~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

I do have the hypnobirthing tracks which are good but I seem to relax more when I put on some total chill out music. After doing my course and speaking to people who have actually used hypnobirthing I have been told that being able to relax deeply and use the breathing techniques they teach you invaluable.

I've been listening to my hypnobirthing CD daily, didn't do a course though. But I think it's definitely working in helping me to feel pretty chilled out and relaxed about when and how the baby is going to arrive. Whether or not the instincts kick in with the breathing remains to be seen, but have heard some really good things about it. How are you feeling about it all?

I am pleased we did the course although to be honest, I don't think we will use a lot of what was on offer as that just isn't us, but I do feel so much more confident about the birth and feel that hypnobirthing has given me a good set of tools which I fully intend to use when the time comes. I am hoping that not only will the deep and slow breathing help me cope with my contractions (as they do say the more you tense up, the harder they are) I also hope it will give me something else to focus on as I find the counting quite soothing in a strange sort of way.

I had a reflexology treatment by my hypnobirthing practitioner the other day and I would highly recommend that! I floated around all day :)
Update from loulabump at 16.59 - pain is getting bad now and shes struggling to breathe thru them, bless her shes keepin herself from crying , now every 2mins apart lasting a minute heading back upstairs to labour ward to be checked.

shall keep u all posted when i get nxt msg so excitin all these babies comin :happydance:

I had consultant and didnt get the news i wanted but hey tinkerbells got to get out some way, back again in 2wks to dicuss further plans x :wacko:

Thanks for the update chella :flower: shella send her our best wishes x

As long as bubs gets out safely, that is all that matters chic x
Pichi this made me think of you:

hehe aww that's cute. i seen a tiny tiny hello kitty today and was very tempted to buy but i was good... :p
I do have the hypnobirthing tracks which are good but I seem to relax more when I put on some total chill out music. After doing my course and speaking to people who have actually used hypnobirthing I have been told that being able to relax deeply and use the breathing techniques they teach you invaluable.

I have been drinking my RLT since Herbert turned head down but only about 3 cups a day. I quite like it!

Oh and April, I have heard that clary sage oil stinks :haha:

Well, I will pass on that then! :rofl: I will stick to my Sandalwood, Vanilla & Amber! Those are relaxing scents and my favs! :thumbup:

*takes deep breath*

You ladies talk tooooo much! :haha:
I had like 50,000 pages to read through, almost didn't but got in to some of the conversations going on towards the end. :)

First off, I went to the doctor's yesterday for 38 week appointment. Basically had to force the woman to check my cervix. I don't get it because it is pretty routine to check the cervix here in the U.S. It was really starting to annoy me. But she didn't object once I told her I wanted her to check. She said I was almost 3 cm dilated, and that my cervix was very soft and mushy which was good. She said baby wouldn't stay down though, and she felt her head but she popped back up. :shrug: Suppose little Madelyn isn't quite ready yet.

When I got my 20 week ultrasound they measured the baby to be due more around November 18th, but MW didn't change due date as it could be off or what not. Now I am freaking out that Madelyn is due more towards November 18th and I will be pregnant FOREVER and I am not as close as I thought I was to being done. :|

I REALLY don't want to be induced. I will go to 40 weeks willingly before I ask for an induction. I want it to happen when it is meant to happen, not force her out. Of course I may just be singing a different tune come a week from now.

My son Joseph's first birthday is this Saturday. :| :) I have mixed feelings. I am happy, yet so freaked out because I cannot believe he is already a year old! :haha: Its bittersweet, and happens much too fast.

Anna - Chunk is beautiful hon! Very cute! :D
GG - Good luck! Hoping it starts happening soon! Saturday is my son's birthday! :)
Everyone else - Sending you the best! :hugs:

Yeah, I had to ask to get mine checked too. They told me they don't do it unless we ask. So I am getting mine checked on Monday again too. :D

Awe!!! Joseph is a big boy! :cloud9:

Wow! 3 cm!!! How exciting!!! I wonder if I will be at least a 1 on Monday now. I was 1/2 cm this past Monday! :happydance:

Hello ladies! Wow, sounds like some more November Sparklers will be turning to October Bumpkins!!

I have been reading but not posting much on here (aside from Soph's updates) as I just don't have ANYTHING to report! Aside from bouncing on my ball, mainly because it's comfy, and drinking RLT to help the second stage of labour, I haven't been doing anything to try to bring on labour. I don't think my baby is very far engaged, and I haven't had any change in discharge, any pains, any of the *signs*, am still feeling full of beans and not at all fed up... I figure this would make for very dull updates!!

Very exciting reading about everyone else though... sending lots of labour dust to those ladies who are trying to get things going. Hopefully you won't have to resort to the semen trick :haha:

DF - sounds like you're having a rubbish time of it at the moment - hope things get better for you soon.

Anyone else NOT trying to get things started?

I am not "trying" to bring on labor just yet. I want to be at least Full Term first. Mark does not want to try the sperm solution just yet either! :rofl: HE is the one who said to hold off! :haha: Awe! He is protecting his baby girl already! :cloud9:

majm: the Halo OST is so gorgeous - believe it or not but the likes of silent hill have really nice piano music as does final fantasy and any Japanese anime really.

i find myself finding piano scores i love and try playing them on the piano myself :)

SilasLove: Stay on the due date you're at. it's a good one ;) lol

hinkybinky: i've not done anything to get myself started. just staying on my feet really

It is gorgeous!! I also LOVE Pride & Prejudice! The real one with Colin Firth not the dumb one with Kiera Knightly!

Hinky - I am not trying to get things started, atleast not yet. I told myself I wasn't going to until after my son's 1st birthday (which is Saturday). Until then things are just going to be left alone. :haha: Now, come Sunday I may change my mind and start trying to walk her out and everything else. Depends on how much I don't sleep probably. I always get fed up in the middle of the night when I can't get comfortable.

I have sex, but that is just for pleasure, not trying to get the baby out. So that is the only "activity" I do that could possible help baby along.

Ok, so I got my flu shot yesterday and I am just wondering ... is my arm supposed to be really sore? Feels as if I pulled a muscle almost ... ??

Yes, you will feel bruised. I had mine done over a month ago. I also got the normal side affects where I was running fever, achy, nauseous, etc...

Update from loulabump at 16.59 - pain is getting bad now and shes struggling to breathe thru them, bless her shes keepin herself from crying , now every 2mins apart lasting a minute heading back upstairs to labour ward to be checked.

shall keep u all posted when i get nxt msg so excitin all these babies comin :happydance:

I had consultant and didnt get the news i wanted but hey tinkerbells got to get out some way, back again in 2wks to dicuss further plans x :wacko:

How exciting!!! Thanks for the updates Hon! :hugs

Awe! I'm sorry! :hugs: Maybe it will be less than 2 weeks! :D

hehe aww that's cute. i seen a tiny tiny hello kitty today and was very tempted to buy but i was good... :p

LOL I love these little beanie hats!! They are so cute! I wish I knew how to knit and just make them myself!
Pichi this made me think of you:


Very cute! I want one but dont know if mines a girl! i have a nice croquet hat bought anyway with a bauble on top and ties, white though.
not sure if anyones already updated over here yet

but heres UPDATE ON YOU&ME

update for people that dont already know *this stays here and only here not on facebook dani wants it kept quiet from people on facebook*

shes been taken in to have emergency c-section just after 8pm tonight, because blood pressure is very high and protien is +3

so she will soon have her baby girl in her arms

will post more when i hear from her or her husband xXx
update on loulabump - shes back home and bouncing on her ball as labour is progressed enough so shes got to go back in when bit more nearer, shall keep u posted when get nxt txt
seems like theres a baby almost every day now!! I really hope I join that group soon. made a pineapple smoothie last night drank it while bouncing on a ball and then we dtd...i think i got all the bases covered but still no baby.

found out my mom is trying to surprise me by showing up here in hawaii- who wouldnt want to come for a vacation- right? anyways house is a mess so i called a cleaning company and they get here on monday! i just hope my parents werent planning on showing up before then
Pichi this made me think of you:


Very cute! I want one but dont know if mines a girl! i have a nice croquet hat bought anyway with a bauble on top and ties, white though.

They are so cute! When LO is here and if it's a girl, then you can get one! :D

not sure if anyones already updated over here yet

but heres UPDATE ON YOU&ME

update for people that dont already know *this stays here and only here not on facebook dani wants it kept quiet from people on facebook*

shes been taken in to have emergency c-section just after 8pm tonight, because blood pressure is very high and protien is +3

so she will soon have her baby girl in her arms

will post more when i hear from her or her husband xXx

Thanks for the update! :hugs:

Dani, GL and we are thinking of you! :hugs:

update on loulabump - shes back home and bouncing on her ball as labour is progressed enough so shes got to go back in when bit more nearer, shall keep u posted when get nxt txt

:dust: for you loulabump that things will progress fast!! :hugs:

seems like theres a baby almost every day now!! I really hope I join that group soon. made a pineapple smoothie last night drank it while bouncing on a ball and then we dtd...i think i got all the bases covered but still no baby.

found out my mom is trying to surprise me by showing up here in hawaii- who wouldnt want to come for a vacation- right? anyways house is a mess so i called a cleaning company and they get here on monday! i just hope my parents werent planning on showing up before then

How exciting!!! I hope your mom can make it! :hugs:
Oh year remember whatelse this midwife said to. I asked her about my birth plan as no one has made one with me yet or asked for one she asked if it was in my notes but i dont get my notes. Then asked was there some domestic disturbance like abuse or social services as thats the only reason she thinks i havnt got my notes! WTF! theres none of that here and loads dont get their notes here far as i know they are all in hospital in anti natel for when we go there. Said my birth plan would have been discussed at start but it wasnt.

I have yet to met a nice midwife who hasnt actually pissed me off with some snotty comment ! ok i have met one she was lovely but they are few and far between.
Majm - I am not overly excited about 3 cm's, lol. I know labor can happen at any time, but I also know that I was 4 cm when I got checked with my son and it took me 4 days to get to 5 cm! :wacko: So I know it can go slow. But I guess in the end I should look at it like that is 3 cm less I have to go for labor. :haha:

DF - You crack me up! But I am having TERRIBLE gas. The pains are the worst part. :| Really doesn't please me at all.

Good luck & :hugs: to all the ladies in labor (or possibly getting there)!
DF, sounds like she is just an idiot with a big mouth! :growlmad: Did you get your notes this time?

Silas, I get excited too easily I guess! :haha: I was grinning from ear to ear and dancing when they said I was 1/2 cm on Monday! :lol:
Oh year remember whatelse this midwife said to. I asked her about my birth plan as no one has made one with me yet or asked for one she asked if it was in my notes but i dont get my notes. Then asked was there some domestic disturbance like abuse or social services as thats the only reason she thinks i havnt got my notes! WTF! theres none of that here and loads dont get their notes here far as i know they are all in hospital in anti natel for when we go there. Said my birth plan would have been discussed at start but it wasnt.

I have yet to met a nice midwife who hasnt actually pissed me off with some snotty comment ! ok i have met one she was lovely but they are few and far between.

I find all "professionals" rather annoying at times. Like I hate that the nurses in L&D have to ask you if you are in an abusive relationship each time you have a baby. :wacko: I suppose some women would possibly be more likely to spill the beans if they were, because they ask you alone, but I really don't know. I'm not, so I hate being asked that question.

Also, when my cousin had her baby just this past September, they kept asking/accusing her of doing drugs while pregnant because her daughter was showing "signs of withdrawal". :wacko: I know my cousin so know that she wasn't doing drugs .. but they kept asking her over and over again. It was really upsetting for her. Sometimes I just wonder what is running through their heads??
DF, sounds like she is just an idiot with a big mouth! :growlmad: Did you get your notes this time?

Silas, I get excited too easily I guess! :haha: I was grinning from ear to ear and dancing when they said I was 1/2 cm on Monday! :lol:

:flower: You get excited as you want hon! Don't mean to be a downer in any way. I am excited for 3 cm, but was kind of hoping for more. Guess I don't know what I want at all because I keep telling myself I don't want her to come until after Joseph's bday, but I am very anxious to have her! At this point though, I am more on hoping she waits until after his birthday because would hate to spend his birthday in hospital. :( I will probably be a complete mess if that happens. Because what kind of birthday is that. you know?
Oh I understand! I would be the same way! :hugs: I bet she holds off though! She'll want her Big Bro to have his day first! :flower:
Another Sparkler Baby is on the way! :D

Majm - I am not overly excited about 3 cm's, lol. I know labor can happen at any time, but I also know that I was 4 cm when I got checked with my son and it took me 4 days to get to 5 cm! :wacko: So I know it can go slow. But I guess in the end I should look at it like that is 3 cm less I have to go for labor. :haha:

DF - You crack me up! But I am having TERRIBLE gas. The pains are the worst part. :| Really doesn't please me at all.

Good luck & :hugs: to all the ladies in labor (or possibly getting there)!

dosnt please me either, ok the realise does perhaps that explains the cramps:blush: but the afters no. And my OH deserves to have me waft past as I fart and they are hot farts the smelliest sort to,.

DF, sounds like she is just an idiot with a big mouth! :growlmad: Did you get your notes this time?
no i dont get notes, I didnt in first preg or last one and lots dont here. I seen them once as i was told to hold them till i seen midwife in waiting room and theres nothing weird in there all standard. Now have made me paranoid about why I dont have them.

Oh year remember whatelse this midwife said to. I asked her about my birth plan as no one has made one with me yet or asked for one she asked if it was in my notes but i dont get my notes. Then asked was there some domestic disturbance like abuse or social services as thats the only reason she thinks i havnt got my notes! WTF! theres none of that here and loads dont get their notes here far as i know they are all in hospital in anti natel for when we go there. Said my birth plan would have been discussed at start but it wasnt.

I have yet to met a nice midwife who hasnt actually pissed me off with some snotty comment ! ok i have met one she was lovely but they are few and far between.

I find all "professionals" rather annoying at times. Like I hate that the nurses in L&D have to ask you if you are in an abusive relationship each time you have a baby. :wacko: I suppose some women would possibly be more likely to spill the beans if they were, because they ask you alone, but I really don't know. I'm not, so I hate being asked that question.

Also, when my cousin had her baby just this past September, they kept asking/accusing her of doing drugs while pregnant because her daughter was showing "signs of withdrawal". :wacko: I know my cousin so know that she wasn't doing drugs .. but they kept asking her over and over again. It was really upsetting for her. Sometimes I just wonder what is running through their heads??

first pregnancy I was asked like a thousand times was there abuse and there wasnt, will never be either yet for some reason some didnt believe? kept handing me leaflets. Then since i had depression years ago i had a midwife try and ship me off to the mental home and give me pills i didntw ant when I was fine! i had a row with her and she even sat me down like a child and told me off because i lite on her i didnt appreciate her insinuating i was mad or incapable. And i do noty want to meet an arsehole that insult how i feed my child in the mat ward again,. i was to weak last time to speak and shocked this time i will tear chunks off. And i will be complaining about shit treatment if i get it again.
Another Sparkler Baby is on the way! :D


No fair , hope all goes well shall be awaiting the news xxx:happydance::happydance:

So anyone else in labour or feelin the twinges yet ??? xx

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