I didnt have the gel stuff I had the syntocyn drip, I wonder if its just hospital preference?
here is a pic of my girl getting fed up with all of our feeding problems
Huge congratulations to all the new arrivals, loving the pictures!!!
I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I got mytoday and i'm so delightd. Grace has given me a beautiful gift right before her official due date. Hopefully one day i will post a picture of my beautiful bundle of joy. Lets hear of more perfect little ones being born xxx
37 Weeks today YAY for full term. Now just 2 more weeks till my c-section guh time goes by so slowly
Lol, I never leaked milk once in my pregnancy. Manu women don't so don't worry as I have plenty of milk now![]()
What is everyone else dilated to?? I lose track haha
Hemrhoids have flaired up, hurts to much to even walk right now.
Hey girls
just a flying visitto one and all
home with Maddox now had a good 1st night at home, with him feeding at 9pm, 1am, and 5am, he feeds for about 40 mins at a time ish, hes now settled in his moses beside me while i catch up on over 350 emails!!!! wow!
Maddox Andrew David - 16:27 on 01.11.10, weighing 6lb7
here's a pic or 2
Morning ladies..
AFM: was up until 1am with very sore contractions, defo lost some of my plug as it landed on the toilet seat when I stood up but it was see-through and no blood, but this morning after a pee'd and wiped there was blood. I was awoken this morning with a big cramp too but nothing regular since, just a dull back ache and period-like pains..
REALLY hope MW will do a sweep today or at least check cervix and see if I have been imagining things. I reckon some bribery is in order lol
Well I've been having that backache wave thing on and off since 3 this morn! So that's like 5 or 6 contractions which seem to be trying to regulate.
Not getting my hopes up though
Morning ladies
Its my due day!!!!!!
But I am not expecting an ontime baby as apart from the odd very mild period type pain and my foof feeling like it has had a battering, NOTHING!!
AFM: Well I feel as if something should be happening, its my due day after all but Herbert seems quite happy where they are! Still it is only 9am, early days. Early days
Loads and loads of labour dust to all who need it (INCLUDING ME)![]()
hope things start regulating for u pichi - i didnt regulate til my waters went - in front of a bunch of kids whod just nocked trick or treatin - they got both!!!!
he's now pee'd all over daddy!!! - i did warn daddy to cover his winky first lol,
hes had more feeds 9am then 12noon, hes now back in his moses sleeping perfectly,
trying to upload all the pics and vids to FB and catch up with all the kind messages and comments - will try and peice together birth story in the next day or so xxx
Pixelle (Kelly) has just text to say she's had a second lot of gel and her waters have been broken! She's 3cm dilated and off to a labour room now!
Hopefully baby will be making an appearance soon.
I didnt have the gel stuff I had the syntocyn drip, I wonder if its just hospital preference?
here is a pic of my girl getting fed up with all of our feeding problems
Well, back from my 39 week appointment. I am 4 cm dilated. But I am also finding it really hard to be over excited just because I am VERRRRY achey and sore. Its been like that since last night. Also, EVERYtime LO moves I feel as if I am being stabbed. It just hurts!
I am exhausted as well, so about to go take a nap. Which I NEVER do, lol. But I am just done for today! As well as my back is starting to ache a bit ..
Oh, also, MW thinks i'll go in the next day or so. She said of course she can't be 100% sure but it looks promising. So cheers to that!![]()
Huge congratulations to all the new arrivals, loving the pictures!!!
I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I got mytoday and i'm so delightd. Grace has given me a beautiful gift right before her official due date. Hopefully one day i will post a picture of my beautiful bundle of joy. Lets hear of more perfect little ones being born xxx
oh my god GG! she is so cute!!! i just want to give her cuddles too! lol
4cm dilated Silas. woohoo
well, my contractions have done a runner - i'm wondering if they'll start up again tonight like they did last night. my bump is constantly hard now
congrats on thesparky x
Really quick update, Herbert had such a lazy day today that by 1pm I was worried enough to pop in for monitoring. Herbs was fine and as soon as I got on the monitor kicked and bopped about quite happily. Phew!
But my consultant is twitchy and has requested that I go in this evening for an induction either tonight or tomorrow. I am crapping myself to be honest but hey-ho, if its for the best then so be it! Keep your fingers crossed girls!
Ooh Little Mermaid will be doing my updates![]()