Occasionally Psycho (But Ridiculously Amazing TTC'ers) - PMA Not Required!

Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
. Glad your all on the mend. It's a good job your not pregnant looking after everyone ill hey. You would be vomiting as they were vomiting. I'm off work with a flu type bug today and tomorrow. Af finishes tomorrow thank god. Due to o next week so from Sunday fingers crossed another monthly adventure of mood swings, strange symptoms etc etc. it's not easy mentally and physically this baby making business hey. Enjoying my new Relaxed ttc technique nice to live as well as think about babies rather than obsessing wanting a baby constantly . The new me . Been ttc since oct 2012 so not long really x
Good luck you march testers !!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck chick!! I hope this new relaxed you does the trick!

Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!

Join right in! The more the merrier!!

If its not an anovulatory month I do usually o around cd 19. Plus my opks are getting lighter and lighter which is confusing.
Took a peek at your chart just now and it looks like your body is gearing up. Guess the next few days will tell the tale; FX! :dust:

Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
Ooh, I love fur babies! Can't wait to see pics! I so :xmas13: about not wanting to be pukey but wanting to be what will ending up making you pukey :haha: . I haven't thrown up with my other pregnancies but I had the all day/all night nausea into the fourth month with my boys. :wedding:Happy Anniversary!!!:wedding: Hope you and DH paint the town red tonight!

Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!
Welcome AJCart! PMA ain't happening with me right now either :haha: . Not feeling particularly hopeful about this cycle even though we BD'd at great times. I think my hormones are having a cocktail of crazy after my m/c in November and still nursing my 3 YO. Ready to get on with a fresh cycle. Pass the plate and the glasses darlin'! :drunk:

Haha! Same here! Although right now in this current time I want to kick my husband's ass because he is annoying the hell out of me!

Anyhow, we had a good time last night! Went to dinner and a movie. I really didn't know what to do with myself without the kids around! Anyhow, I ended up drinking entirely too much, and got drunk lol! It was a rare thing that is for sure! Now I am feeling like crap this morning, and just got the girls ready to go with their grandma for a few hours. They will be back around 2pm, and I will be sleeping until then!! Gotta sleep off this hangover!!!
Ooh, what movie did you guys see? I'm not a drink-to-get-drunk/drink-every-day drinker either but I do love a tasty artisan brew, glass of wine, or mojito/mimosa sometimes. In fact, I'm a total beer snob :haha: . I'd love to learn to brew my own one day. And ppfft, my problem would be not knowing what to do first with the kids gone! :haha: I love them so, so, so unbelievably much, it actually hurts! But I know the rest of me is in here somewhere! lol
Oh, and the OH's can be wonderful but when they're doing something to piss us off it's like Olympics time for them or something :dohh: . Hope the annoyance lets up soon Sanrio!
Well, the witch finally reared her ugly head 6 days late. Also found out that DH won't be home for another 10 days (he works fly in, fly out) so I am comforting myself with a bottle of champagne. Will get myself back on the eating well and not drinking band wagon after I've moped for the night!
Whats up ladies!!! How is everyone doing??

I did some shopping today! I love to shop LOL! Bought some movies (I collect DVD'S and Blurays). Now I am hanging out at home, the kids are in bed, and DH is at work. Might even play some video games or something!!

Pi- We went and saw Mama. I am a sucker for horror movies! It was pretty good. The end was a bit odd though...not bad, it just didn't fit with the rest of the movie. But I didn't give a damn....I was out with no kids! It was pretty amazing!

Now life is back to normal. Same stuff, different day. I am ready for summer so I can go on vacation. I need the beach damn it! I love living in NC. I can drive to the mountains, or go to the beach. I have the best of both worlds! Where do you live Pi? I think you said it is cold where you live?
Doing ok here, AF expected tomorrow. Feeling a little weird, but, it could all just be in my head. Its only been two months and Im tired of trying, I just want to snap my fingers and get pregnant.....dont get angry at me for saying that, lol. I went out with the girls last weekend and had a fantastic time, dont know why I dont do it more often....other than that, just waiting and hoping! How are you guys?
rockinmom, I totally know what you mean....I'm not a very patient person by nature.
As for me, I think I am still waiting to O. I say I think because I'm using the CBFM, and am still getting highs after 6 days. Currently on CD 13, and feel like I could have O'd yesterday because of symptoms, but not sure. Will wait and see! In the meantime lots and lots of BD :). Anyone else get really nauseous around O time? I do, and it really sucks as it can make BD seem more like a "have to" rather than a "want to". Doesn't really see fair, but then again when is Mother Nature fair, right?
sanrio, the previews for Mama are enough to give me nightmares! You're a braver person than I am!
Oh we sorted things, we always do wen he's having one of his via fits lol

Well I'm onto the 2ww now, no more sex yay! I'm well and truly done with that bit now. Can there be too much of a good thing? Er yeah lol
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol
Me to done the obsessed version of ttc for the first three months. Now after chemical mc have decided to go with the flow when it happens it will be amazing. Exercising now and again and diet fifty fifty good and bad. Will change to fully good when pregnant :). Good luck to you. Hope u and hubby sort things out x
Good luck , I'm due to o tomorrow . see you in the march results
Whats up ladies!!! How is everyone doing??

I did some shopping today! I love to shop LOL! Bought some movies (I collect DVD'S and Blurays). Now I am hanging out at home, the kids are in bed, and DH is at work. Might even play some video games or something!!

Pi- We went and saw Mama. I am a sucker for horror movies! It was pretty good. The end was a bit odd though...not bad, it just didn't fit with the rest of the movie. But I didn't give a damn....I was out with no kids! It was pretty amazing!

Now life is back to normal. Same stuff, different day. I am ready for summer so I can go on vacation. I need the beach damn it! I love living in NC. I can drive to the mountains, or go to the beach. I have the best of both worlds! Where do you live Pi? I think you said it is cold where you live?

Horror films are the best. I love them whether cheap rate or not ha ha. Mama looks impressive on trailer . Good luck march testers x x x xx
Just thought Id update you guys, no AF yet, due today or tomorrow....but clearly I dont have a PMA otherwise, I wouldnt be here lol. Just wait and see, Ill test Friday if shes a real no show!

How are you guys doing?
Hey ladies! :wave: I'm here but super crazy around here with the cabin fever and screaming/scuffling children and what not, gah! BBL to check-in. Hope you all are well!
Im sure you guys love my updates every few hours, lol. No AF today, that makes her officially late....so I bought my very first pregnancy tests!!!! Ill test tomorrow and let you guys know how it goes :)
Im sure you guys love my updates every few hours, lol. No AF today, that makes her officially late....so I bought my very first pregnancy tests!!!! Ill test tomorrow and let you guys know how it goes :)
lol No worries! I keep trying to get on here and check in but no dice. So excited for you! Will be looking for your update Rockinmom :) .
Well, the witch finally reared her ugly head 6 days late. Also found out that DH won't be home for another 10 days (he works fly in, fly out) so I am comforting myself with a bottle of champagne. Will get myself back on the eating well and not drinking band wagon after I've moped for the night!
Aw, boooo! If she's coming that heffer can at least be on time, sheesh! Hope you had some fantastic moping doll :hugs: .

Whats up ladies!!! How is everyone doing??

I did some shopping today! I love to shop LOL! Bought some movies (I collect DVD'S and Blurays). Now I am hanging out at home, the kids are in bed, and DH is at work. Might even play some video games or something!!

Pi- We went and saw Mama. I am a sucker for horror movies! It was pretty good. The end was a bit odd though...not bad, it just didn't fit with the rest of the movie. But I didn't give a damn....I was out with no kids! It was pretty amazing!

Now life is back to normal. Same stuff, different day. I am ready for summer so I can go on vacation. I need the beach damn it! I love living in NC. I can drive to the mountains, or go to the beach. I have the best of both worlds! Where do you live Pi? I think you said it is cold where you live?
Sanrio, I looooove the beach :cloud9: . We're in GA and not much beach anywhere reasonably close to here (Atlanta) :growlmad: . It's been so freaking cold and rainy and gray for soooooo long and I'm just sick of it :cry: . This is NOT the PNW for cripes sake :nope: . Being born and raised here makes you pretty spoiled weather-wise :haha: . The bugs just suck, OMG, gawd awful :argh: but I swoon for the fall.

I used to absolutely love horror movies. The kids broke me :haha: . Can't watch 'em anymore! A friend of mine and her eldest DD went to see Mama and they just loved it. They told me about it and I was all "Oh no, hell no, you guys can keep that!" :xmas13:

rockinmom, I totally know what you mean....I'm not a very patient person by nature.
As for me, I think I am still waiting to O. I say I think because I'm using the CBFM, and am still getting highs after 6 days. Currently on CD 13, and feel like I could have O'd yesterday because of symptoms, but not sure. Will wait and see! In the meantime lots and lots of BD :). Anyone else get really nauseous around O time? I do, and it really sucks as it can make BD seem more like a "have to" rather than a "want to". Doesn't really see fair, but then again when is Mother Nature fair, right?
sanrio, the previews for Mama are enough to give me nightmares! You're a braver person than I am!
amanda, I don't tend to get too nauseous around O but I do get randomly nauseous before and after :shrug: . Weirdness these bodies of ours.

Me, I'm just hanging tight here. Looking at my chart thus far I'm just fascinated at the differences b/w these last two cycles! Interesting...

So, anybody got a good feeling about this cycle? We need some more BFP's ladies!

Hope everyone is feeling good :flower: .
Here it is girls!!!! I'm so excited and nervous!


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Well, the witch finally reared her ugly head 6 days late. Also found out that DH won't be home for another 10 days (he works fly in, fly out) so I am comforting myself with a bottle of champagne. Will get myself back on the eating well and not drinking band wagon after I've moped for the night!
Aw, boooo! If she's coming that heffer can at least be on time, sheesh! Hope you had some fantastic moping doll :hugs: .

Whats up ladies!!! How is everyone doing??

I did some shopping today! I love to shop LOL! Bought some movies (I collect DVD'S and Blurays). Now I am hanging out at home, the kids are in bed, and DH is at work. Might even play some video games or something!!

Pi- We went and saw Mama. I am a sucker for horror movies! It was pretty good. The end was a bit odd though...not bad, it just didn't fit with the rest of the movie. But I didn't give a damn....I was out with no kids! It was pretty amazing!

Now life is back to normal. Same stuff, different day. I am ready for summer so I can go on vacation. I need the beach damn it! I love living in NC. I can drive to the mountains, or go to the beach. I have the best of both worlds! Where do you live Pi? I think you said it is cold where you live?
Sanrio, I looooove the beach :cloud9: . We're in GA and not much beach anywhere reasonably close to here (Atlanta) :growlmad: . It's been so freaking cold and rainy and gray for soooooo long and I'm just sick of it :cry: . This is NOT the PNW for cripes sake :nope: . Being born and raised here makes you pretty spoiled weather-wise :haha: . The bugs just suck, OMG, gawd awful :argh: but I swoon for the fall.

I used to absolutely love horror movies. The kids broke me :haha: . Can't watch 'em anymore! A friend of mine and her eldest DD went to see Mama and they just loved it. They told me about it and I was all "Oh no, hell no, you guys can keep that!" :xmas13:

rockinmom, I totally know what you mean....I'm not a very patient person by nature.
As for me, I think I am still waiting to O. I say I think because I'm using the CBFM, and am still getting highs after 6 days. Currently on CD 13, and feel like I could have O'd yesterday because of symptoms, but not sure. Will wait and see! In the meantime lots and lots of BD :). Anyone else get really nauseous around O time? I do, and it really sucks as it can make BD seem more like a "have to" rather than a "want to". Doesn't really see fair, but then again when is Mother Nature fair, right?
sanrio, the previews for Mama are enough to give me nightmares! You're a braver person than I am!
amanda, I don't tend to get too nauseous around O but I do get randomly nauseous before and after :shrug: . Weirdness these bodies of ours.

Me, I'm just hanging tight here. Looking at my chart thus far I'm just fascinated at the differences b/w these last two cycles! Interesting...

So, anybody got a good feeling about this cycle? We need some more BFP's ladies!

Hope everyone is feeling good :flower: .

Hey! I definitely have a good feeling about this month! I can't explain why for sure since i'm only O'ing today, and I'm afraid I'm going to jinx it now, but I really feel like this is the month. A little Irish St-Patty's Day luck for us all?

Here it is girls!!!! I'm so excited and nervous!

Omg!!! Yay!! Congrats girl!:happydance:
Here it is girls!!!! I'm so excited and nervous!
Woohoo! :wohoo: Awesome looking double lines there my dear! Big, big congratulations!!! :happydance: A healthy, happy nine months and beyond to you!

amanda: Yes indeed, that would be fantastic to get some of that lucky March :dust: happening here! Throw some this way Rockinmom!
Absolutely ladies have some! :dust:
Just keep your FX I've got a sticky one!
Got some of everything crossed for a healthy, sticky gumdrop in there Rockinmom!
Here it is girls!!!! I'm so excited and nervous!

WOOP WOOP!!! I've missed too much!!! CONGRATS!! I ma sooo happy for you!!

I have bronchitis guys, and sounds like a 90 year old woman! I've had a fever, and just plain felt like shit. I'm here though, and starting to feel a teensy bit better! I haven't been temping, but have been OPK'ing once a day. Starting tomorrow I will go to twice a day. I'm on CD16 now, and should O in about 5 days. Guess the waiting will begin! I dont know how I feel about this cycle. I am trying, but not trying nearly as hard, that is for sure. Temping pissed me off last month. It really got my hopes up... and then nothing. I'm just going to OPK and BD when the time is right until I feel like temping again.

Pi- Georgia! Neat! LOL. You are about 3-3 1/2 hours from me. Not all that far! I know what you mean about the weather down here. It has been rainy, and crappy out non-stop for weeks now! It isn't usually like this here. I loathe summer this year though....not looking forward to the humidity. I guess they call it the armpit of the south for a reason!

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