no lilesmom. Hope he's ok now? Poor thing. Good luck for your hospital appointment tomorrow! Hope it goes well.

No baby shower for me. I'd feel bad having two in just over a year. Plus I'm not a very social person. Also not a huge fan on lots of fuss. I did enjoy my one when I was pregnant with Aurora though. It was a very small affair but still lovely.
He is asleep for now
Hopefully over the worst but still not eating much for me.

Don't feel bad.
Its great and should be celebrated that u hve a new little xxx
Part of the reason I kind of want the shower is cos I've lost touch with my social life :)
Another thing is I've not don't much celebrating or had much fun with this preg.
Its felt very much forgotten at times in comparison to Simon
And I feel a bit guilty towards her.
I kind of want to remind myself she is and will be a real person
Not just heartburn, backache and hosp app.
Sorry if I sound ungrateful
I'm genuinely delighted that things r going well this time
But sometimes I feel like I'm waiting for the bombshell still
No shower here, not one for organising it myself and dont really have anyone that close to me to organise one for me :wacko:

I got in the bath at 2100 and only just got out and only did because OH came in and disturbed me, he was checking I hadnt drowned :haha:, I was reading and to be fair the water was cold I needed a wee but just couldnt actually be arsed to move :flower:

Lucas had PE today ooopss :haha: He now has a complete PE kit though, how much shall we bet he forgets to take it in tomorrow :dohh:
I love reading in the bath too
So relaxing
I fell asleep in the bath while preg with Simon :)
Frightened the life out of myself when I woke up.

Oh is gettin squish off to preschool this morn
They r taking kiddies swimming today
He loves the pool :)
So I'm delighted .

I've left everything prepared and a load of notes
Hw never does his meds so it makes me nervous
But that's just me being control freak
They will be grand
I hope :)

Getting glucose test done now.
Just drank the Lucozade.
Can feel the jitters starting . :)

How ye all xxx
He will be fine and have a great time I'm sure. The glucose test is just awful, I've had three this time now as they kept coming back borderline. My last one was Thursday now and haven't heard anything since so I'm assuming it's ok. Fingers crossed.

You should Defo have a shower if you want one. I totally understand what you mean about the bad sometimes taking over and spooling the enjoyment a little. Sometimes when it's all getting me down I have to keep reminding myself it will all be worth it and we are all almost done now. Getting so close to the finish line.

I'm good. Bit achey but will live. Although my sickness has come back which sucks. Aurora has her injections later which I'm dreading, she was so ill after the last ones. Preparing for a sleepless night tonight.
3 times u poor pet.
I'm grand actually just thirsty and bored :)

Scan went fine
Bub doing good
She was quiet but that's cos u haven't been eating or drinking.

Decision on section or not is apparently mine.
But Dr today said she can't say for sure either way.
But that she would really pretty much lean toward section.
Section would be at 39 and 2 days.
If nor section no induction
Unless I hve gd after today.
So id be allowed go myself.
I'm really leaning towards no section.
But most Drs I talk to, seem to be leaning towards section.
Back to indecision.
looks like ill be preg longer than I thought :)
I think things might go better without induction
But no guarantee.
The recovery from section sounds sucky with simon
Glad the scan went well!

That sucks that you are back to being in limbo. I know the feeling. I have absolutely no idea when or how baby is coming into the world. Won't know till 35 weeks. I'm growing impatient now. Need to make a plan so I can try and make sure I have a birthing partner. It's rubbish that they say the desicion isn't yours, it's your body and your baby.

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