Hey ladies, mind if I join? AF is due any time between the 31-3. Irregular cycles suck!! So if AF doesn't show I'll be testing on November 9. Not too hopeful that it has happened this time. Not sure when I o'ed so don't know if we dtd on the right days or not. But praying this is it. We hit the 18 month mark on Friday and its really discouraging.
Have you tried temping to know for sure when you ovulate? Or do you use fertile fluid/opks to track it?
Almost positive OPK!! Praying for early ovulation this month!
Hope you had a positive OPK today! Yay for early ovulation!
AFM, temp has stabilized which is always unusual since it's so erratic. Last time it did this CD45-CD48, it spiked afterward, so I'm hoping it will this time to - and stay up!
Interestingly, this morning I took my temp, 97.2, then got up, moved around, went back to bed and tossed and turned for half an hour. Took my temp out of curiosity and it was 97.1! You'd think after all the movement it'd be higher.
I've started taking myo-inositol, a B vitamin, which is supposed to help with insulin resistance. The brand name of it, Pregnitude, supposedly has good results. There's also a brand name in Europe that is popular, but not available here.
Also added increased amounts of Vitamin D.
There've been some recent studies lately showing that the majority of women with insulin resistance or PCOS are seriously Vit D deficient.
Also other studies have shown that most Americans are Vit D deficient, and the RDA has recently been raised, with scientists say it needs to be even higher.
Could go on and on but I'll spare you all.