Occasionally Psycho (But Ridiculously Amazing TTC'ers) - PMA Not Required!

LoveSanrio- sorry to hear about your stomach flu issues...gross! lol

I thought Id share a little of my week so far with you guys....OH and I took a three day weekend and went to a resort for Valentines Day last weekend and I dont know if Im just still exhausted from our mini-vaca or what, but Im tired. Ive been away for 4 hours now and I want a nap. Im crabby, poor OH might kill me after having such a lovely weekend and me turning into the Hulk. Im exercising and eating right and not losing weight and it makes me want to punch someone.

Thats all for now. Any encouragement is welcome....or if youd like to bitch with me, thats also good :)

I hear ya on that! No matter what I eat or what I do I still stay the same. It pisses me off. Having kids was not easy on my body at all.
Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .
Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

Eating wise right now...no meat, very limited dairy, heavy vegetables...and Im not much of a fruit person, so I have an apple for breakfast, but usually that's it for fruit. Grain wise, I imagine Im pretty light, I make tacos one night a week (with veggie ground instead of meat) and we have a low carb tortilla, but no pasta, no random bread...?
Workout wise... Im on the elliptical 6 days a week and only in the last few days have started incorporating about 20-30 min of weight training 3 days a week. Im seriously close to saying screw it and eating whatever I want. The only thing stopping me right now is knowing that even if Im not losing the weight, Im healthier inside, my heart, my lungs, my muscles. I feel like there's one specific thing I should be doing and Im not.....and I have no idea what that is.
You may have luck adding in some extra virgin coconut oil, preferably organic. It's a medium-chain fat and burns a lot quicker than long-chains. It's awesome for energy, gut healing, skin, nails, hair, weight-loss, a whole host of things. Get thee to a google search!

We eat tons of fat around here including butter, ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, and organic palm shortening. Keeps us satiated and cravings for sweets and things aren't an issue. Now, we have a treat sometimes b/c, well, who doesn't love a treat?! lol
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol
I am starting to think I am not going to O this month and it is really getting me down. My temp spiked this morning and I feel like my chart is starting to resemble a anovulatory month. I am going to be so sad if I don't O again :cry:
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol

HAHAHAHH! This made me LOL, not that your relationship problems are funny, but...you guys sound like us. We're also not doing much, no charting or OPKs just good old fashioned :sex: as often as the mood strikes...with a little more striking during when I think Im Oving.

You may have luck adding in some extra virgin coconut oil, preferably organic. It's a medium-chain fat and burns a lot quicker than long-chains. It's awesome for energy, gut healing, skin, nails, hair, weight-loss, a whole host of things. Get thee to a google search!

We eat tons of fat around here including butter, ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, and organic palm shortening. Keeps us satiated and cravings for sweets and things aren't an issue. Now, we have a treat sometimes b/c, well, who doesn't love a treat?! lol

Thanks for the suggestion! I have a serious sweet tooth, but honestly....Ive been so frustrated this last month with not loosing anything that Ive just stopped eating sweets. And still no weight loss....so I made an appt with the dr this morning to get my blood tested for thyroid and cholesterol and diabetes as they all run in the family. If i was thinking properly, which usually Im not, I wouldve done if before we started TTC, but I didnt, so, Ill do it now. Eff me. :haha:

AFM- I had a straight up crazy ass meltdown today and I couldnt even tell you what it was about. I woke up late, which is extremely uncommon. Ive been sleeping like 10 hrs a night...which is CRAZY for me. Im tired ALL the time. Like fall down right now tired and its only 3PM here. Also, TMI, Ive had loose stool all day, also uncommon and not a typical sign of AF for me....so Im freaking out that its too early for symptoms and there must be something wrong with me, thats why I called and made the apt with the dr. I just dont know. Im about 5-6 days away from AF and Im SOOOO emotional. ive cried twice today, also irregular. So, if Im not pregnant, which Im pretty sure Im not...I need some help....pronto or its time for the looney bin :awww:
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol
Hope you guys were able to kiss and make up! :winkwink: A little break from each other can be a good thing for couples sometimes I say; marriage gets stressful! :wacko:

Hoping we miss the flu. Pretty much everyone around us is sick, sick, sick. I guess that's one positive about being housebound most of the time all winter!

I am starting to think I am not going to O this month and it is really getting me down. My temp spiked this morning and I feel like my chart is starting to resemble a anovulatory month. I am going to be so sad if I don't O again :cry:
Aw, NDT :hugs: . Don't fret just yet, you've still got time! Do you usually O around CD19?

Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol

HAHAHAHH! This made me LOL, not that your relationship problems are funny, but...you guys sound like us. We're also not doing much, no charting or OPKs just good old fashioned :sex: as often as the mood strikes...with a little more striking during when I think Im Oving.

You may have luck adding in some extra virgin coconut oil, preferably organic. It's a medium-chain fat and burns a lot quicker than long-chains. It's awesome for energy, gut healing, skin, nails, hair, weight-loss, a whole host of things. Get thee to a google search!

We eat tons of fat around here including butter, ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, and organic palm shortening. Keeps us satiated and cravings for sweets and things aren't an issue. Now, we have a treat sometimes b/c, well, who doesn't love a treat?! lol

Thanks for the suggestion! I have a serious sweet tooth, but honestly....Ive been so frustrated this last month with not loosing anything that Ive just stopped eating sweets. And still no weight loss....so I made an appt with the dr this morning to get my blood tested for thyroid and cholesterol and diabetes as they all run in the family. If i was thinking properly, which usually Im not, I wouldve done if before we started TTC, but I didnt, so, Ill do it now. Eff me. :haha:

AFM- I had a straight up crazy ass meltdown today and I couldnt even tell you what it was about. I woke up late, which is extremely uncommon. Ive been sleeping like 10 hrs a night...which is CRAZY for me. Im tired ALL the time. Like fall down right now tired and its only 3PM here. Also, TMI, Ive had loose stool all day, also uncommon and not a typical sign of AF for me....so Im freaking out that its too early for symptoms and there must be something wrong with me, thats why I called and made the apt with the dr. I just dont know. Im about 5-6 days away from AF and Im SOOOO emotional. ive cried twice today, also irregular. So, if Im not pregnant, which Im pretty sure Im not...I need some help....pronto or its time for the looney bin :awww:
Let us know how your appointment goes Rockinmom! Aw, sorry about the meltdown :hugs: . They can certainly be rough! Hoping all is well and your body is giving you some early signs of a little gumdrop in there! If this is some hormones gone wild kind of thing there are things you can do to try and balance them out. Maybe your PMS is shaking things up a bit if you're not preggo? You know, 'cause otherwise we wouldn't know our periods were here if we didn't go through the ringer emotionally every month :dohh: [/sarcasm]

Sanrio! How you doing lady? :kiss:

Me, I'm pooped! DS2 I think is going through some developmental leaps so he's waking up ridiculously early again and being all crabby, scratchy, and bitey but then he'll go all super sweet again :shrug: . And the two of them are fighting aaaaallllll the time, omg. Crazy kids! :haha:

Going to try to get these two to actually go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight. Mama needs some time! :loopy:
If its not an anovulatory month I do usually o around cd 19. Plus my opks are getting lighter and lighter which is confusing.
Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol
Me to done the obsessed version of ttc for the first three months. Now after chemical mc have decided to go with the flow when it happens it will be amazing. Exercising now and again and diet fifty fifty good and bad. Will change to fully good when pregnant :). Good luck to you. Hope u and hubby sort things out x
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol

HAHAHAHH! This made me LOL, not that your relationship problems are funny, but...you guys sound like us. We're also not doing much, no charting or OPKs just good old fashioned :sex: as often as the mood strikes...with a little more striking during when I think Im Oving.

You may have luck adding in some extra virgin coconut oil, preferably organic. It's a medium-chain fat and burns a lot quicker than long-chains. It's awesome for energy, gut healing, skin, nails, hair, weight-loss, a whole host of things. Get thee to a google search!

We eat tons of fat around here including butter, ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, and organic palm shortening. Keeps us satiated and cravings for sweets and things aren't an issue. Now, we have a treat sometimes b/c, well, who doesn't love a treat?! lol

Thanks for the suggestion! I have a serious sweet tooth, but honestly....Ive been so frustrated this last month with not loosing anything that Ive just stopped eating sweets. And still no weight loss....so I made an appt with the dr this morning to get my blood tested for thyroid and cholesterol and diabetes as they all run in the family. If i was thinking properly, which usually Im not, I wouldve done if before we started TTC, but I didnt, so, Ill do it now. Eff me. :haha:

AFM- I had a straight up crazy ass meltdown today and I couldnt even tell you what it was about. I woke up late, which is extremely uncommon. Ive been sleeping like 10 hrs a night...which is CRAZY for me. Im tired ALL the time. Like fall down right now tired and its only 3PM here. Also, TMI, Ive had loose stool all day, also uncommon and not a typical sign of AF for me....so Im freaking out that its too early for symptoms and there must be something wrong with me, thats why I called and made the apt with the dr. I just dont know. Im about 5-6 days away from AF and Im SOOOO emotional. ive cried twice today, also irregular. So, if Im not pregnant, which Im pretty sure Im not...I need some help....pronto or its time for the looney bin :awww:
Going with the flow version to . Too stressful the obsessive way lol. Congrats on the weight loss :happydance:
Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
. Glad your all on the mend. It's a good job your not pregnant looking after everyone ill hey. You would be vomiting as they were vomiting. I'm off work with a flu type bug today and tomorrow. Af finishes tomorrow thank god. Due to o next week so from Sunday fingers crossed another monthly adventure of mood swings, strange symptoms etc etc. it's not easy mentally and physically this baby making business hey. Enjoying my new Relaxed ttc technique nice to live as well as think about babies rather than obsessing wanting a baby constantly . The new me . Been ttc since oct 2012 so not long really x
Good luck you march testers !!!!!!!!!!!
Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!
Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!

I hate my body sometimes....seriously, Im right there with you. WHY? Why does it torture us!!! Sounds like your day is starting how mine was yesterday....good news....I feel better today, lol. Hopefully your day turns around, and if not...just come here and complain :hugs:
Oh we sorted things, we always do wen he's having one of his via fits lol

Well I'm onto the 2ww now, no more sex yay! I'm well and truly done with that bit now. Can there be too much of a good thing? Er yeah lol
Sounds like I'm gonna fit right in here lol

No charting for me, done the ov test kit one cycle but was getting obsessed with smiley faces! Lol. We are tying but the if it happens it happens way.

Everyone sounds sick on here, me, I'm as fit as a flea :)

Had a row with hubby last night he packed his bags and left, came back tonight with his tail between his legs, shame I was enjoying the peace! Lol
Me to done the obsessed version of ttc for the first three months. Now after chemical mc have decided to go with the flow when it happens it will be amazing. Exercising now and again and diet fifty fifty good and bad. Will change to fully good when pregnant :). Good luck to you. Hope u and hubby sort things out x
If its not an anovulatory month I do usually o around cd 19. Plus my opks are getting lighter and lighter which is confusing.
Took a peek at your chart just now and it looks like your body is gearing up. Guess the next few days will tell the tale; FX! :dust:

Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
Ooh, I love fur babies! Can't wait to see pics! I so :xmas13: about not wanting to be pukey but wanting to be what will ending up making you pukey :haha: . I haven't thrown up with my other pregnancies but I had the all day/all night nausea into the fourth month with my boys. :wedding:Happy Anniversary!!!:wedding: Hope you and DH paint the town red tonight!

Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!
Welcome AJCart! PMA ain't happening with me right now either :haha: . Not feeling particularly hopeful about this cycle even though we BD'd at great times. I think my hormones are having a cocktail of crazy after my m/c in November and still nursing my 3 YO. Ready to get on with a fresh cycle. Pass the plate and the glasses darlin'! :drunk:
My temp took a dip this morning so I am hoping it is my body geaing up for O.
Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
. Glad your all on the mend. It's a good job your not pregnant looking after everyone ill hey. You would be vomiting as they were vomiting. I'm off work with a flu type bug today and tomorrow. Af finishes tomorrow thank god. Due to o next week so from Sunday fingers crossed another monthly adventure of mood swings, strange symptoms etc etc. it's not easy mentally and physically this baby making business hey. Enjoying my new Relaxed ttc technique nice to live as well as think about babies rather than obsessing wanting a baby constantly . The new me . Been ttc since oct 2012 so not long really x
Good luck you march testers !!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck chick!! I hope this new relaxed you does the trick!

Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!

Join right in! The more the merrier!!

If its not an anovulatory month I do usually o around cd 19. Plus my opks are getting lighter and lighter which is confusing.
Took a peek at your chart just now and it looks like your body is gearing up. Guess the next few days will tell the tale; FX! :dust:

Aww man Sanrio, that sucks! :( I hope this stomach bug isn't as bad as last time :nope: . I hate the sickies. Keep us posted when you can lady :hugs: . Healing :dust: to your family. Sounds like you're going to need a spa day after all this my dear.

Rockinmom: He'll forgive you :winkwink: . I know, it's some BS when you're doing all the right things but then you hit a plateau when you're trying to lose weight/get in shape :dohh: . What's your regimen like? I used to run/jog, do some moderate to light weight lifting, etc. and I haven't really had the time for that. I do get outside with the kids when it's not crap weather. I haven't been able to get back into my yoga either :cry: . One thing I did find though is that when we went grain-free, the weight practically melted off. I wasn't looking for that at all and went grain-free for issues having to do with gut healing but that was a pleasant surprise!

Me, CD10 here, feeling a little :wacko: . Hardly any CF yesterday now BTEWCF today and I can't find the hubby :dohh: . I went to sleep no BD last night thinking I had a smidge more time! Ah, there he is! Erh, BBL :haha: .

I laughed at this post, and many others by you girls, I couldn't even quote them all! :rofl:


I think the flu is moving on around here. I am sooooo glad. My kids have been home for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!! SOOOOOO time for them to get their butts back in school LOL!! I have been cleaning up puke and poop for days now as well. Yes, I know it's gross, but if I have to endure it, you're going to at least hear about it hahaha!! It's only fair!! :haha:

The kids were better today, but then my cat puked under the kids bunk beds, plus I had to clean up puppy poop from my yard. IT NEVER ENDS I TELL YOU!! I'm a freaking veteran!! I swear I need a mommy badge for all that I do on a daily basis, and that applies to my animals as well. I have 4 cats, well 2 are kittens. All of them were rescued. The 2 kittens I bottle fed from about 3 weeks old until recently. We found them near death in the woods. They are now my furry children. My 2 older cats were rescued by me after their mother was hit by a car when they were about 4 weeks old. Then I have a puppy as well. She is a new addition, so we haven't had her long at all. She is a pure bred Alaskan Malamute pup, and is very sweet. I have named her Akira. I will post some pics of my little balls of fur...and Akira as well, she isn't little LOL! She is definitely a puppy, but weighs about 20 pounds, and will get to be MUCH bigger. She is a total sweetheart, and I can't wait to see her grow up. Once she is a bit older she will start going to puppy kindergarten, and to obedience class. Okay, enough about my fur kids...

CD 7 for me now. Obviously no BD'ing going on here... I don't want to catch the plague. Luckily I shall be able to commence soon though. Funny I don't want to BD because I don't want to get all pukey...but I WANT to BD so I can get pregnant...which also results in being pukey.... something is wrong with me hahaha!!

Don't know about anyone else here, but I get morning sickness baaaaaaaad. NOT looking forward to that. Once it happens I will be on here crying like a 2 year old.

So, how is everyone else doing? Glad to see you are all avoiding the flu. It is really going around right now!! February sucks!!!! Oh, and my wedding anniversary is this coming Saturday, and I am soooooo looking forward to getting out of the house. I haven't been out with my husband, no kids in a good while now. It is past due, that is for sure.
Ooh, I love fur babies! Can't wait to see pics! I so :xmas13: about not wanting to be pukey but wanting to be what will ending up making you pukey :haha: . I haven't thrown up with my other pregnancies but I had the all day/all night nausea into the fourth month with my boys. :wedding:Happy Anniversary!!!:wedding: Hope you and DH paint the town red tonight!

Hello ladies, hope you don't mind if I join in. PMA is certainly not a resident with me tonight! 17 dpo, no sign of the witch, BFN. I'm over it. I could use a glass of wine (or a bottle) and a cookie (or a batch)!
Welcome AJCart! PMA ain't happening with me right now either :haha: . Not feeling particularly hopeful about this cycle even though we BD'd at great times. I think my hormones are having a cocktail of crazy after my m/c in November and still nursing my 3 YO. Ready to get on with a fresh cycle. Pass the plate and the glasses darlin'! :drunk:

Haha! Same here! Although right now in this current time I want to kick my husband's ass because he is annoying the hell out of me!

Anyhow, we had a good time last night! Went to dinner and a movie. I really didn't know what to do with myself without the kids around! Anyhow, I ended up drinking entirely too much, and got drunk lol! It was a rare thing that is for sure! Now I am feeling like crap this morning, and just got the girls ready to go with their grandma for a few hours. They will be back around 2pm, and I will be sleeping until then!! Gotta sleep off this hangover!!!

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