I think I am 4dpo as well sweetmere! (Only going on CM and Cx though so not sure) This will be our first cycle since AF returned pp. We were NTNP before but it wasn't happening much as I felt I couldn't put my heart into it whilst AF was still not on the scene, I didn't know how long it would take due to DS BFing still so often (he's a boob monster). FXed for this cycle for us!
Hi Mrs E, yes this was my first one. DS still BFs day and night frequently. I think it is a bit random, it can be anything from a few months pp to 2 years for some people! I had a coil until 10 months but it didn't return when I had it taken out until now. Had horrid PMT and felt like I was coming on when it would be due for a couple of months first so I wasn't surprised when it did. It wasn't very heavy though, I had been told to expect a flood!
I was traveling but got AF on CD23 shock: shortest cycle ever!). Pretty sure I have a luteal phase defect so I need to get serious with my B vitamins and see if that helps like it did before. Good news is I think I ovulated on a fairly normal schedule, so maybe cutting sugar/eating healthier really helped. Am on CD11 now but am not thinking I will ovulate early this time around.... I am thinking sugar really affects my hormones but I've been eating way too much of it the past 2 weeks so will have to cut it out (again!) and go from there.
I am currently approximately 9dpo and having a little spotting today... I checked my chart from my pregnancy with my son and I spotted on 9 and 10dpo with him! So FXed it is an implantation bleed! At least if it ends up being AF it will put my out of my misery early but really hopeful.
Good luck Mrs. Smartie! Also, thanks for the info. I'm going back to work at the beginning of August so will be Bfing less at that point, hopefully it will be enough to bring AF back so I at least know what is going on with my body.
Nevernormal, I had a short luteal phase and B vitamins really helped me, hope they work for you too!
Tested this morning with an IC (even though I said I wouldn't until Friday!) BFN of course. The spotting has stopped though so feeling even more positive that it could have been an implantation bleed. Will be patient and wait until Friday now, that is when tests went positive with DS so I should wait. My mum is visiting tomorrow so that should take my mind off it anyway.
I went back to work just one day a week but it is a 13 hour shift so I do wonder if just that gap influenced my cycles returning. Who knows!
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