"O" around July 17, looking for buddies!

Is this the longest month ever or what?? It is really dragging!!
Im only on CD 9 now... aaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!

LOL I feel the same way Sofaqueen!! I am like CD6 REALLY?!?!!? So hard to wait.. but at the same time, I need my OPK and wondo to come in the mail so I can start testing.. so I guess it is for the best?

how are you feeling?
Welcome, newlyweds, we're glad to have you! Jump right in!:flower:

Mommyloves, I hope the soy iso works! Sorry about the side effects, sounds bad, but it'll be worth it!! I haven't tried mucinex, we've been trying to remove all chemicals from our lives (includes OTC meds, hard to do!). I have noticed a huge improvement in cm using evening primrose oil, though. I'd definitely recommend it!

I'm feeling really good, I have stuck to my plan perfectly! I walked 4 miles today, did my rebounding -35 min- the last couple of days (supposed to kick start your lymphatic system). I also have taken all my supplements, stayed on my low carb/gluten free diet, done my castor oil packs and fertility massages...pulled out all the stops this month. And a positive, I'll be out of town with my mom and kids, until Aug 1 - official AF due date. so I'm pretty sure it'll be hard to obsess over every symptom that last week before AF...and no early testing either! How will I do it lol?

Can't wait till next week to get busy baby making :happydance:

Sorry I am kinda backwards this morn and am replying in the wrong order! :dohh::dohh::dohh:

wish4baby you hit the nail on the head when you said you are trying to stay away from all OTC meds.. I am always trying to stay away from OTC, but sometimes that is hard to do. About the primrose.. I was told you take that right up until O, is that right? and where can I get it? I was told that the primrose oil helps with hotflashes too, so that would be AWESOME as I am having the craziest hot flashes now that I am on the soy iso.

how fun for you to be going on vacay while in the TWW..might be just enough to take your mind off of it for a little bit? :shrug: If not, hopefully you will have access to a computer to let us symptom obsess with you! :thumbup:
Hi all! Mind if I jump in? I'm supposed to o the 14/15th. I was talking to the hubby about how this feels like a great month then I read some of the posts! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!

:dust: to all! :happydance:

heck yes Ally703! this IS OUR MONTH! :thumbup: Are you using anything like OPK or ?

I have had an HSG, is that the same as the dye test? I know they use dye for it...mine wasn't too bad, about as much discomfort as a pap smear, but I'm pretty sensitive to pain so not exactly "comfortable"...they found I only have one tube and one "good" ovary...luckily the two working parts are on the same side...with the low reserve though I don't ovulate hardly ever...I 've had one positive OPK since I started them in January.

It is frustrating to have all your ducks in a row and doing everything right with timing and stuff and then no ovulation...didn't even have a chance...
I used EPO a couple cycles back and had awful bathroom breaks...decided to not use it anymore...the only "med" so far I have had a bad reaction too...hope it works for some of you ladies :)
Hi all! Mind if I jump in? I'm supposed to o the 14/15th. I was talking to the hubby about how this feels like a great month then I read some of the posts! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!

:dust: to all! :happydance:

heck yes Ally703! this IS OUR MONTH! :thumbup: Are you using anything like OPK or ?

I am feeling great about this month! I was an April baby so having one would be awesome! I am using OPKs and I have been temping for about 3 cycles now. I take prenatals but this will be the first month I will try mucinex and preseed. I also bought the soft cups but I'm a little nervous about those! What are you doing this cycle?

Lots and lots of :dust:
Is this the longest month ever or what?? It is really dragging!!
Im only on CD 9 now... aaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!

LOL I feel the same way Sofaqueen!! I am like CD6 REALLY?!?!!? So hard to wait.. but at the same time, I need my OPK and wondo to come in the mail so I can start testing.. so I guess it is for the best?

how are you feeling?

Im good! Determined to get my sticky bean this month... had a CP last month, and tbh was more upset that I thought! So fingers, toes, everything crossed.... except the obvious!! :haha:

I have had an HSG, is that the same as the dye test? I know they use dye for it...mine wasn't too bad, about as much discomfort as a pap smear, but I'm pretty sensitive to pain so not exactly "comfortable"...they found I only have one tube and one "good" ovary...luckily the two working parts are on the same side...with the low reserve though I don't ovulate hardly ever...I 've had one positive OPK since I started them in January.

It is frustrating to have all your ducks in a row and doing everything right with timing and stuff and then no ovulation...didn't even have a chance...

yea that is the dye test that I am talking about. some say it feels crampy and others had a terrible experience, so I am not sure what to expect. All I know is that the pain from getting my mirena put in and the egg retrievals that I have gone through make me hesitant about putting anything in there :nope:

Did they say you had a clubed tube on the other side or just no tube at all? When I had my ectopic in 2005 they said my other tube was "clubbed" and I was most likely not going to be able to conceive on my own. I believed them and decided to help others to conceive (donated my eggs) and then after each donation, I conceived my DS and then DD.. so I don't necessarily believe everything the Drs tell me.

you are right.. it is so frustrating to do everything as perfect as we can only to be told that there is no possible way that it could ever happen. I have only conceived in the month of august.. not sure if that means anything or not... just very strange imo.
Hi all! Mind if I jump in? I'm supposed to o the 14/15th. I was talking to the hubby about how this feels like a great month then I read some of the posts! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!

:dust: to all! :happydance:

heck yes Ally703! this IS OUR MONTH! :thumbup: Are you using anything like OPK or ?

I am feeling great about this month! I was an April baby so having one would be awesome! I am using OPKs and I have been temping for about 3 cycles now. I take prenatals but this will be the first month I will try mucinex and preseed. I also bought the soft cups but I'm a little nervous about those! What are you doing this cycle?

Lots and lots of :dust:

aww! how cool if the baby had your same birthday!! I would love that! Are the OPKs reflecting the same as your temping? that is my big issue.. it seems I have to override FF for the two to match.. I hate it. ooooh.. I was thinking about using the cups too, but I Was like.. how do I know that the spermies are actually in there!??! lol I don't want to put in the cup and block them, ya know? just my personal fear anyway... I am trying soy iso this cycle.. using b6/b12/folic acid to extend my LP. I am patiently waiting for my OPK and wondos in the mail--hurry amazon!!!--

oooh I was thinking about getting preseed and mucinex too..I am in desperate need to increase my EWCM. I feel like the stress from an issue that I am having at work is causing my CM to dry up. It sucks so bad :( The stress from it all has caused me to lose 5 lbs in a month without trying.
I used EPO a couple cycles back and had awful bathroom breaks...decided to not use it anymore...the only "med" so far I have had a bad reaction too...hope it works for some of you ladies :)

ok see.. I cant risk having more issues.. I am already on the soy iso and if I had tummy issues from the EPO, I would lose my mind. Did you have any side effects from the soy iso? I was hoping the soy iso would make me ovulate from both sides..
Hi all! Mind if I jump in? I'm supposed to o the 14/15th. I was talking to the hubby about how this feels like a great month then I read some of the posts! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!

:dust: to all! :happydance:

heck yes Ally703! this IS OUR MONTH! :thumbup: Are you using anything like OPK or ?

I am feeling great about this month! I was an April baby so having one would be awesome! I am using OPKs and I have been temping for about 3 cycles now. I take prenatals but this will be the first month I will try mucinex and preseed. I also bought the soft cups but I'm a little nervous about those! What are you doing this cycle?

Lots and lots of :dust:

aww! how cool if the baby had your same birthday!! I would love that! Are the OPKs reflecting the same as your temping? that is my big issue.. it seems I have to override FF for the two to match.. I hate it. ooooh.. I was thinking about using the cups too, but I Was like.. how do I know that the spermies are actually in there!??! lol I don't want to put in the cup and block them, ya know? just my personal fear anyway... I am trying soy iso this cycle.. using b6/b12/folic acid to extend my LP. I am patiently waiting for my OPK and wondos in the mail--hurry amazon!!!--

oooh I was thinking about getting preseed and mucinex too..I am in desperate need to increase my EWCM. I feel like the stress from an issue that I am having at work is causing my CM to dry up. It sucks so bad :( The stress from it all has caused me to lose 5 lbs in a month without trying.

That would be the greatest gift!
My temps seem to match up ok with the OPKs. Last cycle we were on vacation during my whole fertile period so my temps were all over the place. I've read and watched videos on the soft cups but trying to imagine doing it is just kinda scary! I'm honestly just trying to imagine how it's gonna fit. :shrug:

I just now got the OPKs from Amazon! Took a week. I definitely need to help my cm too. I honestly don't think I've ever paid attention to it until recently and the only thing I've noticed is there's not a lot. I hope this will help. If you try it as well, let us know how it works for you! I'm not sure what soy iso. How does that work? This who fertility thing is crazy! Even with as much research as I've done, I'm still learning something new l! :)
Happy to have so many new ladies! This is going to be a great month - April babies for all :)

This is my 3rd cycle on EPO until "o" and I haven't had any tummy issues, but I do have a pretty strong stomach. Preseed is great too, but I only use it if I need it, which I haven't since taking EPO - i've heard it does damage a very small amount of swimmers. Oh, I've also read fish oil helps cm (I take that as well, good for a lot of things!)

I'm afraid of the dye test, too! but am starting to wonder if I have blocked tubes :( hopefully some of the home redemies I am doing this month will fix anything that needs fixing and I won't have to do the test. I'm crossing everything neither of us have to do that test b/c we get BFPs this month!!

Lol...about soft cups, I thought the same thing -it'd be my luck I'd block all the swimmers instead of helping them!

real quick can i get your opinions on preventing UTIs...if I stay laying down after, I get an infection (only 2 my whole life, and always day after o while ttc) How do y'all handle it? I don't want to go to the bathroom right after!!! But they are so horrible!
The FS just said that he can't see my right tube at all...no more explanation than that, and he can't see my right ovary either, though he made it clear that it doesn't mean it's not there, it just might be VERY small....either way all the pressure is now on my left :)

I did have mild cramps for the rest of the day after my HSG, but not even as bad as AF, and a bit of discharge (they gave me a pad, said I would need it, and I did)

Very strange indeed about only conceiving in August...I've never even had a pregnancy scare or a squinter...FX for July...
UTI's....FS told me best to only lay down for 20 minutes after DTD, anything more and you are putting yourself at risk, and generally swimmers are up far enough by then anyway
The first cycle I took Soy is when I tried EPO as I heard the soy can cause dryness and the EPO could help....second cycle I did Soy I didn't use the EPO and I didn't notice a difference (other than I spent less time in the bathroom!)

I did not ovulate either time with the Soy so for me I would say it didn't work, but with my low ovarian reserve it most likely has nothing to do with the validity of the meds
Happy to have so many new ladies! This is going to be a great month - April babies for all :)

This is my 3rd cycle on EPO until "o" and I haven't had any tummy issues, but I do have a pretty strong stomach. Preseed is great too, but I only use it if I need it, which I haven't since taking EPO - i've heard it does damage a very small amount of swimmers. Oh, I've also read fish oil helps cm (I take that as well, good for a lot of things!)

I'm afraid of the dye test, too! but am starting to wonder if I have blocked tubes :( hopefully some of the home redemies I am doing this month will fix anything that needs fixing and I won't have to do the test. I'm crossing everything neither of us have to do that test b/c we get BFPs this month!!

Lol...about soft cups, I thought the same thing -it'd be my luck I'd block all the swimmers instead of helping them!

real quick can i get your opinions on preventing UTIs...if I stay laying down after, I get an infection (only 2 my whole life, and always day after o while ttc) How do y'all handle it? I don't want to go to the bathroom right after!!! But they are so horrible!

I am taking the fish oil and haven't noticed a whole lot of difference for me. Maybe you'll be luckier! I have read a lot of successful stories (not all) bit enough to figure at this point it couldn't hurt.
As for the UTIs, I've personally haven't had one yet. I actually set the timer for 30 mins and then get up and clean off. I don't know if that helps or if its what I'm drinking or a combo? How long do you lay there after the BD?
Usually i stay laying down all night, or at least an hour if its in the daytime...thinking I'll start getting up though lol

Since I am taking so much stuff, it could be a combo, or maybe its my hormones balancing out because I definitely noticed my libido is increasing! That usually helps CM :D
I'll be joining you ladies as well, just a few days later. CD1 was July 4th, and I have a 35 day cycle so we're going start trying from the 21st - 23rd. (He's going away on the 24th so only a short window to try this month). I'm doing AHI, I'm going to be co-parenting.

I was going to take soy this month but I couldn't find it in time for CD3. I'm taking iron and magnesium for migraines, folic acid and baby aspirin. I'll be using preseed too.
have you always taken iron and magnesium for migraines? I've been getting them since I was 10ish and have to go to the hospital sometimes I get so nauseous
I'm actually on disability the migraines are so bad. I have one all day every day. I visit the ER pretty frequently too. I just started taking the iron and magnesium about two weeks ago. I'm anemic and they say that can cause headaches, and my old headache specialist used to give me magnesium IV infusions. They never really helped much but I figured it can't hurt to take it.

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