Hey ladies! I'm sorry that I didn't write sooner, it's been so hard! Or I just suck at mothering business.
My water broke on Feb 26 and we went to hospital to check, they said it's not my water and most likely I just peed myself. Apparently u can pee liters of clean water in a second and that's just normal! 28yrs of peeing, nurse knew better than me what's pee and what's not. I was super annoyed and worried, left the hospital. I didn't have contractions but cramps, I kept my liquid intake high and on Feb 28 I went to my family doc to get second opinion. He checked my cervix and said that I'm 3cm but can't tell if there is a rupture. As soon as I left his office I started getting contractions. Couple hours later water started gushing out and it was greenish. I waited til morning to see if my contractions get any stronger but didn't. In the morning, we went to hospital and they took me in right away because greenish water meant baby pooped in amoniotic fluid. 11:30 I got to my room and waited my contractions to get regular, then 1pm they started induction. It was 5pm, I couldn't stand the pain so I asked her to check my cervix and if it hadn't moved much then I wanted epidural. They said because baby pooped checking cervix often will cause infection. Nurse also said I don't think u moved much because ur contractions are all over the place, u are probably 4cm. I started crying for epidural and got it at 6pm. Pain went away and I started shivering but I was feeling so strong pressure. Nurse kept telling me to hold it but I couldn't so 6:45 they checked my cervix and I was 10cm! Baby was almost out. So we started pushing! They told me with epidural pushing take 2-3 hours. No way I was gonna push 2-3 hours, I did my best and he was born 7:54!
7lb4oz and 51cm, he stared cluster feeding day one and I didn't have any milk. My milk came day 5 and we had to supplement him. Then they told me my nipples are flat and that's why I'm having hard time latching him. He has been cluster feeding ever since and we are pumping and supplementing. I don't think my pumping is ever gonna be enuf for him

so failed at breastfeeding big time. I tried using nipple shield but he knocks that off when he is too eager to eat. He lost some weight at hospital but after we started supplementing he got back up, Nurse came yesterday and he is almost 8lb. As long as he is healthy, I don't wanna cry about breastmilk but it's upsetting.
Last couple of days we got no sleep, all he does is eat and poop and sleep for 30mins max. I was told it's growth spurt so will see if it gets any easier. I'm just exhausted!