Congrats on your date Hayley

sorry about hubby going away though, that will be tough, but you will be great I am sure
I have had a heavy belly for a while now, but today have notived real achey pelvic bone. Could this be Chunk engaging further and my pelvis kinda widening? At points it has felt like splitting in two. Plus have had the old shooting pains aswell
I need some serious advice. Or maybe I just need to rant more to the point. This is long and well fucked up I dunno what to do
Basically I have a friend (she is more of someone I know from the pub really) Anyway, she has mental health problems, but is also a complete nasty bitch and uses her bipolar to justify her basically ruining peopled lives. She has alienated many friends, but lately she has latched on to me.
Back in August she told me she was pregnant and had a termination because her medication could cause birth defects. She never told me who the dad was as I didn't think she was seeing anyone.
Last month she had a one night stand with another kind of mate of mine (my ex boyfriends mate who had a huge part to play in us splitting up) anyway after that she seemd to think she was going out with him until he didn't turn up to meet her... cue lots of slagging off on facebook and suicidal threats etc.
Low and behold she is pregnant again 6 weeks after her abortion. She has told my mate and being a kind of decent bloke is sticking by her, but is finding it very hard as she has serious mental health issues. She has announced her pregnancy on facebook (she is 6 weeks) so has outed her new boyfriend who hasn't even told his parents yet. Then this morning I see on my feed her ex boyfriend, who I thought she split with a year ago has started making threats to the dad of her baby.
I have just spoken to him, they were seeing eachother up until 3 weeks ago, when she shagged this other bloke. He has told me about her pregnancy in August. But get this.... She has admitted to me it was a lie to get to him (nasty piece of work don't you think!!) I want to tell her she was lying but it isn't my place, but this has really fucked him up, now she is "pregnant" again. I don't even know if I believe she is.
I dunno what to do, I want to tell her to do one, but I know how she can ruin people's lives and I don't want to be on the end of her nasty vindictive ways.
How terrible

I I worry for her ex boyfriend who she is seriously headfucking and I worry about her "new" boyfriend who is basically being trapped in my opinion.
Sorry for that rant need to get it out. How can people be so fucked up..............