Occasionally Psycho (But Ridiculously Amazing TTC'ers) - PMA Not Required!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Hello my fellow Occasional Psychos! :wacko: I have created this group so that we can all feel free to have our freak out moments, our impatient moments, our happy moments, and just feel free to be as bi-polar about TTC as we would like.

Some people do well with keeping a PMA....well, I don't. I need to express my feelings, regardless if they are considered negative thinking. I want to be able to say whatever I need to say, and be understood. I really don't want someone to tell me that I should try and stay positive. It's okay to get pissed, and sad, and whatever else! TTC is a serious emotional roller coaster, and whether we like it or not, we are strapped in tight and along for the ride!!

So here we are.... if this sounds like you, please pull up a chair and help yourself to the cookies. We have chocolate chip, and peanut butter. :rofl:
I'm always trying to rein in the crazy during all this TTC. My poor husband bears the brunt of my rants :haha:

I'm currently obsessing if this month is going to be an anovulatory month for me or not. Going with my usual pattern, this month is suppose to be a no ovulation month my my temps are looking normal so idk... I really freaking hope I ovulate!
I'm always trying to rein in the crazy during all this TTC. My poor husband bears the brunt of my rants :haha:

I'm currently obsessing if this month is going to be an anovulatory month for me or not. Going with my usual pattern, this month is suppose to be a no ovulation month my my temps are looking normal so idk... I really freaking hope I ovulate!

I hear ya! I'm currently waiting for AF to leave again so I can get started with this cycle! I won't O until around cd21 though, so I have such a loooong wait!! It sucks! I'm ready to get started.
Hi all with you all the way. Af is in for few more days then I'm due to ovulate 22nd . With my cycles it's basically period , ovulate , crazy symptoms and results. My cycle is short. I have been ttc since oct 2012. Chemical miscarriage in jan 2013 and now chin up and going with the flow . When it happens it happens and we will be over the moon. Living my life as normal think of having a baby now and again. The first few months i was constantly thinking about a baby even during sex and sex became a chore. With sex just on ovulation days.But now loving the sex ovulation days and inbetween ,then i think of the baby after ha ha. My chemical mc was a positive one day then i saw the doc the next day and it was negative. Don't get me wrong I cried in the doctors room then it messed my head up for a few days. Then pma kicked in I dusted myself off and back on for the ride. People view chemical mc differently ,in a strange way I feel lucky it happened straight away rather than months later ,still born or short lived. I see it as that wasnt ready for the big wide world.Sorry if any of you have had a chemical mc and feel strongly about it. I accept your views of course.But I just feel I didn't yet have the bond to get attached. Obviously I think what if etc. but I need to move on in life and focus on making a healthy bundle of joy. Good luck to you all x
Af showed today :( I'm out
Dang, sorry lraes :hugs: . Hope she's not too hard on you. I'll tell you what though, I see the first signs of spring outside my window, beautiful pink buds on a few trees, even though it's 36° :cold: . Looks to me like March is going to great for babymaking :) . So maybe have an Irish Car Bomb while you still can and have a cookie :winkwink: .

I've been cooking and doing some more spring cleaning today. I'm pooped! But the kids are fed and the house feels good so I'm happy lol. I sure don't feel like doing bedtime for these boys though! Wish I had a mojito, give me a little incentive :haha: .
I'm always trying to rein in the crazy during all this TTC. My poor husband bears the brunt of my rants :haha:

I'm currently obsessing if this month is going to be an anovulatory month for me or not. Going with my usual pattern, this month is suppose to be a no ovulation month my my temps are looking normal so idk... I really freaking hope I ovulate!

I hear ya! I'm currently waiting for AF to leave again so I can get started with this cycle! I won't O until around cd21 though, so I have such a loooong wait!! It sucks! I'm ready to get started.

I'll probably O between cd21-cd24. I hate having long cycles.
Af showed today :( I'm out

Sorry hun! I'm right there with ya, if that is any consolation. I hope it happens for us soon.

Af showed today :( I'm out
Dang, sorry lraes :hugs: . Hope she's not too hard on you. I'll tell you what though, I see the first signs of spring outside my window, beautiful pink buds on a few trees, even though it's 36° :cold: . Looks to me like March is going to great for babymaking :) . So maybe have an Irish Car Bomb while you still can and have a cookie :winkwink: .

I've been cooking and doing some more spring cleaning today. I'm pooped! But the kids are fed and the house feels good so I'm happy lol. I sure don't feel like doing bedtime for these boys though! Wish I had a mojito, give me a little incentive :haha: .

I saw 2 bees outside yesterday, and it was about 65 and sunny. Today it snowed! SO CRAZY! I'm ready for spring. On a bright note, I took my girls to get their pictures taken today! Let me show you some!


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NDT: When I first started charting before I conceived DS2, I didn't realize that my cycles swing toward the short side of things, averaging around 26 days with O around CD11. Sometimes this is all thrown to the wind of course lol and I'll O on CD 14 or have a 29 day cycle or something. My last two cycles have been 25 days. Not sure why I'm rambling on about my cycle averages :wacko: . War story trade I guess? :haha:

LoveSanrio: Your babies are adorable! We should do some professional pics soon. My mom used to take us to get them done, so fun :) . They really do shoot up don't they?! You blink your eyes and these babies aren't so much so anymore :cry: .
NDT: When I first started charting before I conceived DS2, I didn't realize that my cycles swing toward the short side of things, averaging around 26 days with O around CD11. Sometimes this is all thrown to the wind of course lol and I'll O on CD 14 or have a 29 day cycle or something. My last two cycles have been 25 days. Not sure why I'm rambling on about my cycle averages :wacko: . War story trade I guess? :haha:

LoveSanrio: Your babies are adorable! We should do some professional pics soon. My mom used to take us to get them done, so fun :) . They really do shoot up don't they?! You blink your eyes and these babies aren't so much so anymore :cry: .

Thanks chick! I think they are adorable too! :)
That is the exact reason I took them to get some pics done...they are growing so fast! I have 3 in school now, it's crazy! Tonight the girls and I had a Twilight movie night...that is until my 2 year old started puking all over the floor. It has been quite am evening. I am finally getting to relax, and after cleaning up tons of puke all night, I am just ready to chill!!
NDT: When I first started charting before I conceived DS2, I didn't realize that my cycles swing toward the short side of things, averaging around 26 days with O around CD11. Sometimes this is all thrown to the wind of course lol and I'll O on CD 14 or have a 29 day cycle or something. My last two cycles have been 25 days. Not sure why I'm rambling on about my cycle averages :wacko: . War story trade I guess? :haha:

LoveSanrio: Your babies are adorable! We should do some professional pics soon. My mom used to take us to get them done, so fun :) . They really do shoot up don't they?! You blink your eyes and these babies aren't so much so anymore :cry: .

Thanks chick! I think they are adorable too! :)
That is the exact reason I took them to get some pics done...they are growing so fast! I have 3 in school now, it's crazy! Tonight the girls and I had a Twilight movie night...that is until my 2 year old started puking all over the floor. It has been quite am evening. I am finally getting to relax, and after cleaning up tons of puke all night, I am just ready to chill!!
I was ready to get me some mommy time in too but my kids have been wearing...me...out! :wacko: Omg lol. I keep falling asleep while waiting for the big one to conk out :nope: .

Ahhh yes, the evening puke clean-up. Now that's how you appreciate some mama time :thumbup: lol.
Can I join you crazy ladies?
I'm a permanat pmt head and my hubby hates it but hey ho.

Had a chem mc 2 weeks ago, was gutted, bfp for 2 days then af shows up! No fair! But I'm a things happen for a reason person, so roll my sleeves up and crack on.
Welcome to the crazy lorpez! :ninja: Help yourself to our assortment of delicious baked goods and beverages (got an array of freshly baked cookies and red wine positives going around :wine: lol). I'm so sorry about your losses :hugs: . Hoping this is your cycle! Are you temping/charting or anything or going more of the NTNP route?
Hey everyone, I need to rant/ask advice so I can stop stressing....so for the past year or so, my cycles have been like clockwork, every 26 days, with the odd 27 day cylcle thrown in once or twice. Last cyle was 32 days for me, which had me convinced I was pregnant, until AF showed up. Then this cycle was 24 days, and when AF did come it was pretty short and light. Only 3 days, 2 very light and one kinda medium. I took a test the morning AF arrived, 13dpo and BFN. Still spotting a bit, but nothing like usual. Anyone know if it's normal to have a shorter cycle following an unusually long one? Could the prenatal vitamins I've been taking since we started ttc have anything to do with the abnormal cycles? I've also been a bit more stressed than normal with life and stuff now, so I know that could have something to do with it.....gah.....sorry for the rant, I guess I just hope someone will tell me "yes.....it's normal, stop stressing" lol. Thanks!
oh, and where are those cookies? definitely think I need a few :p
Hi ladies....Im pretty nuts and wouldn't mind a cookie...or some wine. So here I am. Im currently in the TWW of our 2nd cycle. I dont temp or test and Im pretty sure we didnt DTD often enough around O, but, we'll see! So glad this thread is here, can't wait to share some of my craziness :)
Hey everyone, I need to rant/ask advice so I can stop stressing....so for the past year or so, my cycles have been like clockwork, every 26 days, with the odd 27 day cylcle thrown in once or twice. Last cyle was 32 days for me, which had me convinced I was pregnant, until AF showed up. Then this cycle was 24 days, and when AF did come it was pretty short and light. Only 3 days, 2 very light and one kinda medium. I took a test the morning AF arrived, 13dpo and BFN. Still spotting a bit, but nothing like usual. Anyone know if it's normal to have a shorter cycle following an unusually long one? Could the prenatal vitamins I've been taking since we started ttc have anything to do with the abnormal cycles? I've also been a bit more stressed than normal with life and stuff now, so I know that could have something to do with it.....gah.....sorry for the rant, I guess I just hope someone will tell me "yes.....it's normal, stop stressing" lol. Thanks!
oh, and where are those cookies? definitely think I need a few :p
Yeah, it's normal to have funky cycles sometimes amanda, stop stressing lol :winkwink: . I don't know specifically whether a shorter cycle might follow a longer one though. Also, depending on what your prenatals have in them it might be possible for them to affect your cycle but I don't have any info on any specifics there either. And if you're having some serious stress going on O might get delayed and cause a later AF so...I guess a big fat "maybe" on all possibilities here?! How's that for an ambiguous answer :haha: .

Hi ladies....Im pretty nuts and wouldn't mind a cookie...or some wine. So here I am. Im currently in the TWW of our 2nd cycle. I dont temp or test and Im pretty sure we didnt DTD often enough around O, but, we'll see! So glad this thread is here, can't wait to share some of my craziness :)
Welcome aboard Rockinmom! It's going down mimosa style today :haha: .
Hey everyone, I need to rant/ask advice so I can stop stressing....so for the past year or so, my cycles have been like clockwork, every 26 days, with the odd 27 day cylcle thrown in once or twice. Last cyle was 32 days for me, which had me convinced I was pregnant, until AF showed up. Then this cycle was 24 days, and when AF did come it was pretty short and light. Only 3 days, 2 very light and one kinda medium. I took a test the morning AF arrived, 13dpo and BFN. Still spotting a bit, but nothing like usual. Anyone know if it's normal to have a shorter cycle following an unusually long one? Could the prenatal vitamins I've been taking since we started ttc have anything to do with the abnormal cycles? I've also been a bit more stressed than normal with life and stuff now, so I know that could have something to do with it.....gah.....sorry for the rant, I guess I just hope someone will tell me "yes.....it's normal, stop stressing" lol. Thanks!
oh, and where are those cookies? definitely think I need a few :p
hi I have been ttc since oct my first cycle 28 days and since then all have been 26 days short cycles. I'm sure your fine. I have crazy symptoms every week before af Is due. Annoying as some symptoms make you think af won't be here this month. Good luck to you x
NDT: When I first started charting before I conceived DS2, I didn't realize that my cycles swing toward the short side of things, averaging around 26 days with O around CD11. Sometimes this is all thrown to the wind of course lol and I'll O on CD 14 or have a 29 day cycle or something. My last two cycles have been 25 days. Not sure why I'm rambling on about my cycle averages :wacko: . War story trade I guess? :haha:

LoveSanrio: Your babies are adorable! We should do some professional pics soon. My mom used to take us to get them done, so fun :) . They really do shoot up don't they?! You blink your eyes and these babies aren't so much so anymore :cry: .

Thanks chick! I think they are adorable too! :)
That is the exact reason I took them to get some pics done...they are growing so fast! I have 3 in school now, it's crazy! Tonight the girls and I had a Twilight movie night...that is until my 2 year old started puking all over the floor. It has been quite am evening. I am finally getting to relax, and after cleaning up tons of puke all night, I am just ready to chill!!
I was ready to get me some mommy time in too but my kids have been wearing...me...out! :wacko: Omg lol. I keep falling asleep while waiting for the big one to conk out :nope: .

Ahhh yes, the evening puke clean-up. Now that's how you appreciate some mama time :thumbup: lol.

OMG MAN....I can't even begin to tell you how much puke and poop I have cleaned up since yesterday. I thought it might have been just an upset stomach...turned out to be the stomach flu!!! UGH!!! My poor 2 year old had a rough night to say the least. She is feeling a bit better today, but let's just say that today still consisted of LOTS of diaper changes.

Welcome to the crazy lorpez! :ninja: Help yourself to our assortment of delicious baked goods and beverages (got an array of freshly baked cookies and red wine positives going around :wine: lol). I'm so sorry about your losses :hugs: . Hoping this is your cycle! Are you temping/charting or anything or going more of the NTNP route?

This made me LOL! I'll have some wine!!!! I could use some right about now!!

Hey everyone, I need to rant/ask advice so I can stop stressing....so for the past year or so, my cycles have been like clockwork, every 26 days, with the odd 27 day cylcle thrown in once or twice. Last cyle was 32 days for me, which had me convinced I was pregnant, until AF showed up. Then this cycle was 24 days, and when AF did come it was pretty short and light. Only 3 days, 2 very light and one kinda medium. I took a test the morning AF arrived, 13dpo and BFN. Still spotting a bit, but nothing like usual. Anyone know if it's normal to have a shorter cycle following an unusually long one? Could the prenatal vitamins I've been taking since we started ttc have anything to do with the abnormal cycles? I've also been a bit more stressed than normal with life and stuff now, so I know that could have something to do with it.....gah.....sorry for the rant, I guess I just hope someone will tell me "yes.....it's normal, stop stressing" lol. Thanks!
oh, and where are those cookies? definitely think I need a few :p

Totally normal!! I am sure things will be back to normal for you soon! Try not to worry. :flower:

Hi ladies....Im pretty nuts and wouldn't mind a cookie...or some wine. So here I am. Im currently in the TWW of our 2nd cycle. I dont temp or test and Im pretty sure we didnt DTD often enough around O, but, we'll see! So glad this thread is here, can't wait to share some of my craziness :)

We all have plenty of craziness to go around, and are always open to some more! We are never fully stocked! LOL

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I just have my FX at this point that none of my other kids catch the stomach flu...or me. Anyone that has multiple kids knows that the stomach flu spreads through them like wildfire!! I'M SCARED!! LOL!!!
WELL....London had the stomach flu....then my husband started with it last night, then my 7 year old woke up this morning and puked all over her floor. Needless to say I am going to have one loooooong week.

I have to keep all my kids home now, because chances are we will ALL be getting it. SIGH.

Last winter all of my kids had the stomach flu....at the same time. They were all puking every 10 minutes, all at the same time. I ended up taking them all to the hospital, and my 5 year old was admitted into the pediatric unit for dehydration. She had to stay for 3 days....it was awful. So of course I am insanely worried this time. :(
LoveSanrio- sorry to hear about your stomach flu issues...gross! lol

I thought Id share a little of my week so far with you guys....OH and I took a three day weekend and went to a resort for Valentines Day last weekend and I dont know if Im just still exhausted from our mini-vaca or what, but Im tired. Ive been away for 4 hours now and I want a nap. Im crabby, poor OH might kill me after having such a lovely weekend and me turning into the Hulk. Im exercising and eating right and not losing weight and it makes me want to punch someone.

Thats all for now. Any encouragement is welcome....or if youd like to bitch with me, thats also good :)

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