October 2015 and Beyond...8 BFPs!!!

We've just got to see maybe through iui! Fx for good news next week.

I have dozens of hcg and lh tests in the drawer but I can honestly say I'm over the poas addiction. I guess people are right when they say you'll know when you're done. I'm done with 3! I'm happy to live vicariously through you maybe!

I'm super excited to get rid of the maternity clothes too ;D and I'm already looking forward to clearing out the infant gear this summer. I currently have 2 bouncers, 2 rock n plays, 1 swing, 1 glider, 1 in-bed cosleeper, and 2 mini cribs in our living room and bedroom. That's in addition to the toddler table w/4 chairs, doll bed, and Christmas tree for the 3yo.
Thanks Tani!

Sapph, I swore for 3 years I was the "one and done" type...got rid of everything. And here we are now :haha: but I'm assuming it's different when you have more than one kid. Even so, I have friends who still toss aeound the idea of another after deciding they were done. Hubs jokes now that he wants 13 kids O_O I think he forgets how tough infants are! We'll see how he feels after this one ;)

I do remember how lovely it was to sell all the big baby items. I hated those things cluttering up our house! It was like we gained back so much space after they were gone. Our old house was such an awkwardl ayout, too...the swing had to be set up in a main walkway, so every time you went from the living room to the kitchen you had to step around the swing :haha: our house will be slightly more accommodating this time I think.
Hey ladies! Just wanted to check how everyone s doing?

I'm currently 34 weeks n feeling heavier than ever! Packed my hospital bag yesterday and waiting :))
Doing good! I had a minor freak out yesterday when I accidentally got zapped on our electric fence :dohh: but baby is moving around just fine so I think things are ok.

GR those last weeks are pretty brutal! Do you have a c section planned or are you going naturally (if possible)? We'll be doing a planned c section this time. I feel really weird picking the birth date but it is what it is...I will miss the excitement of waiting for things to happen (although I will NOT miss going overdue!)
Omg electric fence! That must have been scary. U should still get ur self checked.

Yea last weeks are brutal! Have u seen that show "600 pound life", I feel exactly like that. Heavy, can barely walk and turn around in the bed lol I'm always hot and sweaty. Just super unattractive! Ready to pop this baby out haha! I'm thankful and everything but not enjoying pregnancy like other ppl do.

I didn't plan csection, planning to go natural. If something happens and I need csection then it's fine but my goal is to go as natural as possible. How come u planning csection?
Giggle I would have freaked! I'm happy to hear baby's being active. How's pregnancy treating you otherwise? You're in the sweet spot.

Golden, I can't believe you're so close! The last few weeks are brutal... Not that I ever made it to 40 but 35 with twins ought to count since it wss 10 lb of babies :D. Do you get a 36 week scan to check for size?

We're sleep deprived in my house. Babies were just starting to stretch to 4 hrs between feeds and then the big went and got rsv! She's fine but babies are stuffy and cranky but rsv negative for now. The girls have gone from 4lb13oz and 5lb6oz to 9lb 14oz and 9lb 14.5oz in 8 weeks!
Wow sapph, they're growing like weeds! And yuk to the illness. Glad the worst of it has passed.

Yup, still in the sweet spot however I am already starting to feel like an obese sloth. I'm trying to incorporate some sationary biking into my daily tasks, it's uncomfortable since every time i pedal, my thighs ulternate smooshing my bump upward :roll: wish the weather was warmer as I really miss walking. I'd go anyway but I'm usually with my 4yo and don't want to make him go out there. By the time hubby gets off work, it's too dark out to walk alone.

GR, i'm not too worried about the fence because i've read SEVERAL accounts of other women getting shocked with no adverse effects on baby, plus the shock was actually pretty mild as our fence is a very low charge, meant to just startle small animals and not do any actual damage to them. Lastly, the sad truth is at my stage there wouldn't be anything they could do anyway. REGARDLESS, baby is moving loads so i'm sure all is well :thumbup: i'll mention it at my appointment next week.

So with DS1, my cervix stopped dilating at 7cm. The doctor says it's possible the same thing may happen this time if I go naturally. Frankly, I do NOT want to labor again and be pumped full of drugs only to end up with another emergency c section. Everything i've read and heard says planned c sections are a breeze in comparison, so that's what i'll go for.
Re: c-section

My first was unplanned, but not rushed. I waited 6 hrs until it had been 8 hrs since I last ate. The second one, I was 2-3 cm dilated and in labor. Still not emergency, but was in labor. The recovery from the first was a lot easier for me. Being in early labor for 36 hrs prior made recovery more difficult.

Hopefully your planned one will be an easier recovery too!
Wait I'm confused...what was the reason for the c sections both times?
1st - iugr and failed biophysical profile (otherwise would have induced at 37 weeks)

2nd - repeat c-section because twins. Which was good because my original uterine scar separated forming a thin window putting me at very high risk of full uterine rupture had labor progressed.

Golden I hope you have a successful vaginal birth and don't have to go down the c-section rabbit hole if not needed!

Giggle, I had staples the first time and had a good scar. I got dermabond with this one and my scar already is thinner than my pervious one was after three years. Something to consider with your ob!
Ahh I have poor memory, i think you've told me that before.

Good news about the scar! I had internal stitches last time. One popped and I had this small bump of flesh that stuck out (maybe the size of a bb) that stung like crazy, but it shrank and vanished. They did good on my incision, well below my "panty line" so you can't see it even in underwear. But i have a different doctor/hospital this time...they should cut through the same scar, right?

I know you're done but if you got pregnant again, would you be high risk due to the uterine rupture risk? Or did thye repair it?
So glad to see you guys all doing well.

Golden- your 600lb life comment made me giggle... guess this is what I have to look forward to someday? That little boy will be here before you know it!

Saph it sounds like the girls are thriving! How great! Sounds like you are exhausted, but I am sure it is worth it :)

Our first IUI didn't work, so I'm in the tww of IUI #2. Somehow have found the restraint to not test yet, and I'm 10/11dpiui. CRAZY! I'm a serial tester, so don't know how I've managed, but I'm holding off until the weekend! If this doesn't take, we will do one more before considering IVF. Trying to stay positive though, and feeling like hopefully this could be our month!
Fingers crossed for you maybe! I hear it's more common to take the second or third time rather than the first, so hope this is it for you! Are you feeling any different?
they should cut through the same scar, right?

I know you're done but if you got pregnant again, would you be high risk due to the uterine rupture risk? Or did thye repair it?

They cut my old scar tissue out but I think it depends on the surgeon.

I would be high risk if I get pregnant again. I'd need a c-section before labor started.
Maybe! It's good to hear an update. I'm sorry to hear about iui#1 but glad you're optimistic about this month. Keep us updated!
Thanks guys! I had 2 good follicles this time around, so hoping (at least!) one of them will stick! I don't really feel any different. I've had a slight headache for the last 3 days, but other than that no real symptoms. I'm getting over a terrible cold, so my symptom spotting game has been off this cycle :) I will keep you guys posted if you keep that baby dust headed my way!!!
Not testing out the trigger.. it was too stressful last cycle so I made a decision that I wasn't testing at all until right before my beta. At that point, the trigger should be out (I tested it out at 11dpiui last time.. takes a bit longer than normal since I trigger once to ovulate and again 2 days after IUI to boost progesterone). Beta is Monday, so I am planning to test this weekend :)
Eeee well good luck and don't forget to share with us!
Well, that was short lived. CD1 today. Think we will be moving on to IVF next, as insurance won't approve another IUI with injectables. Who knew 16 months ago when we all started this journey together, this would be my path. :sad1: not at all what I expected, but trying to keep my eye on the prize.

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