***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Oh gosh! lol we are going to Fort Huachuca/ Sierra Vista. But Ill more than likely be giving birth in Tuscon!

I cant wait to feel baby! I think baby is still too low at this point for me! IDK I thought I was feeling baby by belly button but then I can only get heartbeat at pubic bone so I guess not
Hi ladies,

I'm 16 weeks already and still dont know if my babybump has popped out. Where I have always been over weight and got BFP before reaching my goal weight, I'm still not sure if its bump or fat belly thats getting bigger.

I will agree finally feeling better now that I'm finally in the 2nd tri! Not feeling tired, bloated and nauseous all the time is great for once!! Now just waiting till I can feel my LO moving!
I was meant to have my 16 weeks MW appointment this afternoon but had to move it. Now waiting till next week Thursday for that appointment - it will also be the first time I will get to hear my babies heart beat!! Although I am a little nervous about that after a terrible nightmare I had a few nights ago.
Dreamt that I was at a baby show and one of the stalls was selling or renting fetal dopplers. They were demonstrating the doppler on me but couldnt find the heart beat!! I woke up in such a panic.
I just want it to hear my babies heart beat. Hopefully then I will start to relax a little bit.
Hope everyone is well
I did not notice you were Germany too! Are you from here? We are in Baumholder :nope: We are like two hours from Frankfurt, 40 minutes from Saarbruken, hour south of Trier.. cant really think of any big cities its near to put it on the map :haha: About an hour from French and Luxemboug's boarder.

Last summer everyone wanted it hotter to go swimming but I was content with what we had since I was big pregnant then :) Im SOOO thankful our winter last year was very mild. The year we moved here 2010 was crazy snow!! Over all I really enjoy it here in Germany (not so much our town) and will be sad to leave but I am happy to be getting back to things Im use to and having our families and friends finally meet our son!
Yes I am a German, from Hamburg (I have got my location under my username ;) )
Hamburg tends to be a bit cooler in the summer and more rainy .
Skweek35- I wouldnt worry much about dreams, with my son I was giving birth either to a puppy, or a black baby and usually in a bowling alley. :haha: turns out I had a white human baby in a hospital. I look pregnant most days but since I just had a baby 9 months ago eating a big meal puts me back to looking about 5 months pregnant. Im ready for a bump but not a huge uncomfortable bump just a small cute bump will do
Ah yes, you'll definitely need an a/c in Arizona!! I've heard the heat feels different in Arizona since it's dryer there... it's crazy humid here in TX (plus, we live on a lake so that doesn't help!).

My belly popped last week at 12 weeks. I feel like it's way too early for that. I've always had a flat stomach (even in my "heavier" days my tummy was flat... I just gained weight in my hips and thighs). I thought it'd be a while before I'd show, but there's no going back to regular pants at this point. It's still a smaller bump, but on my frame it's very obvious. Ah well, I'm just going to embrace it.
ah yes no humidity will be amazing. We lived in Colorado before coming here and the winters and summers were not bad at all because of the lack of humidity. I am originally from Arkansas so I know about humidity and Ill pass on that!
my belly just got pushed upwards. there is a tinsy winsy bumplett between the pelvic bone and the belly button though. When I stretch the skin away from my navel and flex my stomach muscles I can pop it out already .
Well I have to get this off my chest and I hope no one minds if I talk about this here :blush: Lately I have not been feeling very sexy, well since having my son really, right before I got :bfp: I started to feel a little better about myself since I had lost weight. Im just not feeling very attractive at all lately. I try but still feel like I look like crap. Then comes in our sex life. Use to be hot and heavy and I had so much confidence, now it seems I have none and I dont know what to do about it. Plus the recent problem with bleeding after sex and doctor saying I have a hole in the placenta has put me off from having sex for a little while. I love my husband and I know he loves me and finds me attractive, I like to think he would never cheat on me or anything but tonight on his phone, under a password no less I found porn :nope:.

Dont get me wrong I have nothing against people watching porn, I have done it with my husband and watched it on my own but for some reason during pregnancy it really gets to me. Knowing he is watching it behind my back makes me not want to do any sexual favors for him or have sex in general. Maybe because Im not feeling attractive and confident in myself that knowing he is watching thin, "hot" girls doing everything he wants to do pisses me off. I have no problem with him self serving but when I found some clips on his phone before it was not under password and now that it is makes me feel like hes hiding it. Am I being silly? I know he knows how I feel and maybe he did it to not hurt my feelings so I dont want to bring it up to him. I guess I wonder how I will ever get back to feeling like me and having no problem doing the old things we use to do. After having my son, something just changed :shrug:

Enough of that, Im just feeling down and like a bad wife, and disappointed in myself and my husband. :cry:
You don't have to feel bad for discussing that here... I had such horrible insomnia in the first tri that the absolute last thing I wanted to do with DH was that. We haven't DTD in at least 5 weeks (maybe longer, honestly I don't remember). But I completely understand how you're feeling down right now... I haven't had a child yet (this is my first), but I know my much rounder shape has me feeling a little insecure myself and definitely not sexy. I know DH also looks at videos and pictures online (always has) and it never bothered me much before, but I just straight up told him I know it's on his computer I'd really apperciate it if he could be more respectful of me right now and at least try to keep that stuff off... especially since we haven't had much time to be intimate lately. He deletes the history now but I still know what was on there. I don't think it makes our husbands bad men, but when I can't satisfy his needs I'd much rather him look at pictures, than run to the arms of another woman (not that I think he would ever do that!!). Just try to be open and honest with him about how you feel, and try to not let it drive you away from him or resent him.
Oh hun he's probably not even thinking about the "hot thin girls" ... but more about what he could be doing to you...My OH said when he went away for 2 nights for a business trip (just after I had had Henry), that he watched porn (I found it on his phone and asked him why). He said that he was just imagining me and him not really paying attention to how pretty the girls were etc but the act itself. It's completely normal feeling so insecure - and even when you've had a baby before subsequent ones can still make you hate how you look :( I would do what Mrs.326 said and just be honest with him and tell him how it makes you feel. And definitely tell him how insecure it's made you the fact he passworded it :hugs:

I've felt baby move for a while now ... but it is my third! I love it, makes it seem real considering apart from HB I've not really had any symptoms. My belly is that horrible B shape too, so people sort of look as if to say "is she pregnant.... is she just fat" as the top of my belly looks like a hard baby bump; the bottom not so pregnant lol!
CharlieKeys - that's so me!! I didn't have a name for it but now I do - B bump. :haha: I feel like my bump is all guts and it's driving me mad because with #1 it was all baby. My guts just knew exactly what to do and where to go this time around, I guess. :nope:
It's horrible isn't it!!! :haha: I find my leggings make it more obvious B-shaped too!
Daddiesgift, I totally just posted about a similar issue under pregnancy club because I was a bit shy about posting it in this area too. No worries hon, you definitely aren't alone in feeling that way!!!
Hi gals. Have not posted in a while. Still no definite flutters here and I so badly want to feel them!! I have had some braxton hicks and times when only half my belly is hard - could that be baby pressing against it? Next MW appt on Tuesday at 17 weeks. Have decided to decline the triple screening test.
Hi all! We are DEFINITELY having a boy!! All looked good today at the ultrasound...

Got my 2nd tri blood taken and will get the results in 10 days ish. I WISH I could figure out how to post pics from my iPad! My photobucket account isn't working. Anyone have any tech advice for me? :)
congrats CAvalleygirl! glad everything went well today!

i only use photobucket but i am sure there are other uploading sites!
Morning all. Bit of a scary morning. When I went to the loo and wiped I found quite a bit of brown blood. The amount I would usually see on the first day of my af. Just waiting for the dr to call back. Hopefully it's just a low lying placenta.

Will keep you posted. X
Morning all. Bit of a scary morning. When I went to the loo and wiped I found quite a bit of brown blood. The amount I would usually see on the first day of my af. Just waiting for the dr to call back. Hopefully it's just a low lying placenta.

Will keep you posted. X

good luck... your in my thoughts... it is my understanding that brown blood is "old" blood. i had some in 1st tri and was told brown is usually old blood coming through.. not sure why this would be happening but fingers crossed for you... :flower:
:hugs: Fishandchips - hope everything is ok :hugs:

Congrats on your boy CAvalleygirl :hugs:
Doc said that as I'm under 16 weeks there is still a threat of miscarriage and that there are no tests they can do so to just wait it out. Nice.

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