November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Sorry for your loss Dissy. I hope your baby will decide to make the grand entrance and bring some joy in a much needed time. :hugs:
My birth story........

It started out wednesday afternoon i went to the mall with OH and LO and i had what i thought were "BH" but i ignored it because i thought it was just my body preparing soon...we got home after and still had them so i started to time them and they started 8-6 mins apart but still as they werent that painful i still thought it was just my body....hpurs went by and still same and then they were 7-5 mins apart so i called dr and he said once they are 5 mins apart to head to hospital....i listened like a good little girl and kept timing them since i had gotten home so you can imagine my paper full of timed contractions...then they where 5-4 mins apart and told OH i think this is it cause it was so painful i couldnt even walk or talk. We get to the hospital around 10:30 pm and quickly take me to a room to check my cervix....yep i was shocked 4cm as previous day i was high and closed. Anyways, they decided to keep me...hours went by and finslly got the epidural i couldnt hold out anymore after 6cm. Hours progressed and by 4 a.m i was fully dilated but my water wasnt broken yet....then shortly after it broke itself. Then the scary part my babys heart rate was starting to drop to 58bpm and i was so nervous i started to shake so bad as i heard thr heart rate drop quick...shortly after the dr came and it was time to push...i think it was a sign god did because my induction was scheduled for following day since i was still closed...anyways back to birth story the heart rate rised up again normal then as i was pushing it was droppin again, i ev had th pxygen mask on because of that, once he was born what had cause the heart rate drop was my umbilical cord was around his neck and once he was born i teared up of joy knowing he was o.k after that scare..and here he is happy and healthy....

Cant wait to hear the other mommas stories soon.
I'm so sorry for your loss Dissy, I've lost a few family members during this pregnancy that I couldn't imagine not being here to hold my baby. I know it is hard, but the joy that little one will bring and knowing your family members are smiling down... It's crazy the circle of life. Makes me cherish every single moment I have with loved ones and not take anything or anyone for granted.

I thought I was lucky to get away without all the painful BH, but nope. I've been having them off and on all day, way worse at night and a little while ago my lower back hurt so bad I couldn't walk and I made the mistake of asking my husband to rub icy hot on my back. Big Mistake!! As soon as it absorbed into my skin I felt my back was on fire! It hurt so bad I was screaming and crying and had to jump in the shower and had my husband rub soap all over under the water and finally the pain subsided. My whole back was lobster red. I think I see why it says on the tube not to use on pregnant women. I've never had a reaction like that before. It did help take my mind off my back pain though, lol. Now that the moment is passed I can laugh at the thought of me running to the shower screaming and crying. Scared the mess out of my poor husband he thought I was in labor. Doc appt tomorrow. My blood pressure has been creaping up the bottom number has been steadily in the high 80s to low 90s these past few days. I hope I'm not getting pre e again.
Thank you for the kind words everyone, we've been spending a lot of time with the family today (really reeeeally big family - the house was packed). It's cheered us all up some!

I also went for my weekly check in today. I'm still only 4.5cm but completely effaced. My doctor is starting to get concerned that she hasn't come yet, but is not allowed to do anything medically until 39 weeks as long as baby and I are not in distress. She was getting ready to leave the room but then turned around and said, "do you want me to maybe see if I can stretch things out a little bit? It might do something, it might not." so I said sure. I would imagine she did what you UK women call a "sweep" which I don't think are typically done here. I've been in pain since my appointment, but not getting my hopes up yet. I've already vowed not to go to the hospital at night again because I think those nurses are starting to recognize me! Do any of you have any experience with this? Now we are all hoping she comes on the 5th as a way to honor my aunt's joyous life.

Sorry to hear about your loss :hugs:

I'm pretty sure what the doctor did to me at my last appt before I had Eryk was a sweep. He did the internal, but it was much more painful than usual. I hope she comes on the 5th for you as well.
Scary Jalanis, but so glad he is ok. Congrats again and thank you for sharing your story. :flower:
Congrats Apple and Missy!!

Jalanis-thanks for sharing your story

Dissy- so sorry for your loss

Cncem-fingers crossed your BP stays under control

AFM- My yellow bump turned pink at 11:35 am on 11/03. We named her Jolie Brielle and she is 19inches long weighing 7lbs 12oz.She is absolutely perfect. Pics and story to come later
Jalanis: Congrats on your son! <3... I'm sorry you experienced a traumatic scare. So very happy everything is ok...
How much / often you feel baby move? This baby is complete opposite to my previous 2 they were very hyper still but this one barely moves.

At this point, Reese moves less than Chase did at this gestation - Chase was moving all over the place, all the time. It was exhausting. Reese moves less but her movements are more firm...if that makes any sense? It's like she moves with a purpose! It could be because she's anterior - her back is straight up along my belly, so I can't really feel her smaller movements, just the ones that make her whole body move.

This baby pretty much always had back along my belly too that is mainly what i see and feel.
Congrats Apple and Missy!!

Jalanis-thanks for sharing your story

Dissy- so sorry for your loss

Cncem-fingers crossed your BP stays under control

AFM- My yellow bump turned pink at 11:35 am on 11/03. We named her Jolie Brielle and she is 19inches long weighing 7lbs 12oz.She is absolutely perfect. Pics and story to come later

Thank you for the kind words everyone, we've been spending a lot of time with the family today (really reeeeally big family - the house was packed). It's cheered us all up some!

I also went for my weekly check in today. I'm still only 4.5cm but completely effaced. My doctor is starting to get concerned that she hasn't come yet, but is not allowed to do anything medically until 39 weeks as long as baby and I are not in distress. She was getting ready to leave the room but then turned around and said, "do you want me to maybe see if I can stretch things out a little bit? It might do something, it might not." so I said sure. I would imagine she did what you UK women call a "sweep" which I don't think are typically done here. I've been in pain since my appointment, but not getting my hopes up yet. I've already vowed not to go to the hospital at night again because I think those nurses are starting to recognize me! Do any of you have any experience with this? Now we are all hoping she comes on the 5th as a way to honor my aunt's joyous life.

So sorry for your loss. My sweep worked i was 2cm, i think sex helped it aswell. Good luck
Congrats to all the new many more babies!!

AFM still pregnant, still having contractions but not as frequent or painful as the other day!

Got another sweep on Friday so just hope I am a bit more dilated and that sweep works! I think baby is just far too comfy and had changed her mind!
Congrats busy !

Had some boughts with cramping while sleeping tonight. It's almost 6 am here and I'm propped up with pillows because every time I sleep on my side it hurts. Have a doctors appointment today at 315. Not sure what they're going to do. It's not my regular doctor as he is off all week. So I assume just heart beat and fundal height and send me on my way. I know they do sweeps here in Canada but not sure when they start them. I wish I knew if I was dilated or not - would put me a little more at ease knowing something.
Has your little man got a name yet Jalanis? Xxx

Sorry ive been trying to reply lol i have a handful with my daughter and him....his name is Angel Alanis
What an amazing name!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your birth story xxxx

Congrats Apple and Missy!!

Jalanis-thanks for sharing your story

Dissy- so sorry for your loss

Cncem-fingers crossed your BP stays under control

AFM- My yellow bump turned pink at 11:35 am on 11/03. We named her Jolie Brielle and she is 19inches long weighing 7lbs 12oz.She is absolutely perfect. Pics and story to come later

congratulations!! Did you feel it was a pink one? Love the name xxx
Congratulations BusyTulip!! I love her name also.
Congrats to everyone who have had their babies so far! I can't believe it's our month! Hoping my OB checks me on Friday to see if I've started anything. Had a false alarm last week when I was cramping and feeling like I had to poop all day.
Congrats busytulip! Can't wait to see pics and hear the birth story. xo
Lots of babies! Congratulations!! Still pregnant here! But have soooo much going on.,. So I want my little one to stay put till at least my due date! I have court nov 17, for mediation with my ex... I'm trying to get full custody from him...he's not been the best with my girls, so Im in the process of trying to give them more stability.. Keeping my fingers crossed...all the while awaiting my fourth baby and finally a boy! Last week I was 50% effaced and 1 cm... So I don't think he's on his way yet. I just bought a comfy outfit to wear home from the hospital and a comfy robe for my stay... Was going to start packing, but the girl at Macy's didn't take the sensor off.... Grrr.... Now I have to go back... Nothing ready for my baby boy yet either... Haven't washed his clothes or set up his bed, nothing:.. Something's wrong with me:.. Just can't get into it...

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