***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

This may be a bit premature - but for those of you who are planning on breastfeeding or pumping, have you considered which pump you're going to use? Or do any of you veterans have recommendations. I have started on our registry (I'm a serious OCD planner...) and this is an item that I am clueless about. Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)

I used a Medela battery/plug-in single pump. It was fine for what I needed. Can't compare it with anything else as I haven't used any other sort.
This may be a bit premature - but for those of you who are planning on breastfeeding or pumping, have you considered which pump you're going to use? Or do any of you veterans have recommendations. I have started on our registry (I'm a serious OCD planner...) and this is an item that I am clueless about. Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)

From my experience talking to other Mama's about this it really boils down to what you need it for and personal preference. I just used a Medela hand pump and it was perfect. I didn't start pumping until baby was 6 months and that was just so I could build a stash. It was perfect for me.

Electric pumps are good if you are going to be pumping a lot. My SIL has twins whom spent the first few months of their lives in the NICU so she invested in a Medela double electric. HTH.
I have an avent breast pump that you can switch from manual to electric :) I preferred the manual side, but I only really used it when I had a clogged duct as my son wouldn't take a bottle. xx
Great! Thanks for your comments/suggestions! I am looking at a Medela double electric. I will be going back to work 3 months after baby arrives so I'll be spending a lot of time pumping. I know they're pricey, but I would assume for someone who will be pumping as much as I plan to, it's worth it.
Great! Thanks for your comments/suggestions! I am looking at a Medela double electric. I will be going back to work 3 months after baby arrives so I'll be spending a lot of time pumping. I know they're pricey, but I would assume for someone who will be pumping as much as I plan to, it's worth it.

It is worth it for sure and still cheaper than formula.
Wishful- I wouldn't worry at all:) With my first I felt her at 16 weeks, then with my second I freaked myself out because 21 weeks came and week and not a single movement. When i had my 20 scan, they told me my placenta was anterior. I didn't feel definite movement with baby #2 until i was around 24 weeks. As long as heartbeat is good, and doctors have no concerns, then I wouldnt worry:)

AFM- I have been SUPER sick for about 5 days. coughing horribly, sore throat, headachey. It has been a hard weekend. Especially since DH and DD have it too. Luckily our youngest seems to have gotten lucky and has had no problems.
On top of that I have had a TMJ flare up for the last week and half. my jaw has been locked in one position. Thankfully it is open enough to eat half way decently. Needless to say I have been quite miserable.

So now i am just trying to keep my head up and focus on the fact that I only have 2 1/2 weeks until my next appt. And that is the day I will have my gender scan scheduled. Lots of fun coming though. DH's younger brother who he hasnt seen since he was 5 is coming to visit with his mom. ( they have same dad who is a druggie:( and his brothers mom moved him across the country to get away from him, as did my hubbys mom.) But it will be awesome!! So excited to get to meet all of them!! Should keep my distracted from all of the gender scan anticipation:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I think a pump is a good investment. In the beginning when the pain of breast feeding was unbearable it felt TONS better to just pump instead. I have a medela Harmony manual pump that worked just fine, when I stopped breastfeeding and was just going to pump the manual caused some major hand cramps :haha: so if you are just going to pump here or there I would just get a manual since its much cheaper, if you are going to pump a lot Id get an electric one. I have a first years double one that worked fairly well. Never had any trouble with it and its loads cheaper then most. It did make a loud clicking noise though that attracted my old cat, imagine trying to pump with a cat trying to get at you :haha:

This time around Im going to skip the breast feeding all together since it just was not for me. Ill probably do it while in the hospital just to get colostrum to baby easier then formula feed and pump while I have milk. I may look into renting one from the hospital since they say hospitals have ones they will loan or rent that work very well. Or I just may stick to the ones I have! IDK yet! Also if any of you live in America and get WIC the WIC office offers pumps for free that you can use.
It did make a loud clicking noise though that attracted my old cat, imagine trying to pump with a cat trying to get at you :haha:

Thank you for the advice, by oh my gosh did this comment make me LOL! I can only imagine! :haha:
ah I am quite tired today again- not as tired as in first tri but still a wee bit fatigued.
I have got my next scan in a week :).
Wishful I have felt a few flutters but haven't felt anything for ages. I only know it was baby as I recognise the feeling from last time. With my son I was feeling lots by this point and had proper kicks at 19 weeks. I doubt I'll be getting kicks etc within a week but I know I have an anterior placenta which explains it. Maybe tell your Dr that you're not feeling anything, you never know they might try and rush you through to a scan?

I also went for the medela electric pump and it was fine although I didn't do loads of pumping as my son never accepted a bottle. Little tike.
anyway of knowing where your placenta is besides a scan? and i would call and say something but they said its normal until week 20.. so basically i am freaing because i only have 5 more days to feel something i guess?

ps. thanks for everyones kind words and reinsurance.. :hugs:
Congrats Mrs. 326- I can't believe how many boys we are all having!
Liking the pump advice ladies! I'll be keeping that all in mind for sure!

Is anyone taking courses or in school ATM? I'm finishing up a diploma I have now, taking a psychology course and omg I feel so dumb! My brain is just so exhausted with everything else I have going on in my life on top of the exhaustion of growing a baby! How do you ladies do it?
I have a midterm tomorrow and I am freaking out. I just haven't had enough time to study and when I do I'm just so tired feel like I read/study and it goes in one eye/ear and out the other. And even when I know the info it's like I can't get it from my brain onto the paper it's just stuck in there.
Any advice?
i graduated college over a year ago so i didnt do it pregnant, but i did have one year that i was going through a ton in my life and was barely getting any sleep (sometimes none before classes). what helped me was taking notes in class and then re-writing them over either when i got home or the next day. i noticed that i hadnt remembered a single thing i wrote down and i basically taught myself. i always read, studied, wrote, and re-wrote my notes right after a nap and a good meal. my mind was all over the place so as soon as i got tired or noticed i was doodling or not really taking in the info. i did something completely non-related like watch tv for 30 minutes or came online.

its not easy... wishing you luck on your midterm!

ps. i wish i wasnt craving french fries everyday!! i believe in the UK you call them chips... why cant i crave something healthy?!
Wishful, yep we do call them chips although due to mc Donalds we call the thin variety french fries or just fries for short. We call what you call chips, crisps as well. I haven't eaten great so far but I went out yesterday and bought some veg extra for a stir fry and am finally going off fatty foods in preference to healthier ones. I just hope it lasts!
i want them to be salty as heck too... so bad!
i need to buy healthier stuff tomorrow because i feel guilty!
Before I ever got pregnant I always said "I will eat so healthy for me and my baby" WRONG. I hardly ever crave good things! Only the bad :haha: and I agree fries or tater tots are my weakness right now. I gained 39 lbs with my son and lost 20 at birth, and that last 19 pounds kicked my butt trying to get it off!! I felt horribly unattractive post partum and now Im kind of freaked out when I gain anything cause I worked so hard to lose around 53 pounds I dont want to have to do it again! So when I just want cake for breakfast lunch and dinner I try as hard as I can to eat something different. ITS SO HARD!!!

I weighed in yesterday and gained four pounds in two weeks. Im gonna say half of that is baby the other half was all the crap I was eating all week! :haha: But I know its for baby, I just wish I was one of those only gain baby but I gain EVERYWHERE. On the plus side im still at least 10 pounds lighter now then with my son so hopefully thats a good sign!
I gained over a stone with my last pregnancy and it only came off with my ms for this one!! I don't seem to be gaining too much at the moment but I seem to remember it all happening in the later part of my pregnancy. BRING ON THE CAKE!!

I'm also loving salt (and sweet).. I wonder if that means another boy?

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