November sparkles ☆testing thread☆

So sorry AF got some of you ladies.

I’m currently in hospital with my 3 year old. He’s had a virus and it’s on his chest. High fever and low oxygen levels. Not slept a wink all night constantly coughing poor thing. He is drinking now tho which he wasn’t so that’s good. Really hope they let us home today because guess what? I’m coming down with the virus now too. Urghh. Tbh I don’t feel to bad just hot and cold and a cough. Just hoping they let him home and then he will be happier at home and I can rest and hopefully get some sleep.
I’m 2dpo but can’t temp as in here. Just hope I did ovulate.
Oh no. I hope your LO is okay and you are home now. I hope you can get some rest friend. Please keep us posted. Praying
So sorry AF got some of you ladies.

I’m currently in hospital with my 3 year old. He’s had a virus and it’s on his chest. High fever and low oxygen levels. Not slept a wink all night constantly coughing poor thing. He is drinking now tho which he wasn’t so that’s good. Really hope they let us home today because guess what? I’m coming down with the virus now too. Urghh. Tbh I don’t feel to bad just hot and cold and a cough. Just hoping they let him home and then he will be happier at home and I can rest and hopefully get some sleep.
I’m 2dpo but can’t temp as in here. Just hope I did ovulate.

Oh huny I Hope your little man is ok? Sending huge hugs mama x
@NightFlower oh I so hope it is the start of something, yea all well for now (so panicky) nausea tiredness and my boobs wow but can't moan :haha: xx
Well tomorrow is Dec 1st so I'll be moving over to the Dec testing thread. This morning test bfn. I'm 8dpo af due in 5 days. Not sure if I got bad indent lines yesterday or what. I still have time for a bfp. Good luck ladies heading over to next month.

I'll try again later today

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This afternoon looks like it has a faint line. Don't think I'm a fan of these new wondfos :roll:
Same test Different lighting as it's raining out and dark.

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Just saw the 10miu pink wondfo will be here tomorrow yay!! Can't wait to take one of them.
Ooooow I’ve never had wondfos with that handle on b4. I see what your seeing and hope they get darker love. fx so hard.

so Tommy and I are home now. He got discharged yesterday afternoon.
He has viral pneumonia so no wonder his temps have been soaring. He’s been so much better today. Still not himself but no mega high temps. The antibiotics must of kicked in.
He’s drinking now but not really eating.
But I’m glad he’s drinking now.

3dpo and I have definitely ovulated as temps shot up. No fever so definitely ovulation.
Im not feeling bad today at all. I think I felt bad yesterday because I had no sleep. Been a lot better today. Just keep getting a blocked nose and throat a little scratchy.

Will be testing on 7th December at 10dpo but probably will cave b4 then lol.
I did a opk today and it was really really faint.
Had some yellow cm earlier when wiping.
Nothing else really going on as of yet.
I feel good about this cycle. But I expect that will change in a few days when it gets closer to testing and negative Nancy will be back out of her box lol.

worked out if we have caught my due date would be August 20th so would have baby around the 5th August.

I only have about 5 opks left so will need to get more, but I will hold off for now just Incase I am pregnant. But if I get to 12dpo and BFN then I know I’ll be out, so will buy them then.


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