November Rainbows 2016

Thanks maryanne. I don't think I am worried but then every once in a while I go, "what if something is horribly wrong" or he'll be quiet for a little longer than I would like and I begin prodding him until he moves! From what I can tell it is all very normal what I'm feeling. Plus, he is generally getting bigger and I don't think I had the strongest stomach muscles to begin with so it explains a lot of my aches and pains!
I won't lie, the last few weeks are tough, but 100% worth it when you meet your little one. But if you ever get worried it's always good to get checked over, it's better to get reassurance than sit there worrying non stop over something. I'm worrying over every twinge and pain at the moment, it doesn't get easier no matter how many pregnancies you have. I think it's mainly that I can't believe we are actually having another baby. Two years ago id accepted the fact we would never bring another baby home and now we will have had two in two years. It's crazy. How's the nursery getting on?
My little dude took two steps unaided this eve for first time ever!!!

Sorry I caught up earlier but had no time to post back xxx

I went for a walk the other day Lynanne and had to turn around and come home pretty fast.
My whole tummy went hard and sore.
Not sure if muscle or bh or bit if both.
But it freaked me out a little bit .
I never had bh with Simon
Pretty sure I do this time
Sometimes they r sore.
That's awesome :) bet your so proud! I remember how I felt when Zack finally did, was so so happy.

I get bh a lot. My first pregnancy I don't remember having them, had them pretty badly with my angel daughter and aurora and this time they aren't quite as bad but still enough to make me need to sit down sometimes. I know they are a good thing and show your body is preparing for birth but I hate them. Be glad to have my body back to myself again now lol
I never had BH with Lucas either but get a few pains that make me think it could be them but not really sure :shrug:

Way to go simon taking his steps :happydance:

Hope your feeling a bit better tonight lynanne :flower:

Feeling fed up as well and want it over and done now fed up of all the aches constant weeing heartburn and so on, I feel bad for moaning as blessed to be having this little lady but I'm so over and done with being pregnant, the thought of doing this again makes me shudder I think this is definitely it for us (remind me of this in six months when I think another may be a good idea :haha:)
You shouldn't feel bad for moaning lucusmum. I feel absolutely the same to be honest. But I think there's that expectation on women who have experienced loss to just be grateful and never complain. Even my old midwife that I refused to see anymore earlier in the pregnancy told me once when I complained about how sick I was feeling all the time, 'well shouldn't you just be grateful you got pregnant after everything'. It annoys me. Basically if you have never experienced loss you can moan all you want but if you have been unlucky enough to lose a child you apparently lose all rights to complain. I'm with you though on just wanting my baby here now and wanting it over. I'm fed up of being worried about baby all the time and of feeling like crap. People say newborns are hard work but I find that stage a million times easier than last tri.
Was so proud of him.
He looked surprised but delighted with himself
Don't think he realised I wasn't holding him at first :)

I'm totally with ye girls.
I feel like a bit of a wuss
I went to cinema last night with two of my sis
( Bridget jones baby, much funnier than I expected)
I'm wiped this morn.
Simes got up at 6, after wriggling fir ages
Just gone off to playschool
And I'm gone back to bed honestly hve to
Id be no good to the world today.
I wonder if I was in my 20s would I be this tired.
Or is it just normal for 30 weeks ( nearly :))
I totally feel like I cant complain
People don't even ask me much about being preg
For first tri I don't like talking about it too much
In case of another loss
Then people take their cue from that
And continue ignoring it
Whereas now id happily talk babies with them
But they don't see that :)
I'm with you on that lilesmom. People tend to avoid talking to me about babies even at this stage. They don't know about our earlier losses but people knew we lost a daughter quite late so they kind of avoid anything baby related with me. They few people who will talk to me about it say really dumb things like 'crossing my fingers you bring this one home' etc. It's so insensitive I'd rather they said nothing at all to be honest.

Hope your feeling better after your rest?

Consultant appointment tomorrow, can't believe I only have a few of these left now. 3 I think. I'm really starting to feel excited now.
Maryanne, the nursery is coming along great. I've just finished painting dinosaurs onto his lampshade and I assembled the mobile although I've still got to hang it. We still have to sort the prints for over his cot but otherwise we are done with all the little decorations. As I've said in the past, I'm not going over the top with the dino theme, just the odd thing here and there.

Lilesmom, ah, you must have felt so proud for him to take his first unaided steps! What a clever little guy! Hope you are feeling better after your rest.

Lucasmum, I'm with you on feeling pretty fed up of being pregnant although I'll miss feeling him kick and such when he is here. Pregnancy is made out to be all wonderful but it's actually a pain - quite literally sometimes! I can't wait to go back to not having heartburn and pelvis pain!

All was good with the midwife appointment today. Blood pressure and the like for me was all fine and little monkey seems to be doing fab. Heart rate was normal, bump is measuring bang on 32 weeks and he is currently head down. She said he was pretty low but it wasn't worryingly low. Next appointment will be 37 weeks - full term!! It should have been 36 weeks but we have a wedding to go to that day and the earliest appointment they could give us was 10:30 which buggers up plans for getting ready, especially if they are running late! So we took the week after instead.

When I got home from the midwife I ended up with the worst migraine I've had in years! Luckily it has subsided now but oh the pain. Ended up opening the windows, shutting the curtains and lying down for about an hour. Also had to resort to taking paracetamol and having a coffee (fully caffeinated) which I haven't done in forever. I tend to drink decaf if I drink coffee at all nowadays for my anxiety as well as the pregnancy now, but I always have a jar of the "real stuff" in the house for family. Certainly seemed to help today. Feeling a lot better now.

I also noticed today that I have very slightly leaky boobs! It makes me think that the pains I was talking about have been BH as I've heard that the two can be linked. I know that I don't plan on BFing but there is a comfort in knowing my body is definitely preparing for the next step. I can't wait for this little guy to get here - but at the same time he better stay put for a few more weeks!!
The nursery sounds lovely :) just need him here to put in it now. Sorry to hear about your migraine but glad all went well with the midwife.

Aurora keeps patting my tummy and saying 'baba' it's the cutest thing in the world. Cannot wait till she meets her brother. And obviously can't wait for Zack to meet him, I know he's going to cry.
That's adorable! I really hope I'll get to give my little guy a sibling. I'd love to experience something so cute! Talking of crying, I can guarantee that DH will cry when baby gets here. He is a dead cert on that, more so than I am! I'm a really emotional person but I hate crying in front of strangers so I wonder if that will be enough to stop me while my hormones are going crazy!
I have to admit that I haven't cried after any of my little ones have been born. It's strange but I just feel so calm and serene when they are placed on me. I can't even speak for a while. Just totally overwhelmed. My DH on the other hand cried and cried and cried. The poor guy. The midwives thought he was adorable :rofl: He was an emotional mess. He cried when he proposed too though, and at our wedding, multiple times.
Maryanne people do come out with some weird stuff when they don't know what to say.
They just blurt out whatever comes into their head.
I must admit I'm guilty of it myself
Wanting to soothe but saying something dumb inatead
Then kicking myself mentally afterwards :)

Wow 3 more cons visit.
When u put it like that it sounds super close .
Hurray xx

Lynanne I didn't know bh and leaky boobs r linked
But makes total sense.
I've leaked a bit the last week again
Only teeny bit but I'm presuming its same hormone change responsible for both.
Hope ur hear is better
Migraine sucks xxx

Not getting full tax back on car.
Garage guy didn't check it out properly before going ahead
Or else he is pretending he didn't know
They r gonna give me 900 back
But if I got tax it would be well over 2000
Somewhere around 2400
Hve to keep reminding myself its only money.
And I hve a nice car :)
I didn't cry either when I had simes
It all felt a bit surreal :)
But great
Oh no, that's rubbish. That's a huge difference. It's amazing that you can be so calm. I think I'd cry lol. Your right though at least you have a good car now though which must be nice for you.
I've been expecting it since I got the invoice last week
I thought he wasn't telling me the whole truth.
I'm keeping this car till it falls apart
I hate dealing with garages :)
Least he is refunding me some
I expected him not to,
To just say my loss.
I've too many good things in my life last few days to focus on instead :)
Simes steps, now he is telling me when he needs to poo too
Plus baby bubble is fine
When I got scared she might not be.
All heaps more important :)

How u doin xx
Hows henry doing xx
My sil texted me she us putting together baby stuff from her daughter to give us.
Exciting :)
I planned what's going in my hosp bag today.
Going to start packing it now soon :)
That's a great outlook to have :) it's amazing how well your little man is coming along.

We are good thank you. Henry has been really active today which is nice as he's normally really quiet. Been feeling a little anxious over labour the last few days but keep thinking that at least at the end of it I will meet my new little dude.

Ah that's great, bet your excited. I love packing my hospital bag. I'm still adding extras to mine now. Looks like I'm going away for a fortnight holiday by the amount I'm taking lol.
Glad we are all OK well as can be expected and I'm also reassured by you that I feel perfectly normal and justified for moaning :kiss:

4 weeks left at work feels so near yet so far away still it's going to drag I just know it :wacko:

Lucas is so emotional and sensitive right now it's like being on a roller coaster I'm seriously considering medicating him something I was always adamant I wouldn't do but I'm hoping it will help the mood swings, I just don't know feel bad for going so but it could help us all out :shrug: going to make an appointment with his consultant in a few weeks I think.

Still laptop less and will be for a while as I mentally made a list of all we still need and I guess that's more important (do babies really need matteress and bedding :haha:)

I can't believe you lot are thinking hospital bags I was going to wait till after my 36 week appointment but OH kindly pointed out that I may go for that one and they decide to keep me, yeah thanks for that so now it's going to have to inch it's way up my list only 3566333560031 more things to do before we are ready :rofl: I also have no idea what I'm gonna need I know I will be in a few days this time thanks to the diabetes but I really haven't a clue :wacko: got a midwife appointment tomorrow maybe I should ask how long I should be expected to stay for.
That's lovely henry is active xx
Feels good doesn't it :)
To be reminded u actually hve your little baby growing away inside.
Pretty amazing feeling xx

I bought some stuff for the bag but I'm getting lazy now again.
I'll do it next week.
I'll be using a lot of stuff I had for Simon.
Night dresses and stuff which r stuffed in a drawer since then :)
I won't need separate labour bag with c section :)
But I've a feeling my main bag be too full :)
I'll prob be in 5 days ish.
But ill put stuff in a handy place for Oh to bring in extras if needed

Lucas mom u know Lucas best.
If u feel he might need medicine,
And Drs agree then might be for the best xxx
I know its a tough choice to make though
Hugs xx

Just back from pool with my two nieces and my gran niece
Lovely morn.
Waiting on squishy bum to come home now :)

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