~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

mine's didn't offer a prediction either Kelly ¬___¬ all she said was that baby was engaged at 38 weeks and that she thinks i'm looking at a 7lb 8- 8lb baby if was to go over :shrug: could be TOTALLY wrong with that one though! haha

lolpants: just relax and get some rest :D
I think it was based on baby dropping so far down since last appt :shrug: - she said that my measurements were less cos of this too and that she couldn't even feel head it was so low down! (explains the pressure when I get up I guess!)
My MW is a very 'in and out' person - this is prob the only thing she has ever said to me that wasn't the routine, BP, Urine, measure, heartbeat, bye!
She could be wrong OFC! But don't wanna go past 15th if I can help it!

Lol xx
Well I hope she is right Lol!!
Pich they dont tell me anything I swear-they always just feel my tummy and then say 'how big was your last baby' and then when I say 9lbs they all do the same mmmmm, which I assume means they think I have a galute on the way hahaha
i have no clue as to how big peanut must be. i think she won't be too big as my bump isn't on the massive side - but saying that she could still come out as a 10lb-er! (here's hoping she's not though)

at my last appt they didn't measure my fundal height either - just said that she felt like a Term baby :shrug: she's measuring 1 week behind so... ach i don't know. got to stop speculating! lol
Hahaha, how else are we meant to pass the time :) I'm sure our bodies wouldnt give us more than we could cope with but still, here's hoping for regular, not too big babbas xx
I'm quite glad my mw hasnt guessed at how big lumpy will be...if i got told i was having a big baby i would panicking and if i got told she was small i would hate for her to turn out massive!

they do say your body wont give you a baby thats too big for you but i've herad of 12lb babies being born :shock: i'd rather not know, if she's gna split me in half i dont want to think about it for now :haha:
nothing to report here other than going back to bed after i get william ready as darren has a hospital app in Belfast and thats a bit away so they shall be away for a few hours. I need to catch up on sleep! and I bet i get none.

I hope you get some sleep Hon! :hugs:

Congrats bubby!!! The babies really are coming in fast now!

I had my anti-natal check up today and when I asked has the baby fully engaged because last time she said it only had a little bit sticking out but that the head was fixed in there, he said the head is indeed fixed but he can't really say if it is fully engaged without doing an internal at the same time and internals aren't done here (or at my clinic anyway) until 40+ weeks..... So I guess im back to just waiting around, I have been having lots of period type pains so lets cross our fingers it's not far off.


Why won't they give you ladies internals???

Congrats Bubbywings!
Pixelle had her beautiful baby boy at 10.19pm last night, weighing 7lb 1 oz. She did so well, coping with just gas and air. Massive congrats to her and her OH and thanks for letting me share it with you as your text buddy! :cloud9:

FANTASTIC!!! Congrats Pixelle!!! :hugs: Thank you PL for updating us! :hugs:

Well I had my first set of false labor contractions the night before last. And it wasn't pleasant to say the least! I was going hot/cold, shaking, with terrible cramping pains and vomitting. Went to hospital after 4-5 hours of it and was told it was either false or early labor. Seeing as the contractions stopped yesterday it would be false labor.

Didn't have time to read all the thread as I am still not feeling too good. Congrats to the girls who have had their babies xx

I hope the false goes away and the real ones start up for you hon! :hugs:

Congrats to all the mummies of the sparklers born recently :) we're on a roll!My contractions have stopped, grrr :dohh: hope she decides to start up again today and make them regular this time. I can feel the little monkey now tickling my hip hahaHope everyone is doing well and good luck to all those who are experiencing labour pains - hope they turn into a little sparkler soon :)

Well, she is just totally playing with you! :lol: I hope they start up and stay and end up with an announcement stating that she is here! :hugs:

Congrats to all the new mums and dads and good luck to everyone experiencing pains!!!

AFM due today no signs or anything so looks like willbe a sweep for me on Monday.

Little monkey!!!!

GL on the Sweep Love! :hugs:

:happydance: Congrats Pixelle!! and thanks for keeping us up to date Lizzy!

Pichi I bet your going nuts!! :brat: You really are going through it!

AFM Im leaving for MW now - just noticed my ticker is 100%% Yey!!! :happydance:

Lol xx

:yipee: for 100%

No I dont want that type of labour i hope mother nature has one planned for me I get sore go to hospital and pop it out and come home few hours later. I think after last time she owes me one! she soooo owes me a pleasant labour I have been trying really hard and all this past 21 months taking my son out in to nature and loving nature as always , its the least she can do after that farce labour with William. And if she gives me a labour from hell I am going to cut down a tree! mwahahahaha!


Congrats Pixelle!!!!!

Jo, hope you are handling and getting the calm birth you were so prepared for-excited to hear if Herbert is a boy/girl :)

Jo (FGS) how are you hunni?

Any more dilation news for anyone?
Have sweep booked for tomorrow, a bit nervous really that a) she tells me cervix is still closed etc and b) it doesnt work..

GL Love! I hope there is some progress for you! :hugs: :dust:

well just back from my last ever pre baby MW appt - everything is fine - baby has dropped and is right down - no internal offered but MW reckons I defo won't make it too my next hospital appt which is on the 15th!
Horrible journey there and back though - had too walk as OH has car and it is chucking it down - umbrella broke on way as so windy too - was hard walking with weight of baby alone - but then add soaking wet jeans etc!! :grr: and then I was waiting nearly hr too see her so was all damp and hot - knowing I had too face the way back!! Just horrible! :cry:

GL for in the morning Kelly - who knows if it does work u may have the 1st due date baby of the month!! :happydance:

Hoping this is it for you now Pichi!!

Lol xx

I responded to you on FB but once again, that totally sucks and I am glad you are home and dry no! :hugs: Being in wet clothes the the WORST!!!
My gran had my aunt home birth like 50 years ago and she weight over 10lbs! and had a twin that was joined to her only it didnt form and was later removed with operation.

I was told mine would be between 7 and 8 lbs but the way I eat its probably more lol they said small baby i think thats bull for me as thats average weight. even at scan it was mire than what my updates where telling me in weight. Must be just a consultants matter of opinion as the last consultant I seen sent me away with no worries for baby at all while others had me panicky.

I am looking forward after now, holding baby. Seeing my mums face when I say its name and her lip going up in disgust and then me arguing with her that i dont care what she thinks. Then for months after it being brought up about how everyone is offended i didnt use such and such name. Sigh. Oh the fun.
I think it was based on baby dropping so far down since last appt :shrug: - she said that my measurements were less cos of this too and that she couldn't even feel head it was so low down! (explains the pressure when I get up I guess!)
My MW is a very 'in and out' person - this is prob the only thing she has ever said to me that wasn't the routine, BP, Urine, measure, heartbeat, bye!
She could be wrong OFC! But don't wanna go past 15th if I can help it!

Lol xx

My doctor is this way too. Rather rude I think! :growlmad:

Well I hope she is right Lol!!
Pich they dont tell me anything I swear-they always just feel my tummy and then say 'how big was your last baby' and then when I say 9lbs they all do the same mmmmm, which I assume means they think I have a galute on the way hahaha


I'm quite glad my mw hasnt guessed at how big lumpy will be...if i got told i was having a big baby i would panicking and if i got told she was small i would hate for her to turn out massive!

they do say your body wont give you a baby thats too big for you but i've herad of 12lb babies being born :shock: i'd rather not know, if she's gna split me in half i dont want to think about it for now :haha:

My friend had an 11 lb 10 oz. baby girl this past Summer!!!:o
Hi girls quickie from me and I hope u are all ok :)

o haven't read everything but well done and congrats to pixelle haven't read the update though :)

pichi great news on peanut!!!

Lol, so pleased phoebe is making her move :)

wow Jo (coco) cannot wait to hear that Herbert is here safe and sound:)

I just had midwife and evan has put on 100g since monday yay!! His belly button has dropped off too, yucky!! And I took my plaster off my scar which which is healing nicely :)

when I get a chance I will get on laptop and have a good catch up.

Love to you all, see more of u girls on the mims thread :happydance:
how's wee Evan getting on AM? glad his little belly button 'thing' has fallen off. they gross me out :haha: will be getting OH to be cleaning that. Poop and spew and everything else, i can handle! that little but just freaks me right out lol

my god i feel like i've been drinking acid again - this damn heartburn won't leave me be
I am looking forward after now, holding baby. Seeing my mums face when I say its name and her lip going up in disgust and then me arguing with her that i dont care what she thinks. Then for months after it being brought up about how everyone is offended i didnt use such and such name. Sigh. Oh the fun.

Awh Dragonfly thats really crap :( why cat people just let you be?!
I'm really looking forward to seeing my mums face when we say LOs name but for real, Lumpys middle name is my mums and we've managed to keep it a secret :D i want to make her cry :haha:
Congrats to the two new Mommies! I cant wait to see pictures of your little boys!
congrats on the new babies =)

and everyone else with babies making moves...

AFM- i went to bed at 10pm last night and didn't fall asleep until 3:30a only to be woken with hubby leaving for work at 6am.. ughh than wasn't able to fall back asleep before monkey woke up so im exhausted as well as all through out the night i had contractions every 8-10 minutes as well as bad menstrual cramps =(.. come on lil baby haha
gonna have too find this Mummy thread! Will defo be on there within the next 2 weeks :happydance:

Lol xx
Majm - they say internals aren't necessary until you are due or over due. Like it's nice to know how far dilated you are but you don't really need that information prior to your due date. I'm not.complaining tho I'm terrified of an internal. Lol. As curious as I am about how close I am to labour I'm happy to wait it out.
I am looking forward after now, holding baby. Seeing my mums face when I say its name and her lip going up in disgust and then me arguing with her that i dont care what she thinks. Then for months after it being brought up about how everyone is offended i didnt use such and such name. Sigh. Oh the fun.

Awh Dragonfly thats really crap :( why cat people just let you be?!
I'm really looking forward to seeing my mums face when we say LOs name but for real, Lumpys middle name is my mums and we've managed to keep it a secret :D i want to make her cry :haha:

I havnt spoken to her in a long time,. I know she tries to be nice now on the phone but I have seen this before, she is nice then when I get nice she turns nasty again and starts interfering. The damage is done for sure now. I have never been happier actually not speaking to her than ever! so much less stress. But i assume when this baby is born she will want to see it. Now she has ignored my son for a while there and is now trying to see him, dad puts him in car when he comes in as i dont want her in my house. I cant handle her facial expressions of disgust, shouting a my dog, and giving out to my son who is doing nothing wrong. You would find it hard not to want to hit her thats how much she angers me. Not that i would wouldnt do that. Just a person I really dont get along with.

Anyway I had a few hours sleep :thumbup: nice shower and feel better. Its pissing down here! such a shite day I havnt been out in a few days and i forgot i was suppose to have midwife to day but to be honest sleep was more important as theres no change in me from last thursday and i didnt want to go back to that nosey cheeky woman anyway I may make a docs app for Monday then go to hospital app week after.
congrats on the new babies =)

and everyone else with babies making moves...

AFM- i went to bed at 10pm last night and didn't fall asleep until 3:30a only to be woken with hubby leaving for work at 6am.. ughh than wasn't able to fall back asleep before monkey woke up so im exhausted as well as all through out the night i had contractions every 8-10 minutes as well as bad menstrual cramps =(.. come on lil baby haha

I am so sleepy too! Unfortunately, our sleep was interrupted by not only my BH & cramps and having to pee every hour but as well as the TDY unit next door. Which is occupied by a couple of single soldiers! They had a friend over apparently and all we could hear was the headboard hitting the wall on the other side of our bathroom!!! :growlmad: :dohh: Seriously, move it away from the wall!!! I wanted to go bang on the wall but Mark would not let me! :haha:

gonna have too find this Mummy thread! Will defo be on there within the next 2 weeks :happydance:

Lol xx

So exciting!!! :happydance:

Majm - they say internals aren't necessary until you are due or over due. Like it's nice to know how far dilated you are but you don't really need that information prior to your due date. I'm not.complaining tho I'm terrified of an internal. Lol. As curious as I am about how close I am to labour I'm happy to wait it out.

Thanks for explaining that. :hugs: I am too impatient so I ask but then regret it in the end because Doctor Fat Fingers rips me a new one! :cry: :growlmad: I mean COME ON!!! Be gentle!!! Don't friggin' Fist Me! :gun: But then I like to know how far dilated I am! :lol:

Anyway I had a few hours sleep :thumbup: nice shower and feel better. Its pissing down here! such a shite day I havnt been out in a few days and i forgot i was suppose to have midwife to day but to be honest sleep was more important as theres no change in me from last thursday and i didnt want to go back to that nosey cheeky woman anyway I may make a docs app for Monday then go to hospital app week after.

Yay! Glad you got some sleep! :hugs: You needed that so bad!
I moved my furniture around today, expecting to go in to labor! But I got maybe 2 contractions the entire time I cleaned up. I have been discouraged, as going in to labor was my only motivation for cleaning. :haha: I get more contractions sitting on my bum!

Congrats on the new babies! :hugs: So exciting!

All my painful contractions have been happening when I am in bed trying to sleep, so sleep hasn't been the best lately. But I took a nap yesterday and have felt a bit better today .. so I think it helped.

My biggest problem today, besides NOT going in to labor of course, is that I have nothing in this stinking house that I want to eat! :|
Had my birth plan appt today-just to go through the procedure for the c-section but it was reassuring to have more information. BP is back to normal -120/80 :happydance: so no more appointments until I go in on Tuesday for the pre-op assessment.
Been shopping today, think I've done a bit much as aching all over now but got the last few bits and last shopping trip before baby!
My mobile died this morning so have got a replacement for that too.

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