Hope it works out for you nevernormal!
Although I'm almost certain I'm not pregnant I'm going to test tomorrow morning so I can be 100% certain before I start the new insurance policy. Then we have be careful til at least the end of June because the birth will only be covered from the end of March next year. So here's to hoping July or August will be our month. Throws my plans for three months maternity leave and 2 months summer holidays out the window but it beats going through a Chinese birth experience again!
Chinese birth experience? I'm a bit curious (I live in Australia and I had everything covered my Medicare)
I could write a really long passage about what that actually means but basically:
I live in China and had my dd at a typical Chinese hospital, no VIP wing or anything. (in other words, basically no English)
- women in China give birth in a communal delivery room. In my case there were four beds and I watched four other women give birth before I had my turn. And another woman started pushing shortly after I did
- episiotomy is standard practice as soon as you reach 10cm. I resisted for just over an hour but was just too tired to push her out without getting one.
- you are not allowed to have anyone in there with you. Because I am a foreigner and the first one to have a baby in that hospital they eventually allowed my mom to come in to me. But they won't allow any men under any circumstances. (my mom, who is a nurse and trained midwife, had to leave the room every time someone was checked for dilation or was giving birth!!)
- there is absolutely no option for pain relief. No gas and air, pethadine, epidural, nothing! I begged and begged because I stalled at 3cm and had a very long labour.
- the hospital doesn't provide anything (other than medicine) for you or the baby, including food. Your family must provide that.
- You are expected to stay in hospital for at least three nights. I ended up with four because my daughter was in the NICU for the first three
- anyone can stay in your room with you. I had a private room with my bed, a couch and two chairs that converted into bed like things. Two nights both dh and mom stayed and the other two just dh stayed.
- its very cheap. My entire birth, my daughter's NICU stay and the medicine she had to take came to AU$1500. The rest of my prenatal things came to maybe AU$500 but could be less.
I hope that satisfies your curiosity but if not please ask away!