***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

getting worried about my headaches... midwife said that headaches are normal (were only talked on the phone) but i get them every single day and all day. they arent bad but def annoying and make me feel "off". i am not worried about my migraines because they are exactly like ones i got my entire life. i never got these ones that i get everyday though.. i am not sure what they could check in the drs office but i wish i could feel less stressed

:( :(
nope...don't have a doppler...considered buying one but scared to buy 1 coz if i don't hear the hb (due to my error or baby not being cooperative) i would literally DIE of hypertension!:wacko:

the entertainment only scans sound like fun......:thumbup:

no heartburn for me.....just occasional gas

You would just have to invest in a really good brand. I have this one and LOVE IT. https://www.fetaldoppler.net/sonoline-b.html
I did not get it off that website so you could look on amazon or ebay for a cheaper one. Ive also used a friends sonoline C and it worked great.
I have never had a problem with it in my two pregnancies and always able to find the heart beat. This time at a little over 10 weeks.

getting worried about my headaches... midwife said that headaches are normal (were only talked on the phone) but i get them every single day and all day. they arent bad but def annoying and make me feel "off". i am not worried about my migraines because they are exactly like ones i got my entire life. i never got these ones that i get everyday though.. i am not sure what they could check in the drs office but i wish i could feel less stressed

:( :(

Sorry you are not feeling so well :hugs: I know the increase in hormones in our body makes us have the head aches, Some days I get them all day and they hurt bad. Medicine wont even help. But most days I just feel a head ache about an hour then it goes away. It is annoying. I would try not to stress about it too much since it is pretty normal, but for sure at your next appointment bring it up and see if they can do anything about it.

Ive had heart burn a few times this pregnancy. I really have been getting symptoms a lot earlier this time then last! Heart burn was more 3rd trimester last time. I also have horrible back pain, peeing all the time, plus waking up with numb arms and hands :wacko: no idea what that means but I hope its nothing bad! Today is a starving day. An hour ago I ate a big bowl of multigrain cheerios (MY FAVE) with fresh strawberries mmmm and im already hungry again when normally that lasts me till lunch!
Anyone else not feeling particularly pregnant other than growing? :rofl: I can't wait to feel bubs move as I feel so 'normal' otherwise :haha:
weirdly enough i felt completely normal first trimester (minus a few smells that turned me off) and this trimester i am having a tough time... everyone said 2nd tri is usually easier... not for me!
Thats what my gyn said too, it is the pleasure zone now- where the rough adjustment is over but you can't feel anything yet so one may not be sure.

So I had my appointment today, and everything is alright, Urine looks good blood pressure, and the scan(first on the belly :D ) was good too :D. Got 4 pictures , one fronta,l one profile, one heart and a hand :D.

I have got a frontal one here and now you may guess the gender(I turned it side ways so it is head up)(I didn't ask , I like to just keep in guessing mode :haha: Maybe you guess the same as me ;)

Oh and we got offered the possibility of having additional 3D scans from 25th week for every appointment for 100€(total)
Well most of 1st trimester I felt like walking death, now I just feel like I was hit by a truck :haha: sickness has gone but I still feel nausea once a day, back hurts, stretching pains, constipated, horrible acne, body hair, greasy hair, sleepy, hungry, wanting odd food, peeing a lot, waking up numb, hand swelling, extreme laziness, bloat, gas, heartburn, breast sore, nipples dry, emotional (sad at EVERYTHING) pretty much no denying the pregnancy here! :haha:

I thought I was feeling baby by belly button but since the heart beat is still at my pubic bone im assuming Im wrong :winkwink: I cant wait to feel baby move either, so this time my husband can feel it and my son!
Thats what my gyn said too, it is the pleasure zone now- where the rough adjustment is over but you can't feel anything yet so one may not be sure.

So I had my appointment today, and everything is alright, Urine looks good blood pressure, and the scan(first on the belly :D ) was good too :D. Got 4 pictures , one fronta,l one profile, one heart and a hand :D.

I have got a frontal one here and now you may guess the gender(I turned it side ways so it is head up)(I didn't ask , I like to just keep in guessing mode :haha: Maybe you guess the same as me ;)

Oh and we got offered the possibility of having additional 3D scans from 25th week for every appointment for 100€(total)

I say boy..
I get stretching pains...have sore boobs on and off....feel tired...but with being so unwell in first tri, it's very weird to feel 'normal' :rofl:

morri - I have no idea!

I get stretching pains...have sore boobs on and off....feel tired...but with being so unwell in first tri, it's very weird to feel 'normal' :rofl:


yea...thats just it...i was sooo ill the first trimester....always puking...now its like suddenly everything has gone...except the worrisome pains...also i have horrid backache but thats bcoz I had a horrible fall 3 years back and it still hurts and has been aggravated by this pregnancy....

other than that I have actually stared at my stomach to see whether it is general fat or preg tummy...never had a really flat tummy so the lack of symptoms make me wonder whether its the baby or just the food that i'm stuffing in!
I've been feeling pregnant still, for the most part. DH actually was able to feel little heads or bums sticking up as I was on my back. It was so neat; his face lit up and I could tell he really felt them (unlike the last time where he was just humoring me; it helps the LOs were stationary a little longer instead of swimming off the second I gave them a nudge).

Bought a van this week (eep), and now have two of three cribs set up. I know three cribs is not a must, but I want to be prepared. Fun fun.
13 weeks today! Does that mean I'm in second tri now, or is that not until I hit 14 weeks?
Well you are now in the 14th week so you may count it as 2nd tri, jsut how you feel anyway .
woohoo on the 2nd tri ladies. I am just about there too. I will be 14 weeks on friday:happydance::happydance:

and the most exciting bit about this week is that i have felt baby move twice!! For sure! So exciting, and made it feel so much more real!!:cloud9:

I have been experiencing alot of ligament pain, which is also quite exciting to me because I know baby is getting bigger and i will be popping soon!! I love having a big belly when I am pregnant, so I can't wait for it to be round:thumbup:

How is everyone else doing?
bumpyyride - I agree with daddiesgift ... I have the Sonoline B doppler and I have found the hb every time I've tried, with the exception of the very first time (but I didn't know exactly where baby was hiding and I wasn't even 9 weeks). It's a very good doppler. However, the baby is so active now, that it's hard to get a good hb; I usually hear it for a part of a second and then it's gone. BUT, I can hear loads of bumps, kicks and swimming around noises, so even just that gives me peace of mind. I was one that thought I'd be mental with a doppler, but I caved and bought one and it was worth every penny - I've absolutely loved having it, especially those times when I feel a little nervous.

Mrs. - My belief is that once you hit 13 weeks, you're in the 2nd tri! :thumbup: Because then 26 weeks would be 3rd and 39 weeks would be pretty much done. So congrats!! Looking back on the 1st tri, it's hard to believe how many things I worried and stressed about. The 2nd tri is wonderful! Plus, since I hit about 12.5 weeks, the time has been going by just a little faster! :thumbup:

WTBmyBFP - congrats on the van (I think :haha:)!! I can't believe you've already got cribs up and everything, but with triplets, you have to get all set up early!!!

I'm too lazy still to even think about my nursery. With my #1, I was painting at 12 weeks and with this one I don't even want to think about painting or anything else. Blahhh. I'm hoping that once we get gender confirmed on Friday (2 days!!!), I'll get a little more excited, but since I was really hoping to go pink this time, I'm worried it'll take me a little longer to switch my brain to blue.
hey, quick question. What does everyones blood pressure look like?
I am usually much lower but today my bp measured 119/74. should i be concerned? I took it at the pharmacy not my midwifes office, so im just wondering if that sounds normal to anyone?
I think on this website it says 14 weeks is 2nd trimester and I know countries are different but Im pretty sure 2nd trimester is at 13 weeks :).

Today my son has been SO CLINGY. :wacko: I wish there was a mommy spa resort that I could go to for a day or two while someone comes to my house and cooks,cleans, and does laundry. One can dream right?:shrug:

Im so jealous of the ones finding out gender!! Good luck to everyone I hope you get what you want! Hopefully we find out in 16 days :thumbup:
WTB- how exciting your husband was able to feel the babies! I can't wait to feel mine.

Mrs326- I think 13 weeks is the start of 2nd tri! I'll be joining you tomorrow!

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