~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

I'll stop spamming the thread after this one...just wanted you to see the full size of a baby near our gestation now...here's one more:


  • mummy---Reagan---1-week-old.jpg
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Y&M madness :) What a superstar :D

I find watching those baby programmes especially ones about the preemies how can I have something that size in me!! I think I am in a bit of denial to be honest! But I really want to know what way he is laying though. He was transverse but this was weeks ago he could have moved (was bum to left rib) If I have a full bladder or my uterus tightens I do have a feel around and have 2 distinctive hard bits (head and bum) just dunno whats what :D
oh you&me that has soooo brought it home to me! oooh she is sooo tiny! i wouldve been afraid to touch her! just amazing :cloud9:
Thank you!!

My midwife told me yesterday if you can hold and move the part you have got then it is a head...as the bum won't move side to side so easily...but then my midwife is an old dragon...so who knows!! LOL
oh you&me that has soooo brought it home to me! oooh she is sooo tiny! i wouldve been afraid to touch her! just amazing :cloud9:

:haha: makes it all seem more real when you see one that size!!

Babies aren't as fragile as people think...especially preemies, they are made of tough stuff!!
your soo right. tough little cookies they are indeed. im getting kicked or punched as i type here :haha:, and all i can think of the pics of your LO, hard to believe thats whats causing the craziness in there lol.
I wish I knew where my lo's body parts were, all I know is I feel his hiccups pretty close to my cervix and his hb is just above my hairline, mist kicks and punches are below my belly button, what is he doing in there?? I'm convinced I have a deep pelvis like my friend who didn't show at all. I now have a bump though!
Oh you&me, your photographs of your beautiful and ever so teeny little girl are amazing! What a little fighter and so perfect. How proud you must be of her (and yourself).

It really has made me think that Bertie isn't so much of a shrimp after all!

Thank you so much for sharing them with us xx
I wish I knew too! I know some people say they can tell whether they are being kicked or punched by I just can't! I can tell the difference between general movements and kicks/punches but just cant figure out whether its a foot or a hand when I feel "kicks" hehe x
I have no clue either! i just feel movement and pokes (kicks/punches) i cant distinguish any of it lol! ive been definitely feeling stronger movements this weeks though!
me too! had a very quiet and slightly worrying week last week where baby just wasn't moving no matter what i did... i tried lying on my side after drinking cold OJ and poking around my belly but he wasnt having any of it and all i felt the entire week were really teeny tiny movements that i had to really concentrate to feel and if im been honest i still dont know whether i was actually feeling them or whether it was wishful thinking!! but he came back in full force about 3 days ago rolling around, kicking, punching, poking and hardly stops! but i love it, i smile everytime i feel it and still just feel so amazed even tho iv been feeling movement since 19 weeks i still cant get over the feeling!! x
ive had quiet days too in the past few weeks and i dont rule out it happening again, she seems to have a mad few days then takes a few quiet days to recover :haha: nerve wrecking though when movements decrease, i hate it! id rather be beaten up from the inside all day everyday lol!
They do get quiet when they have growth spurts too :)

I am going to speak to my mw on Tuesday about kick counting. Cover mw at last appointment mentioned it but I can;t keep up as he is really active alot of the time *she says as baby appears to be sleeping*
I asked at my last appointment at 26 weeks. i explained i had quiet days then not so quiet days, she said this is normal and that obviously on really wriggly days you dont need to actually count the kicks cos you know there have been loads, but on quieter days just make sure you feel her move more than 10 times. which should be easily enough monitored as movement will be less frequent. does that make sense?
Ah yeah that does :)

Well I am off to my first aquanatal class. Am meeting HinkyBinky outside, so amazing that from this website we are meeting in real life. So random :)

I'll update later :D
Is anyone else getting some period type pains?

Mine started today...and working it out, it would be the time my AF was due...but I haven't noticed them before now.

They are just like normal period cramps, a little bit uncomfortable :shrug:
Hey girls,

can't believe im in the 3rd trimester already feels like this pregnancy has just flown by

can i be added 2 the list please due 10th nov wiv a lil boy :D :happydance:
Well ladies, I am officially in 3rd tri today!!

I am rather freaked out tbh. I cannot believe I have gotten here so quickly already ... eh, and you ladies are going to run through this thread like crazy when I have no time to get on now, aren't you? :(

That never happens when I have absolutely nothing to do, lol.
Is anyone else getting some period type pains?

Mine started today...and working it out, it would be the time my AF was due...but I haven't noticed them before now.

They are just like normal period cramps, a little bit uncomfortable :shrug:

Ive been having cramp like feelings and twinges on my left hand side he last 24 hrs?? Nothing too uncomfortable, but I took some paracetamol this morning and it went away and then came back again about 4pm - I was wondering if it was Braxton Hicks?

Just wanna say in response too what AnnaM and ShannaB were talking about earlier - this baby is also my 1st ever pregnancy and completely unplanned - although I've known my OH for over a year, we only started dating end of Jan and I got pregnant around Valentines day!! (so in about 2 weeks of dating!!) He was amazing luckily, as I dunno if I could of coped with this pregnancy on my own - I am very grateful for this miracle though as me and my ex husband tried for 6 yrs!!! I believe its cos he wasn't the right person for me and my OH obviously is! :happydance: :cloud9:

Welcome too 3rd tri all the new cross overs! :happydance:

Lol xx

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