

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2007
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I have no words.

I caved and tested. A faint line came up on a FRER. I'm now going out to buy another test or two to see if I get anything else.
Eeek, very exciting! Hope the other tests show a line too - let us know!! :yipee:
Oooomg good luck!!! :D

Ooooooo omgosh best of luck!!:happydance: Let us know how it goes!!:hugs:
Oooooooooooo hurry back, can't wait to hear :happydance:
OK, went out and bought CB +/- and a Walgreen's brand comparable to FRER, and took them both, both have faint lines too! They came up immediately! No squinting! I'm not going to post in the announcement section just yet, until I see them get darker, it's still early days and right now am just going to keep praying and keeping my fingers crossed! Please let it stick please!
Oh my gosh hun!! CONGRATS!!! :happydance: :hugs:
Congrats hun!!!!! :happydance::happydance:

Have you got any pics? :D

hey diva that sounds like great news! hope it definately is bfp x x

i caved too today! am due period tomorrow and was planning to test friday but caved and did one about half hour ago. it was first response early result and it seemed to be showing a very faint pink line but i convinced myself it was an evap line because i didn't want to get excited over nothing. i threw the test away in the end cos was driving myself mad keep looking at it but it looked like a pink tinge not a white or silver one like evaps are meant to be so i'm hoping! i also looked on https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/compare.html and it said evap lines appear well after the time limit but my line appeared within one minute so i don't know!!!! as you can tell i'm stressing! my sister who gave me the test had recently done the other one that came in the packet and said she had absolutely no line evap or otherwise so says she truly thinks its a line! EEK!!!

i have now spent £13 (flipin eck!) on digital one to do tomorrow morning and the wait is killing me! i was gonna get slightly cheaper one but then thought i need it spelt out and can't be doing with stressing about faint lines!

god i hope this is it for both of us...fingers SOOOO tightly crossed
x x x
I have no words.

I caved and tested. A faint line came up on a FRER. I'm now going out to buy another test or two to see if I get anything else.

Hun, have you had no spotting? This is fab - i am so happy for you! xx
hey diva that sounds like great news! hope it definately is bfp x x

i caved too today! am due period tomorrow and was planning to test friday but caved and did one about half hour ago. it was first response early result and it seemed to be showing a very faint pink line but i convinced myself it was an evap line because i didn't want to get excited over nothing. i threw the test away in the end cos was driving myself mad keep looking at it but it looked like a pink tinge not a white or silver one like evaps are meant to be so i'm hoping! i also looked on https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/compare.html and it said evap lines appear well after the time limit but my line appeared within one minute so i don't know!!!! as you can tell i'm stressing! my sister who gave me the test had recently done the other one that came in the packet and said she had absolutely no line evap or otherwise so says she truly thinks its a line! EEK!!!

i have now spent £13 (flipin eck!) on digital one to do tomorrow morning and the wait is killing me! i was gonna get slightly cheaper one but then thought i need it spelt out and can't be doing with stressing about faint lines!

god i hope this is it for both of us...fingers SOOOO tightly crossed
x x x

good luck!!!!!!
YAH! So happy for you! The glimmer of a :bfp: is so exciting! Toes are crossed for you that things stick! :)
WOOOHHHHOOOO! PLEASE GIVE US SO PICTURES!!!!!!!!! They don't all lie you know. So excited for you.

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