***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Afternoon ladies - just checking in here.

How is everyone finding babies movements? Wee dude kicks and punches - but he also does a lot of stretching which can be a bit uncomfortable when he does it in multiple directions at once :haha:
Good Morning :) (at least it's morning on my side of the world ;))

I've found babies movements to be more rolls/stretches now and less punches/kicks, although I still get a few surprise jabs from him :) I've also been playing music and holding the speakers up to my tummy and he likes to roll around, which is fun to see... Other than that, my back is hurting more, my breath is much shorter, and sleep his harder to come by... but I'm happy as can be carrying my baby with me everywhere and wouldn't trade him for anything :) We get to see him in 3D this Saturday and I am soooo excited!
Good morning ladies,

I'm so excited to have a busy day today. I have a routine obgyn appt this morning then a 4D scan and lastly our first maternity class tonight!
Oh wow, babyfeva! You have quite the day planned :) Should be fun!
My little ones love to Kung fu fight each other with kicks and jabs, and I tend to get caught in the crossfire. They also love to stretch and stick their little elbows, knees, heads, and bums up to the surface (and against my ribs, lungs, stomach, bladder, cervix, etc).

They were very very calm while I was on magnesium but I am happy to report they are up to their old shanigans again.

I'm so jealous of you gals getting 3D and 4D scans. I can't get one here, and even if I could they are so squished there wouldn't be much to see aside from face + random sister body parts. :rofl:
I love seeing his little bottom poke up and wiggle about - even if it is right up under my ribs sometimes. It just amazes me that he is probably going to double in size between now and him making his arrival earthside!
Our little ones favourite pass time is to stretch as much as it can, you can hold it's back/head in the palm of your hand! I have anterior placenta so I'm not feeling as many kicks but I'm certainly feeling some!!

Babyfeva, are you going to put the scan pic up on here?
I'm getting a lot of kicks to the underside of my ribs on the right handside. Can't say they are exactly pleasant :haha: lots of stretching too, and she likes to stick her little bum out as far as poss and make mummy as uncomfortable as she can! Love it though!
My boss just asked why I was walking funny and I said it was because the baby was having a stretch!!
The baby doesn't go anywhere near my ribs as my bump is quite low, had anyone else got a low bump? My midwife and GP say it's because I'm so slim.

Here's a pic of me at 29 weeks (excuse the bathroom shot!)...


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The last few days have been fairly quite, so much so I had to get the heart rate monitor out to make sure he was okay since he is normally non stop! Maybe he is just resting. Im thinking he is head down since I can feel a stretch in my ribs and pelvis at same time but when I get hit its usually on either side of my belly button so im thinking he is punching out there.

I cant wait for Wednesday to come the last few days have been horrible :nope: Wednesday after two months our stuff is being dropped off so I get to sleep in my bed and set up babies room and my husband will be home from training. We have STILL not received ANY money or back pay from my husbands messed up checks or from us traveling here. We have zero dollars in savings now. And some guy he works with said he got his money a week ago so my husband checks his pay check stub and we are getting HALF of his normal pay check AGAIN!! It wont even cover half our bills or getting our car shipped here :cries: So they are bringing him back today to once again go to finance and see what the hell the problem is. Then I check bank account this morning and we are in the negative in checking..our cell phone bill from germany that was turned off in July was taken out..still..even though we have notified them. So for the first time in years we literally dont have any money to our name. I just pray he finds out what the hell the problem is today and its fixed IMMEDIATELY. And I have to send our cancellation paperwork to bank for them to give money back from cell phone company. This has been the worse move so far.
oh daddiesgift so sorry you have so many problems with this move. money problems are so stressful and we had some recently and let me tell you its not easy. i cried so much! seemed when we planned to move everything went wrong money wise. DHs car broke, we needed new washer and dryer, everything got so expensive and we used our savings :( hope things turn around and your husband can get some answers today!! :hugs:

as far as baby movements mine are more of stretches and rolls too. his bum is way up under my right rib and its pretty painful. i also feel bumps to the left of my belly button (he is horizontal right now). at my ultrasound he was a big baby already... but i cant imagine what my ribs will feel like in a few weeks.. and at the very end. scares me!!

my mom had fractured ribs with me :/ i think i am headed that way. they are already bruised. my mom and i have no torso and are so short.. baby has no where to go!!
:hugs: daddiesgift

Blondie - your bump is so neat! It looks like you have quite a long back/torso? Probably why bubs is managing not to be right up under your ribs at the minute! xxx
Yeah its been a nightmare we've come out of pocket probably 5k that the military was suppose to pay for/reimburse us. And it just keeps piling up! Now we have to take out a loan just to have enough money to pay our normal bills this pay check and the $400 to get our car shipped here from California. We have canceled all credit cards stopped with the loans ect and now we have to go right back to it. Pisses me off so bad.

I dont know if its cause daddy is gone or what but my son has been a little wild the last few days as well. I had a mommy time out in the bath room yesterday to cry and I came out to all the baby wipes ripped out of the wipe holder, him standing up on the dish washer door and the trash can knocked over! Think hes lost his mind! Today he has been better though so im thankful.

Here is my 29 week bump. Hes still pretty high and seems to stick out further and further every day.


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whenever we pay off our credit card something happens. i swear! i would be beyond annoyed and pissed if all of this was happening. at my DHs job he got the wrong check a few times.. i always felt like they should give a check from the company for the difference.. but nope they would wait another 2 weeks (paid every 2 weeks)... drove me insane.

lovely bump btw :)
okay..random..but idk if any of you ladies in America are watching the BABY STORY baby Cardona episode but OMG!! Someone give that woman what she wants!! I know shes already had the baby but god I want to go to that hospital and slap those people as well as her husband!

Back story- wanted water all natural birth..gets to hospital pain is unbearable and she says screw it I want an epidural. Her mid wife and husband are doing everything in their power NOT to give it to her!! Then the midwife is saying this is crazy that shes giving up before she even tries! What a total hag! 11 more minutes to go in episode and they better give her the epidural! She is crying and literally BEGGING for it! They said they are going to drag it out as long as possible so maybe shell just do it on her own. This is crazy!!
That's insane! What dickheads, yeah she probably said don't give me one under any circumstances or something dumb, but you don't know how it's going to be, and she's obviously regretting it. Just give her what she wants!
Eek I just changed my signature ticket thingio to show her real arrival date, can't really believe it!

Sorry to hear about everyone's money stress :( we have a fair bit of our own but I'm currently being mature and burying my head in the sand ;)

Daddiesgift - so sorry to hear about all the issues you guys are having with this move. I hope you're able to get it all sorted out. :hugs: to you in the meantime!

And that episode sounds absolutely crazy... I can tell you this - if that were me in that situation and I decided I wanted an epidural and no one would give me one, I would be doing everything in my power to get it done myself! I can't believe they would with hold that from her!
ahh that is insane!! i told my DH, doctor, and my mom what i would ideally want to happen during birth BUT (and a big but that is), nothing is set in stone and i have no idea how i will feel in the moments of labor. i feel so bad for her! i agree, she probably said something like "even if i ask for an epidural, dont let me!!" BUT asking and begging over and over is a different story!! let us know how it ends lol
Well they decided at 7cm to give her one! SHEESH. I was getting worried they for a second they werent going to do it at all. and she had no problems getting baby out and he came out healthy! This is how I look at it..its my vagina..who cares what you think I should do if I cant take the pain then im getting the drugs!!

Maybe it bothered me cause I was kind of jipped out of an epidural as well, im just thankful my husband didnt try to talk me out of anything and just went along with what I said :haha: He did take a video of me though while I was crying begging to just give me some drugs cause he thought it was funny I was so set on natural birth then at only 3cm I couldnt take it anymore :haha: This time Im just going in and getting it!

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