November Rainbows 2016

Oh no. That's rubbish lilesmom. Fluid levels can change daily though so hopefully it's ok for you today. I don't blame you for not staying in. I always prefer to go home when I can. Did they suggest for you to up your fluids? When I had low water last pregnancy and with my son I was told to up my fluid intake massively as it would help. Really hope the scan goes ok today. Thinking of you xx
I said that to the Dr about upping fluid intake
She kind of laughed and said its nothing to do with fluid intake
Its placenta controls fluid.
But I totally thought it could make a difference
Been drinking extra anyway
Cant hurt :)
Hope ye all had better weekends xx

Trouble with the taxback on the car too.
Could lose 2500 if I cant get it sorted
Due to garages stupidity.
Fingers crossed it gets sorted
Its money I don't hve.

Kept mouse home today.
He is much better but not fab.
Hopefully be grand again soon.

All in all shitty weekend
This week has to be better doesn't it :)

My friend is in being induced now
Her waters broke sat
But no budge
So on the drip now
Hope its fast and easy for her
All my real life people ahead of me r having their bubs
After her I'm next
I don't know wether it helped in my last pregnancies but as the doctor told me to I did it anyway lol. Even if it doesn't help at least you will be well hydrated lol. Do you have to go back to the hospital today?

Oh no your not having the best luck the last few days are you. Hope you get the car sorted. Good luck to your friend though, hope her baby arrives quickly and safely. It will be our turn soon! Can't come quick enough for me. Baby still not behaving on the monitors so now they decide to tell me that I'm in every day till his movements increase. It's crazy cause I just can't keep going everyday. I don't have childcare so the kids have to come with me which is a nightmare as no kids like sitting round for hours waiting. I'm just totally fed up.
Anything I've read advises drinking more
I think it makes sense u need fluid to allow body to up baby's flyid
Thanks xx
Bit of a run of bad luck alright
But that's three now so hoping its over!! :)

Everyday is really rough on ye xxx
Hospitals r sucky and nearly always soo slow.
It really wont be long until its us now xxx
Scan is tomorrow
They couldn't fit me in today
Works out better cos had to keep mouse in from school again.
Tomorrow he should be alright to go again
I hope.
I'm counting down the days! At the moment I feel like getting my tubes tied. Never want another pregnancy lol. Home now though so consoling myself by eating a whole pack of chocolate digestives lol. I feel like saying no to everyday as I can't afford to keep travelling back and forth there everyday. As there's no bus route it's £10 each way so that's £100 I've spent so far. Plus they keep me there hours. I dont want to deny baby care so that's the only reason I'm doing it. There has to be an easier way though.

Good luck for your scan, I really hope it goes well. These babies are trouble makers :rofl:
I was thinking the same yest coming home in the car
Two babies is enough for me I think
Don't think I can do all this crap again :)

Could ur mw call every second day with Doppler and check on u
Not same as a scan u know
But might work out?
Do they think u will be early?
Or not predicting yet xx
Lilesmom I don't even know anymore. My way of thinking is that if he's breech I'm less likely to go into labour? Who knows though. I've just given up now lol.

Remind me that I said no more and how horrible this pregnancy has been when I get broody again in 6 months :rofl:
Yeah but he could turn anytime
And hopefully will xxx

I honestly don't want more at the mo.
But I know that could change completely in another while
Hoping my hormones don't trick me into it again :)
Which could very well happen
Since we r both saying no way.....but maybe someday :)
Thanks hon xxx

I think its fine anyway
Little missy woke me doing a weird turn this morn
And then kicked the bejaysus outta me
Hee hee
So I'm pretty sure it was position.
Fluid was prob low cos I was tired and might not hve drank enough
With looking after croupy mouse :)
I've drank so much yest and today so far
They surely be fine
U could hve given someone my pee yest and told them it was water :)
Mouse gone off to school
Delighted with himself
After brekkie I said do u want to go to school
Little face lit up and he said go go
So happy he likes it so much
Makes it easier to send him out in the morn

I think maybe I was over doing it a little
No more painting till after bub
I'm gonna sit down for some if the time he us in school now too
And not feel like I'm slacking.
I'm going to limit my projects to maybe one a day r so.

I'm rambling now :)

My bf had her girl yest eve
She is just gorgeous.
Lovely head of dark hair.
She was 6 3 and alls well
She got a little stuck
But is fine
If she got stuck at that size
Making me think section def better
Gone wavery again
The further I get from a Drs visit the more I think maybe I could not hve section
But I'm pretty sure ill end up with one
Sorry for droning on.
Word vomit this morn
Must be a bit nervous.

Garage guy sending me new invoice fir tax people
Hope its right this time.
But if not.
It's only fecking money
I'll sort something out.
But would much prefer to get it
To give right back to my sis

Hope ye r all well xxx
Heading for 30 weeks
Whoop whoop whoop :)

Simon has an escort on the bus cos if his epilepsy
She is a lovely girl.
Well lady but younger than me :)
This morn she was like oh u are preg :)
She was like Eileen told me u were but I said no way.
My bump must not be as big as it feels :)
Cos she isn't the first person to say it
With Simon people were asking me when was I due from 3 -4 months
All fine.
Still measuring 3 days ahead.
Fluid fine ��
Placenta fine
Yey that's fantastic :) really glad all is ok. Yea you need to try and relax. Have some you time and do something you enjoy. Even if it's just watching something you like for an hour. Glad little man is settling into playgroup well and it's great he has an escort now, bet that relaxs you a bit.

Back from today's monitoring. Got my scan early which was lovely. Was meant to be on Friday but midwife asked did I want it early. He's still breech but estimated weight is 5lbs9. Hoping that's out as that's really big but midwife said he looks like a big boy. He's just adorable with lovely chubby cheeks, can't wait to meet him now.
That is quite big but they grow in spurts so might be end of growth spurt?
Glad alls well xxx
Nice surprise for u to see him today
My little missy is 3 6 already.
Big lady too :)
I was kind of expecting it to be honest as he was over 4lbs last scan. My babies get big early. He's predicted to be 10lbs5 if he goes to term. I'm not that horrified to be honest. Scans can by out by a pound or so and I know a few ladies who have had 10lb babies so I'm not going to freak myself out over it. If he's big then he's big. Aurora was 7lbs12 but 3 weeks early so she would have been 9-10lbs if I'd gone full term. Was a lovely surprise to see him as was counting down the days till Friday. Can't believe I will only have two more scans and then I will be meeting him. Eeeeek!
Just having a catch up glad everyone is well :flower:

Not getting on as much as my laptop went to the great big lap top heaven and I'm not overly keen on using my phone or the iPad :wacko:

All is well here though 30 weeks tomorrow 8 to go :happydance:
So pleased to hear that everything is good with all of you and your bumps! Is anyone else finding it hard to believe that we have all gotten this far?!

I haven't been feeling my best the last few days which sucks seeing as I've actually been remarkably healthy this pregnancy. My stomach has been a bit upset and I've felt sick on and off since Sunday. I've also had the odd period-like cramps but they only last about 5 seconds and are as frequent as once or twice an hour at the very most. So uncomfortable and a little sore though. Possible Braxton Hicks?? I've never had them before so I've no idea! My little guy is still nice and active, sticking his limbs into all sorts of uncomfortable places for me!! If he wasn't I'd be so worried though. Got my midwife appointment tomorrow so I guess if I'm feeling worried I can just mention this to her. I think I'm just having an off week though. DH has gone and got a cold so I hope I don't get that as well!
Glad all is ok lucusmum. Was getting worried! That sucks about your laptop. And yet for 30 weeks!!!

I literally can't believe it Lynanne. Soon all our babies will be here. Tummy upsets can be normal later on. Although it doesn't make it easier to deal with. And they do sound like Braxton hicks. Don't listen when people say they are painless, sometimes they can really hurt. Especially as you get closer to the finish line. Defo mention it to your midwife if your worried though.

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