Evening everyone. I Have not been on all day and not so many pages to catch up on! You all must have been having lazy days
Bubbywings, I was induced with my son at 39 weeks due to HB. I was worried as I thought being a week early I would not be quite 'ripe' so it would be drawn out but it wasn't that bad. I had a pessary in the evening and another the next morning and a few hours later I started getting mild period type pains that just got stronger and stronger, no different to what I would imagine a natural labour would be like. I m sure you will be fine hun, especially as it is a second one for you.
Pichi, Herbert has slowed down these last few weeks. I am actually measuring 2 weeks behind but everything seems fine and I have been told a few weeks either way is totally normal!
DF, glad the scan went well and that baby is fine
Lizzy, I hope you are ok hun. If you are really in pain and if you are really worried it wouldn't hurt to call the hospital for advice
I am FULL TERM today
Well I went to the hospital this morning (about Herbert being breech) where I was monitored and scanned and in the short time it took to do that (about an hour) baby moved from transverse to breech to oblique and then head down! It must be knackered
Joking aside, as Herbert has been very mobile for a little while now he/she is now being classed as having an unstable lie, which in effect means that if my waters were to break while Herbert was transverse or oblique then there is a chance an arm or a leg could come out or even worse, the cord could prolapse which could cut off the blood/oxygen supply and an immediate CS would then be needed. For this reason once you are between 37-38 weeks, they recommend you say in hospital so that you are on site should you need to be delivered quickly.
For a minute there, it looked as if they were going to keep me in today but they eventually decided to let me home and have my midwife keep an eye on Herbert's position until Monday, when I have to go back to the hospital in the morning with my hospital bag. If Herbert is still unstable, I will then be admitted until either he/she stabilisers into one position (either head or bum down) or I deliver (naturally if head down or by elective CS at 39 weeks if breech).
What a little monkey! The reason for this seems to be that I have slightly higher than average water levels and Herbert is a little on the small side, so there is plenty of wriggling room.
So lots of Herbert get comfy vibes needed please!
On the plus side, Herbert seems really happy in there and teh scan showed he/she has lots of hair, bless x