Hi ladies!!!!!!!
I am back

and today is the first time I feel human

I have spent the last day or so catching up on everything that has been happening sine Wednesday when I was last on and I am so delighted to see so many new little Sparklers have made their way safely into the world. Well done ladies and some of you seem so close now that it surely can only be a matter days
Well as my wonderful friend Little Mermaid has already said, baby George Samuel made his way into the world in a very dramatic fashion at 11.33pm on the 4th November by emergency crash section under general anesthetic, weighing in at 6lb 3oz.
I will write up my birth story soon (although maybe I should wait until all the Sparklers have delivered as it was a little scary

) but I have to say, that even though I never expected it to end up as it did, the hospital did everything they could to make it a positive experience and I am just so grateful to them all for delivering little Georgie so safely.
I am recovering well now and hubby is spoiling me rotten and not letting me lift a finger (wonder how long I can milk this one?) and Georgie is just sooooo cute I want to gobble him up!
I am now totally excited to be able to pop over and join our parenting thread

but I will still be here cheering you all on until every last Sparkler has delivered their little bundles of joy!
To those who I have not got on Facebook, here is the link to a few picces: