***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

That is great news fish&chips!
I can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat again at my next appt (next week).... It's already been 3 weeks since my ultrasound.
Great new fish&chips! I am getting so anxious and excited for our scan monday it's distracting!! I just want to know pink or blue... it doesn't even matter what this baby is but I want to know NOW haha so impatient...

I think cloth diapers would be awesome to try, especially after just going through buying the past year disposables for my DS :wacko: and who knows how long he will be in diapers still when this baby gets here... anyone have experience with toddlers in cloth???

On another note I got sent home from work (I work in an emergency room as a nurse) by one of our Docs tonight diagnosed with pink eye :( Never had that before in my life, yuck! But apparently I can't work for the next 3-5 days!! Really going to hurt my wallet AND Really hope I don't give it to my DS, hoping this goes away fast, I hate being sick.
Thanks Daddiesgift, all very useful as I'm a 1st time Mum to be!! I was going to with the disposable ones to start until I get my head around things and maybe get into some kind of routine as I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed when bubs 1st arrives!! your reasons for nappy changing every 2 hours is another good reason to delay on the reusable ones for a month.

Keep me posted on your experince with reusable nappies, hope the poo was all held in!!

Well the poo went well! :haha: For some reason his poos are hardly ever solid :nope: so that was not so fun to rinse it out but since I was washing them last night I just rinsed it off and threw it in the wash and hung it to dry. No stains or left over smell or anything! Going to ask doctor today at his 9 month appointment if his poo is okay since he is older you think it would be more solid.

He wore the cloth one all night long, I do not change him any more at night and he had two full bottles of milk and did not leak at all! and unlike with the disposables where I could always smell pee in the morning when I went to get him I could not smell anything and it did not seem that full. I really like these! Im going to keep looking into ones for newborn and maybe a bit older since these fit so great now Im not sure they will fit for another year or so :shrug: Ill keep you posted on my findings :haha:
Great new fish&chips! I am getting so anxious and excited for our scan monday it's distracting!! I just want to know pink or blue... it doesn't even matter what this baby is but I want to know NOW haha so impatient...

I think cloth diapers would be awesome to try, especially after just going through buying the past year disposables for my DS :wacko: and who knows how long he will be in diapers still when this baby gets here... anyone have experience with toddlers in cloth???

On another note I got sent home from work (I work in an emergency room as a nurse) by one of our Docs tonight diagnosed with pink eye :( Never had that before in my life, yuck! But apparently I can't work for the next 3-5 days!! Really going to hurt my wallet AND Really hope I don't give it to my DS, hoping this goes away fast, I hate being sick.

Oh no! Im so sorry, I hope it goes away soon and does not get any worse.
for those who have felt movement.. does it ever feel like pricks? i had a feeling an inch above my belly button and an inch to the left of my belly button but it felt like tiny little shocks or pricks... i never felt it before but guessing not the baby??
I wondered that too since I had that yesterday. I havent felt it yet other wise.
yeah havent it felt it since.. will have to wait and see i guess.. until then i am guessing round ligament pain!?
Soulshaken I'm guessing the Dr told you how to try and keep the infection contained ie washing your hands, not sharing flannels etc? Hope it clears up soon and you're not suffering too much.

I've been feeling the baby on and off for a week now and yesterday it was really quite obvious. I would imagine it's different for everyone but for me it is like gas bubbles popping, plus sometimes it's pressure where the baby must be stretching and pushing out and yesterday it felt more like kicks. Last pregnancy I got the feather sensation I heard about ie it was like a feather being brushed against my skin.
I keep having funny sensations - but not sure if it's bubs or not. I've felt a bit of pressure, and a stroking sensation once or twice, but no kicks yet. I do have an anterior placenta though.

Hope you get fixed up soon soulshaken

Anyone else absolutely a worry wart? I have another scan on Friday but I'm so impatient and think I'm going to see if I can get a private scan for a gender guess today. I also bought a ridiculously cheap Doppler online so that should be something else to keep me panicked in the mean time. :haha:

I wish they made portable ultrasounds that were affordable.
Wouldnt that be lovely to have an ultrasound machine available like a doppler! :haha: yeah right, will never happen takes too much to get the machine up and going and to know exactly what you are doing.

Im pretty sure I have not been feeling anything, sometimes I think I do but not too sure! With my son it was just thuds, stretches, flips and turns. When I felt him move about a week later you could see it from the outside and feel it so hopefully it happens sooner this time than last!

10 days till my next scan!! Everyone fxed for me that we find out gender I'm going crazy over here! Im really proud that I still have not gained any weight, though please no one tell me my stomach was this huge before! I told my husband that and he said maybe im losing weight everywhere and its going all to my stomach :haha: I sure hope! My pants are getting TIGHT. Muffin top and all :nope:.
A few of you have mentioned this already, but I'm really experiencing some major stretching! It started yesterday and has been nagging me since... I'm sure it's just round ligament pain. It doesn't hurt when I sit, only when I stand or walk (or change positions while sleeping). To you experienced mommies - how long does this typically last?
^well as long as your growing youre going to have stretching pains. They are just worse and more often in the beginning. I hate when I sneeze or quickly stand up and feel like Ive been stabbed
A few of you have mentioned this already, but I'm really experiencing some major stretching! It started yesterday and has been nagging me since... I'm sure it's just round ligament pain. It doesn't hurt when I sit, only when I stand or walk (or change positions while sleeping). To you experienced mommies - how long does this typically last?

Where in your tummy are the pains? i have had them low down which i' sure is round ligament pain but yesterday I had pain around my belly button when i bent over, it felt like a sharp bruise. I can't imagine getting round ligament pain up there, anyone else had this??
A few of you have mentioned this already, but I'm really experiencing some major stretching! It started yesterday and has been nagging me since... I'm sure it's just round ligament pain. It doesn't hurt when I sit, only when I stand or walk (or change positions while sleeping). To you experienced mommies - how long does this typically last?

Where in your tummy are the pains? i have had them low down which i' sure is round ligament pain but yesterday I had pain around my belly button when i bent over, it felt like a sharp bruise. I can't imagine getting round ligament pain up there, anyone else had this??

Could just be everything stretching and moving into places. Here is a really cool link to what happens to our insides during pregnancy, it should play on its own but you can also drag it to make it play or press the play button. :flower:


So much goes on in our bodies during pregnancy that majority to all pains we have are nothing to worry about. After I had my son for a month or two my stomach hurt so much, even to push it in and it felt so hallow turns out everything was just moving back into place, not just your uterus.
that's great! totally amazing to see what happens to your intestines!!
Thanks so much for sharing that video! Definitely puts things in perspective (and helps me not feel so bad for the bump I've been sporting since week 12!). All of my pain is way down low... I'm sure it's just stretching and everything getting "resituated" :haha:
Thanks ladies it's really frustrating not to play and kiss and snuggle my DS today but I do NOT want him to get this! So yeah fish&chips lots of laundry and hand washing in order today!

Daddiesgift I wish they sold an ultrasound attachment for the tv so you could see bubs at any time! Lol I'm pretty sure the only reason they don't is because they wouldn't make money off us desperate mommies anymore :dohh:

Mrs326 and charlie15 - I used to feel almost a tearing feeling to the left of my belly button with DS so I know what your saying, pretty much at the emergency room where I work they tell moms that as long as you don't have period or contraction like cramping along WITH bleeding you shouldn't worry, our bodies and being pushed and pulled in all sorts of directions right now haha :)
soulshaken - make sure you either change your pillowcase each morning or sleep with a towel on your pillow and change that daily. Pink eye is so hard to get rid of if there's even a trace of it anywhere! GL!!

I feel pains all over - way down low, up high or on the sides. I consider it all totally normal. Sometimes it's more of a stretching pain, and sometimes it's stabbing. If I get in a funny position, it can feel like I ripped a whole in my guts sometimes. Guts are definitely moving around so I don't worry about it. You'll feel it the entire pregnancy too - you're constantly growing!

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