Occupy Wall Street - revolution? Or just another protest?

I don't think this Occupy movement will do anything. I agree with other posts that protestors are completely disorganized and making ridicuolus requests.

The people protesting are wasting their time and should go either look for a job or if they can't find one, go volunteer and be a productive member of society.

Yes there are rich people in the world and we have to deal with it. People worked hard to get to high positions in the corporate world. Why do college kids expect to graduate and be debt free and make $200000 a year? Too many young people need to understand that they actually need to work to get up there in the world, and if you can't find a job now, don't just give up and have a disorganized protest.

Just my opinion.

Not evveryone has worked hard to get famous though what about all these heirs and heiresses you see plastered all over the gossip columns who have never worked a day in their life and were simply born into a rich family?

As well as those who work 3 low paid jobs just to make ends meet shouldnt they be rich?

Also the americans thing it comes down to the jobs availaable as well i doubt 150,000,000 people would want to be cleaners so theres more to it than that.

I don't think heiresses have anything to do with occupying Wall Street, and trying to be famous has nothing to do with it either. But as for heirs to a fortune that don't do anything, that is their parents' fault for not giving them a work ethic.

My point was that if I couldn't find a job and had college debt, I wouldn't give up trying to find a job and go sit on Wall Street and say "Boo hoo life isn't fair". The people that really work hard and get jobs are the ones who are putting effort in, and not sleeping under a tarp in NYC right now.
I do believe in working your way up, but I don't think we should be causing world problems. some child is working in a factory in another country like slave to keep up with demands that we more like will throw away in a few years)

we should be respecting human rights and moderate with our wants and needs while making sure people are well care for(shelter, food, education, health). Thats what Ihope for.

I agree that everyone should have access to basic needs, but when these kids are camped out, texting on their $$$ iPhones, complaining that their $1,500 computers got stolen... I'm sure most of these kids come from middle-class families and are still on their parents' insurance plans and will always have a place to stay. If they were to ever fall into poverty, the government would pick up their slack to bring them at least basic needs (subsidized housing, food stamps, etc.). However, if these kids were in some 3rd World southeastern Asian nation or African nation, they'd essentially be screwed and left to die/suffer....then they'd really know what it was to be poor.
from my own experience, you'll need technology to have access to basic needs.society is what give us basic needs. If you can't keep up with society, you're in trouble.
I do believe in working your way up, but I don't think we should be causing world problems. some child is working in a factory in another country like slave to keep up with demands that we more like will throw away in a few years)

we should be respecting human rights and moderate with our wants and needs while making sure people are well care for(shelter, food, education, health). Thats what Ihope for.

I agree that everyone should have access to basic needs, but when these kids are camped out, texting on their $$$ iPhones, complaining that their $1,500 computers got stolen... I'm sure most of these kids come from middle-class families and are still on their parents' insurance plans and will always have a place to stay. If they were to ever fall into poverty, the government would pick up their slack to bring them at least basic needs (subsidized housing, food stamps, etc.). However, if these kids were in some 3rd World southeastern Asian nation or African nation, they'd essentially be screwed and left to die/suffer....then they'd really know what it was to be poor.

actually, from my own experience, you'll need technology to have access to basic needs.society is what give us basic needs. If you can't keep up with society, you're in trouble.

You can access the internet for free at your local library (or apple store :haha: ) What else do you need? You can pick up a mobile for £10 on PAYG.

Basic needs are food, water, shelter, warmth. Technology isn't a basic need.

The occupy protests aren't about basic needs anyway. It's about people saying that capitalism and the distribution of wealth, as it currently is in this country and other developed nations, is unfair.
I watched this really interesting video made by a college student. He was at a very liberal campus in California, walked around and asked everybody what they thought about GPA redistribution. Everybody thought he was nuts. They said, "Why would I want to give my A that I worked hard for to someone to stays up and parties everynight...that's stupid. I earned my grades." He proceeded to tell them that there are really unfortunate kids out there who just don't learn as quickly as you do. They still said "no way!" Then he asked them about what they thought about wealth redistribution... the kids on campus stopped, got this dumb look on their face, then said, "Oh...well...that's different."
you'll have to take a bus which take hours (assuming you are too poor to have your own transportation), and wait your turn for the computer (everytime I go there it's crowded) Have you tried living without technology including phones in a society where everyone have one? I use a tty and relay funded by taxes, either that, drive to places..some offices are hard to reach without a phone. We rely on technologies for communication and for even transportation. If I did not wear my hearing aids (and since I know very little sign language) I rely on technologies. I have went months without any hearing and I got nothing done since no one is fond of writing except a very few nice people who are rare to come by. everyone else expect you to live like the majority.
I watched this really interesting video made by a college student. He was at a very liberal campus in California, walked around and asked everybody what they thought about GPA redistribution. Everybody thought he was nuts. They said, "Why would I want to give my A that I worked hard for to someone to stays up and parties everynight...that's stupid. I earned my grades." He proceeded to tell them that there are really unfortunate kids out there who just don't learn as quickly as you do. They still said "no way!" Then he asked them about what they thought about wealth redistribution... the kids on campus stopped, got this dumb look on their face, then said, "Oh...well...that's different."

Thats not how it works. If a kid struggle, they need tutor and help them with their grade. Not take other people's grades away.

some people get an F even if they work hard. sometimes they get that grade because the professor didn't like the belief even if it is answered correctly (like religious beliefs of evolution) . As far as party people, they do earn an F.
I watched this really interesting video made by a college student. He was at a very liberal campus in California, walked around and asked everybody what they thought about GPA redistribution. Everybody thought he was nuts. They said, "Why would I want to give my A that I worked hard for to someone to stays up and parties everynight...that's stupid. I earned my grades." He proceeded to tell them that there are really unfortunate kids out there who just don't learn as quickly as you do. They still said "no way!" Then he asked them about what they thought about wealth redistribution... the kids on campus stopped, got this dumb look on their face, then said, "Oh...well...that's different."

Thats not how it works. If a kid struggle, they need tutor and help them with their grade. Not take their grades away.

some people get an F even if they work hard. sometimes they get that grade because the professor didn't like the belief even if it is answered correctly (like religious beliefs of evolution) . As far as party people, they do earn an F.

So if you went to college and stayed up every night studying and earned an A, I'm guessing you would be willing to redistribute your grades to those who don't put in as much effort? I mean, come on.... those poor needy kids. For all we know they could really need some good old social time!

And an individual does not need an iPhone to survive. Nor do they need iPods. Or $1500 laptops. Nor do they need $1000 Canon cameras. All these, folks, found at Occupy Wallstreet!

And do you really need the Internet everyday? So what if you have to ride your bike to the library or friends' house once in a great while to perform necessary tasks on the Internet. I know plenty of people in my town who don't have Internet!
I don't see why people seem to think that disagreeing with the greed of bankers and the unfairness of society means that you shouldn't get to go to Starbucks or own a phone. No one's saying that, what many of the protesters and supporters are saying is that it's not right that the 'normal' member of society is having to deal with and pay for the actions of an elite. Only last week it was announced that the top bosses in the UK awarded themselves an average payrise of 49% this year. In the mean time, the average worker is getting a pay freeze.

This is what people are angry about. This is what I'm angry about.
I watched this really interesting video made by a college student. He was at a very liberal campus in California, walked around and asked everybody what they thought about GPA redistribution. Everybody thought he was nuts. They said, "Why would I want to give my A that I worked hard for to someone to stays up and parties everynight...that's stupid. I earned my grades." He proceeded to tell them that there are really unfortunate kids out there who just don't learn as quickly as you do. They still said "no way!" Then he asked them about what they thought about wealth redistribution... the kids on campus stopped, got this dumb look on their face, then said, "Oh...well...that's different."

Thats not how it works. If a kid struggle, they need tutor and help them with their grade. Not take their grades away.

some people get an F even if they work hard. sometimes they get that grade because the professor didn't like the belief even if it is answered correctly (like religious beliefs of evolution) . As far as party people, they do earn an F.

So if you went to college and stayed up every night studying and earned an A, I'm guessing you would be willing to redistribute your grades to those who don't put in as much effort? I mean, come on.... those poor needy kids. For all we know they could really need some good old social time!

And an individual does not need an iPhone to survive. Nor do they need iPods. Or $1500 laptops. Nor do they need $1000 Canon cameras. All these, folks, found at Occupy Wallstreet!

And do you really need the Internet everyday? So what if you have to ride your bike to the library or friends' house once in a great while to perform necessary tasks on the Internet. I know plenty of people in my town who don't have Internet!

people with disability use ipad and iphone (video relay service and front facing camera for sign language so they know their child need to be picked up from school) all the time. no one need musics. I am deaf so music sound crappy so people should not waste their money on those things.
I watched this really interesting video made by a college student. He was at a very liberal campus in California, walked around and asked everybody what they thought about GPA redistribution. Everybody thought he was nuts. They said, "Why would I want to give my A that I worked hard for to someone to stays up and parties everynight...that's stupid. I earned my grades." He proceeded to tell them that there are really unfortunate kids out there who just don't learn as quickly as you do. They still said "no way!" Then he asked them about what they thought about wealth redistribution... the kids on campus stopped, got this dumb look on their face, then said, "Oh...well...that's different."

Thats not how it works. If a kid struggle, they need tutor and help them with their grade. Not take their grades away.

some people get an F even if they work hard. sometimes they get that grade because the professor didn't like the belief even if it is answered correctly (like religious beliefs of evolution) . As far as party people, they do earn an F.

So if you went to college and stayed up every night studying and earned an A, I'm guessing you would be willing to redistribute your grades to those who don't put in as much effort? I mean, come on.... those poor needy kids. For all we know they could really need some good old social time!

And an individual does not need an iPhone to survive. Nor do they need iPods. Or $1500 laptops. Nor do they need $1000 Canon cameras. All these, folks, found at Occupy Wallstreet!

And do you really need the Internet everyday? So what if you have to ride your bike to the library or friends' house once in a great while to perform necessary tasks on the Internet. I know plenty of people in my town who don't have Internet!

people with disability use ipad and iphone (video relay service and front facing camera for sign language so they know their child need to be picked up from school) all the time. no one need musics. I am deaf so music sound crappy so people should not waste their money on those things.

Uhhh... I don't have an iPhone or iPad and nor will my children. I'll pick them up from school when school is out at 3:00pm everyday. I don't know a single child with a disability who uses an iPad to tell their parents to pick me up from school...
I'm confused.

And because you're deaf and can't hear music well means that iPods are crappy and people shouldn't buy them?
I'm really confused?

By the way, I work with a deaf girl who's 15. Her mom picks her up from work everyday at 5:00pm... because that's what time she gets off work and her mom knows to be there. Regardless if she's deaf or not.
i mean for emergency. and my son will have his own text phone once he become more indpendent. the ipad is for those who have low vision (blind) and such.

you tell me I should not spend money on internet, and I'll tell you dont spend it on musics.(if we were poor)
i mean for emergency. and my son will have his own text phone once he become more indpendent.

I didn't have a cell phone until I was 17. Neither did the majority of my friends. My parents certainly did not have cell phones. And we're still all alive. Heck, we even still have all our fingers and toes!

Cell phones are not a necessity to live.
i mean for emergency. and my son will have his own text phone once he become more indpendent.

I didn't have a cell phone until I was 17. Neither did the majority of my friends. My parents certainly did not have cell phones. And we're still all alive. Heck, we even still have all our fingers and toes!

Cell phones are not a necessity to live.

if you say so. I grew up without phone (we couldnt afford it) I never could reach my mom.I had to do things for myself. I even rode with strangers because I needed help.
you'll have to take a bus which take hours (assuming you are too poor to have your own transportation), and wait your turn for the computer (everytime I go there it's crowded) Have you tried living without technology including phones in a society where everyone have one? I use a tty and relay funded by taxes, either that, drive to places..some offices are hard to reach without a phone. We rely on technologies for communication and for even transportation. If I did not wear my hearing aids (and since I know very little sign language) I rely on technologies. I have went months without any hearing and I got nothing done since no one is fond of writing except a very few nice people who are rare to come by. everyone else expect you to live like the majority.

I can't drive and neither can my husband. We rely on public transport and our bikes to get us around.

I always used snail mail in my old job for those customers who wanted it. I preferred emails, but we did send out many letters and correspond via post.

I also don't think people using technology to aid in living with a disability is comparable to so-called anti-capitalists happily drinking Starbucks coffee and using iPhones!
around here, it is not very bike friendly .buses are very limited where it can go. because they dont want to pay extra to expand access( they turned down train as well) I am glad more people are using technologies as that mean more access for me. it took me years to get my family to get an internet including my grandma. they paid extra for that
I don't see why people seem to think that disagreeing with the greed of bankers and the unfairness of society means that you shouldn't get to go to Starbucks or own a phone. No one's saying that, what many of the protesters and supporters are saying is that it's not right that the 'normal' member of society is having to deal with and pay for the actions of an elite. Only last week it was announced that the top bosses in the UK awarded themselves an average payrise of 49% this year. In the mean time, the average worker is getting a pay freeze.

This is what people are angry about. This is what I'm angry about.

I don't see why people seem to think that disagreeing with the greed of bankers and the unfairness of society means that you shouldn't get to go to Starbucks or own a phone. No one's saying that, what many of the protesters and supporters are saying is that it's not right that the 'normal' member of society is having to deal with and pay for the actions of an elite. Only last week it was announced that the top bosses in the UK awarded themselves an average payrise of 49% this year. In the mean time, the average worker is getting a pay freeze.

This is what people are angry about. This is what I'm angry about.


Haha, I watched this video of this guy interviewing the kids at Occupy Wall Street. He asked, "So, why are you here? What's your motivation?"
One girl replied, "Well, after a week of studying for finals I'm so sick of 'the institution' that I came here to..you know..relax and have a good time. F*** the institution."
Another said, "Well, I wanted to see how big it was."
I don't see why people seem to think that disagreeing with the greed of bankers and the unfairness of society means that you shouldn't get to go to Starbucks or own a phone. No one's saying that, what many of the protesters and supporters are saying is that it's not right that the 'normal' member of society is having to deal with and pay for the actions of an elite. Only last week it was announced that the top bosses in the UK awarded themselves an average payrise of 49% this year. In the mean time, the average worker is getting a pay freeze.

This is what people are angry about. This is what I'm angry about.


Haha, I watched this video of this guy interviewing the kids at Occupy Wall Street. He asked, "So, why are you here? What's your motivation?"
One girl replied, "Well, after a week of studying for finals I'm so sick of 'the institution' that I came here to..you know..relax and have a good time. F*** the institution."
Another said, "Well, I wanted to see how big it was."

Who interviewed them? Mainstream media like to interview the idiots and those that are just jumping on the bandwagon. They are mostly heavily connected to the government so they aren't going to interview those that make people realise they have a good point, are they?

The government (and therefore the media) want everyone to think it is a load of lazy spongers moaning about college fees/not having jobs. It isn't.

Interestingly, in the UK, protesters are camped outside St Paul's Cathedral. At first they were trying to make things difficult and looking into getting them evicted. They have now changed their minds and are supporting them, at the risk of losing funding for some big corporations.

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