Mind you dont pump to much you need the colostrum for baby and milk supple shouldn't be pumped till past 3 months of you intend to breastfeed. But as I said if it worked I would have had my baby a long time ago since I do it every day more than one with my son breastfeed which is the same as your pump. My milk will change after labour apparently. I got loads of it in when I was in hospital last time, was drowning william in it.
I got into a fight last night with my OH. I made the mistake of asking for a backrub, since my back was killing me....he hates giving backrubs and went off on a tangent about how all I ever do is ask for a backrub. Last night was the first time in months I asked for a backrub. So I ended up locking myself in the bedroom and crying myself to sleep. Im still pissed at him about it though, and my back STILL HURTS!
What is everyone else dilated to?? I lose track haha
Kellycool anything for you? have u dilated or anything yet?
Dust ur way i know its ur time =)
Thanks hunni
As Pichi mentioned, we don't get internals so have no idea but still really crampy so HOPING something is happening.. They usually only give sweeps at 41 weeks but think I am going to ask for one tomorrow-didn't work with Ashton but worth a shot![]()
Evening all
Good luck for tomorrow Pixelle, I can't wait to read that your baby has arrived!
Bartness, have ahun. My hypnobirthing teacher told me that when our bodies release endorphins, they cross over to the baby, so in effect, its not just you getting a bit of a pamper, its the baby too! I am always telling my hubby that Herbert wants a back massage and when I put it like that, he can never refuse
Kelly, you can't say you have your names and then not tell us what they are!!!! We are no closer to choosing ours, we are useless!
MW, glad to hear baby is ready for lift off!
AFM: Well I saw my MW today and baby is right down and engaged, which explains why I feel like I have been kicked in the foof. My bump is still really high though!
My whole tummy also felt really tender to the touch when she was feeling babies position. I told her and she said that could mean things are on the move, I have no idea if that really is a sign or not. Herbert had been a bit quiet all morning but when she went to listen to his/her heart beat, Herbert got stroppy and knocked it away, s/he obviously just fancied a lazy day!
So I left my appointment having been booked in for a sweep next Tuesday when I will be 40+6, I would have preferred one earlier to be honest but as I had my appointment at the children's centre today, it wasn't possible. Fingers crossed I wont need it! I have had some mild period type pains on and off all evening now, but I often get those so I am not going to make a song and dance about it.
Anyone heard from Jo (FGS)? She has been having such strong symptoms lately that she could go at any time!
Good luck to all those who are getting 'signs'. I hope they turn into something constructive!
37 Weeks today YAY for full term. Now just 2 more weeks till my c-section guh time goes by so slowly
37 Weeks today YAY for full term. Now just 2 more weeks till my c-section guh time goes by so slowly
Hope it all goes well xxx
Pixelle - good luck for u xxx
All the ladies who are havin signs shouldnt be long now xx
Right ladies if ne of u can giv me advice id appreciate it, my cousin went and put my nephews funeral on events page on facebook , which was a big shock as theres 2 friends who i didnt want there as i want to be with family and say goodbye in private, but ne way his gone and given them dates etc , so now i need to work out a way to say in a nice way that its private family and his close friends only funeral ??? ne ideas much needed , jus also if i dont make funeral if still in hopsital i dont want them there![]()
Only had 1 glass of pineapple juice as gone off it abit and feel really sicky xx
Well tomorrow is the big day. I am being induced at 6 a.m. and I am a little nervous. I am dilated 2-3. Can anyone tell me what an epidural is like? Do you still feel pain at all? What about going to the bathroom?
37 Weeks today YAY for full term. Now just 2 more weeks till my c-section guh time goes by so slowly
Hope it all goes well xxx
Pixelle - good luck for u xxx
All the ladies who are havin signs shouldnt be long now xx
Right ladies if ne of u can giv me advice id appreciate it, my cousin went and put my nephews funeral on events page on facebook , which was a big shock as theres 2 friends who i didnt want there as i want to be with family and say goodbye in private, but ne way his gone and given them dates etc , so now i need to work out a way to say in a nice way that its private family and his close friends only funeral ??? ne ideas much needed , jus also if i dont make funeral if still in hopsital i dont want them there![]()
Only had 1 glass of pineapple juice as gone off it abit and feel really sicky xx
- Were these friends close to your nephew? Is there any untoward reason why you dont want them there? They may just want to say goodbye too
Well tomorrow is the big day. I am being induced at 6 a.m. and I am a little nervous. I am dilated 2-3. Can anyone tell me what an epidural is like? Do you still feel pain at all? What about going to the bathroom?
Think about have your teeth numbed and that "fat" feeling you get where you know someone is touching you but you cant actually feel it - thats how it makes your foof feel
As long as you have the correct dosage you should feel any pain.
I cannot for the life of me remember what happened about the loo during labour