~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

Is anyone else getting some period type pains?

Mine started today...and working it out, it would be the time my AF was due...but I haven't noticed them before now.

They are just like normal period cramps, a little bit uncomfortable :shrug:

Ive been having cramp like feelings and twinges on my left hand side he last 24 hrs?? Nothing too uncomfortable, but I took some paracetamol this morning and it went away and then came back again about 4pm - I was wondering if it was Braxton Hicks?

Just wanna say in response too what AnnaM and ShannaB were talking about earlier - this baby is also my 1st ever pregnancy and completely unplanned - although I've known my OH for over a year, we only started dating end of Jan and I got pregnant around Valentines day!! (so in about 2 weeks of dating!!) He was amazing luckily, as I dunno if I could of coped with this pregnancy on my own - I am very grateful for this miracle though as me and my ex husband tried for 6 yrs!!! I believe its cos he wasn't the right person for me and my OH obviously is! :happydance: :cloud9:

Welcome too 3rd tri all the new cross overs! :happydance:

Lol xx

Aww thats such a lovely story looks like its was definately ment 2 be congrats :thumbup:
Is anyone else getting some period type pains?

Mine started today...and working it out, it would be the time my AF was due...but I haven't noticed them before now.

They are just like normal period cramps, a little bit uncomfortable :shrug:

Yep!! I had period pain dull type ache yesterday, I felt really shitty actually! In fact I have been feeling quite heavy since :(
Is anyone else getting some period type pains?

Mine started today...and working it out, it would be the time my AF was due...but I haven't noticed them before now.

They are just like normal period cramps, a little bit uncomfortable :shrug:

Ive been having cramp like feelings and twinges on my left hand side he last 24 hrs?? Nothing too uncomfortable, but I took some paracetamol this morning and it went away and then came back again about 4pm - I was wondering if it was Braxton Hicks?

Just wanna say in response too what AnnaM and ShannaB were talking about earlier - this baby is also my 1st ever pregnancy and completely unplanned - although I've known my OH for over a year, we only started dating end of Jan and I got pregnant around Valentines day!! (so in about 2 weeks of dating!!) He was amazing luckily, as I dunno if I could of coped with this pregnancy on my own - I am very grateful for this miracle though as me and my ex husband tried for 6 yrs!!! I believe its cos he wasn't the right person for me and my OH obviously is! :happydance: :cloud9:

Welcome too 3rd tri all the new cross overs! :happydance:

Lol xx

Aww lol thats a wicked story :) and I agree you two are obviously meant to be!! I just wish fob had been a bit more mature about things. Although we weren't dating we have known each other for for about 18 months and had been *ahem* intimate many times before (even the first time I met him *embarressed*) Accidents happen, as you me and Shannon have clearly found out! But what ya gonna do eh!!?? I am happy and that is all I care about :)
OK, well I met HinkyBinky for Aqua. Really lovely to meet her and meet another pregnant lady local to me (and we are both teachers too!!) To be honest I didn;t feel the class to be very strenuous, but more 5 pregnant ladies having a laugh and chatty shit whilst attempting to to do excercise. 'Twas great :)
OK, well I met HinkyBinky for Aqua. Really lovely to meet her and meet another pregnant lady local to me (and we are both teachers too!!) To be honest I didn;t feel the class to be very strenuous, but more 5 pregnant ladies having a laugh and chatty shit whilst attempting to to do excercise. 'Twas great :)

Glad it went well today! sounds like great fun! might fly over for the next one :haha:
Hehehe...I am going to show you what a real baby born at 29 weeks looks like :haha:

she is so tiny and so cute! this is your little one you&me? How were the weeks following? How long did she have to stay in NICU? I am sooo worried this one is coming early! but look at your little girl- shes adorable!
OK, well I met HinkyBinky for Aqua. Really lovely to meet her and meet another pregnant lady local to me (and we are both teachers too!!) To be honest I didn;t feel the class to be very strenuous, but more 5 pregnant ladies having a laugh and chatty shit whilst attempting to to do excercise. 'Twas great :)

Glad it went well today! sounds like great fun! might fly over for the next one :haha:

Dunno if it was that good haha :D I haven't really been out for a few days either, been ill, feeling down and generally couldn't be arsed, so this was good to do :)
aww glad it helped you feel better today then! its great when a bunch of preg ladies get together. there was 3 of us in the hair dressers the other day and it was like a maternity ward, all sharing stories etc! everyone else was well entertained!
Hehehe...I am going to show you what a real baby born at 29 weeks looks like :haha:

she is so tiny and so cute! this is your little one you&me? How were the weeks following? How long did she have to stay in NICU? I am sooo worried this one is coming early! but look at your little girl- shes adorable!

Awww thank you Rowley :flower: Yes she is my little big girl!! She was born christmas day and came home valentines day, so it was about a 7 week hospital stay...not the easiest of journeys, tiring, frustrating, emotional, guilt ridden...and scary...but somehow you just get through each day as it comes, and it is so worth it when you bring them home.

What has you worried your LO will come early hun?
OK, well I met HinkyBinky for Aqua. Really lovely to meet her and meet another pregnant lady local to me (and we are both teachers too!!) To be honest I didn;t feel the class to be very strenuous, but more 5 pregnant ladies having a laugh and chatty shit whilst attempting to to do excercise. 'Twas great :)

Lovely to meet you too! As for the aqua class, I find it more like relaxation than exercise really, but figure in a few weeks' time when we're waddling about we might be thinking differently... :winkwink:

Glad there were a few more girls there as well, I liked the friendly vibe. And the teacher is not really htat scary after all :haha:
She looks damn scary, but is in fact very funny and lovely :haha: I couldn;t get the rythem and just kept falling! I was just doing my thang underwater hoping she didn;t shout at me :haha:

I'll deffo be going next week, when you next come we will be 30 weeks, looking at things like that it is really quite scary!!
wow, think about how quickly your first 12 weeks went by... in another short 12 weeks you will have your baby! weee how exciting! :happydance:
So my "father" apparently had a massive heart attack and is not expected to make it. His family thought that I should know, so got ahold of my mother and told her to tell me.

Now when I say "father" I truly mean sperm donor, because to be honest he is practically a stranger. I really am not affected too much by this news, and I kind of felt a whole lot of nothing when my mother relayed the message. Maybe it just has not really sunk in? I can't be sure.

I just do not see why his family expects me to care so much when he has never had anything to do with me. He was there the 1st year of my life, and I can count the amount of times on one hand that I have seen him in the last 10 years. And its not like we had an amazing conversation even once ...

I never got calls on my birthday, holidays etc. He didn't even call me when I had my son ... so I just really don't understand why I am expected to care so much about him possibly dieing. Maybe I will feel differently if/when he dies ....

But I can't help but feel bad as I think perhaps maybe I should feel more about this news ... after all, he is a part of me. But so far, I hardly feel much of anything ... :shrug:
As someone whose baby is unlikely to know his biological dad here is my take on it. It takes more than a sperm to make a dad. You cannot become emotionally attached to someone you do not know. You can be sad and sympathetic towards them but I think that is as far as it goes.

I think it important you know, would you rather not know and find out later? Then be pissed off no-one told you?

Don't feel guilty for not feeling anything x x x
I'll update tomorrow. Not had a chance to get on my laptop today. Sorry everyone. :flower:

Congrats Kayla! :hugs:

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