October 2016 ttc #1 mission


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015
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Greetings Ladies!! :dance:

Blessed Day to all!!

So, hope that it has been a blessed and busy cycles for everyone!

I'm starting this thread is to, hope that someone out there are trying their best to TTC their #1 and I would really like to hear the symptoms and advices that can be shared. Any tips along the way or basically just share how you ladies feel about the cycles and joy of mom to be..

Currently I'm using PRESEED lube for BD as i was wondering if my vagina environment is too acidic that cause the sperms to die faster before it reaches its destinations.. which leads to :bfn: or it could be caused by my PCOS which i was diagnosed since 2013. :cry:

Anyway, hoping it will be an amazing month and cycle this October!! As I really hope to get a :bfp: this cycle! :happydance:

All the best to you ladies too!! :thumbup:
Hi! Best of luck to you this cycle, too! I'm also curious about ph. Hmm!

I'm on CD 4, Clomid, TTC for #1. :) Going in on CD 12 for u/s and trigger shot, hoping this does the trick!
Thanks for the good vibes! I'm going on a year trying for #1... I'm hopeful that fall will be good to us. My cycles are all over the places. I gave up on temping mid sept, but hope to start back up if this cycle does not result in a BFP (which I am not hopeful about since doc put me on provera for 21 days after a month of spotting).
something weird i've also been experimenting with is vaginal steam baths...sounds odd, but I find them helpful at least in the sense that they help me relax and meditate during the time I am doing them.
I'll join! After 3+ years of trying I don't usually join groups but I'm feeling optimistic this cycle.
I also have PCOS and just started metformin 4 days ago. I also have hypothyroidism and just started thyroxine for that.
I'm CD 3 now and starting to get back in the habit of charting my temps in hopes that I'll actually ovulate!
Lots of baby dust for October!!
Hi! Best of luck to you this cycle, too! I'm also curious about ph. Hmm!

I'm on CD 4, Clomid, TTC for #1. :) Going in on CD 12 for u/s and trigger shot, hoping this does the trick!

Hey Dear!! :happydance:


Great to hear that!! I was wondering too why wasn't I given Clomid after 5 days of Provera 10mg twice daily!

Managed to see my GYN for a pelvis ultrasound, they saw more than 12 immature eggs on my right ovary while my left was fine!

I'm alil upset upon hearing that :cry:.. which i heard that clomid helps to mature the eggs and hopefully allow the :bfp: to make her appearance on the tests!

Guess my GYN has other plans!

I wish you all the best dear!!

Keep us updated alright!! :hugs:

Thanks for the good vibes! I'm going on a year trying for #1... I'm hopeful that fall will be good to us. My cycles are all over the places. I gave up on temping mid sept, but hope to start back up if this cycle does not result in a BFP (which I am not hopeful about since doc put me on provera for 21 days after a month of spotting).
something weird i've also been experimenting with is vaginal steam baths...sounds odd, but I find them helpful at least in the sense that they help me relax and meditate during the time I am doing them.

Hey Dear!! :happydance:


Tell me about the cycles!! Mine has been irregular for the past 7 years!
I didn't bother to chart before i got married back in 2014!

Now when I'm trying my best to get pregnant after ttc for 2 years,
I realised it pretty hard. Almost giving up but then when i step back into this forum, i am so motivated to ensure this cycle will be the one I am giving it all!!

I'm monitoring my CM and currently its the white glue kind of consistency. Which I surf the net, stating that it occurs right after you completed ur period.

**25-26th sept spotting, 27 full on AF and ends on the 7th Oct**

And this CM glue or whitish slime like will make it appreances before the fertile period comes. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

I just started my BBT charting yesterday after 10 days post my 1st day period. Not sure if its too late but I'll just keep tracking it.. lol!!

BD on 9th Oct which is likely infertile but I miss my DH so much couldn't help myself! lol!!

So plan to BD tonight since i heard sperms can live up to 3-5 days.. able to make coverage on these days till the O day.. LOL!!

Well, its interesting to hear the vaginal steam keeps you relax.
I enjoyed sleeping as a form of relaxations.. HAHAHA!! :haha:

Well, all the best dearie!!
Keep us updated!! :hugs:
I'll join! After 3+ years of trying I don't usually join groups but I'm feeling optimistic this cycle.
I also have PCOS and just started metformin 4 days ago. I also have hypothyroidism and just started thyroxine for that.
I'm CD 3 now and starting to get back in the habit of charting my temps in hopes that I'll actually ovulate!
Lots of baby dust for October!!

Hey Dear!! :hugs:


It's really nice to see fellow PCOS fighter in this forum!!
I'm glad to have you in this cycle!!

So did the GYN explain what causes the PCOS for you and did the ultrasound shows anything?

Like mine, it stated more than 12 immature eggs on the right ovary.
Didn't mentioned if the fallopian tubes were all cleared or blocked.
But they did mentioned that the uterus was cleared and the postion was anteverted.

I did took Metformin 500mg twice daily few months back but stopped.
Currently on Folic Acids.

I'm on CD16 or CD18 (if included my spotting days).. And relying on my cervical mucus and ovulation kit.

Well, Do update us on it alright!!

Greetings Ladies!! :flower:

So I manage to do my Ovulation tracking.:test:

As for the OPK, I started since 10th October.. No lines seen.

So as of today 12th October, been consistently taking OPKS at 6pm,
I manage to see lines appearing. Knowing it's still negative but still, i can be sure the LH is doing its job now..

Along with my whitish liquidy discharges..

Which means, i know its coming soon! predicted it will be on the 18th October that I will be ovulated. But it could be earlier..

Today is CD16 out of my irregular cycles, i'm determine to track! :happydance:

Will update soon!! Weeeee~~!!! :happydance::happydance: :dust:


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Greetings Ladies!! :flower:

So I manage to do my Ovulation tracking.:test:

As for the OPK, I started since 10th October.. No lines seen.

So as of today 12th October, been consistently taking OPKS at 6pm,
I manage to see lines appearing. Knowing it's still negative but still, i can be sure the LH is doing its job now..

Along with my whitish liquidy discharges..

Which means, i know its coming soon! predicted it will be on the 18th October that I will be ovulated. But it could be earlier..

Today is CD16 out of my irregular cycles, i'm determine to track! :happydance:

Will update soon!! Weeeee~~!!! :happydance::happydance: :dust:

hooray about some progression with your OPK's and CM! I'm barely trying to get back into the groove of being aware of all those things. I had 30+ days of spotting earlier this cycle which just put me in a bad funk.

As for my cycles...

-I've never gotten a +OPK, the longest I tested for was 20 days and they were all just about the same color in darkness so i just gave up.
-My CM is usually creamy, and the only time I've ever noticed wet/EWCM is right before AF.
-Are 35+ days long
-Actual flow tends to be on the light/moderate (never really heavy).
-I'm afraid that my body does not ovulate on its own.
-LP between 12-18 days (varies every "cycle")

TTC has been so discouraging for me because I feel that with my irregular cycles, nothing I've read about TTC applies to me. Doctor does not think I have PCOS, he only says that being overweight is probably affecting me...but my cycles have been the same way regardless of my weight. When I saw my doctor for them before ttc, they only thing they would recommend was BC. I took BC for about a year when I was 17, and they gave me a 28 day cycle (as expected), but as soon as i stopped my irregular cycles continued.
I'm hopeful that my OBGYN will finally take an interest in helping me since i'm going on a year of trying next month. Really just hoping we are able to hold a baby in our arms soon....
Hey dear PJMM! :hugs:

I know that feelings.. I'm currently feeling extremely emotional and I could cry anytime thinking about why can't I be like the other ladies who conceived easily! :cry::cry::cry:

I guess Team Hormones are doing it's job of making me feel like this.
I was all fine yesterday and suddenly I'm feeling so awful of myself..

Manage to speak to one of my girlfriends who are on the same boat as I am.. Felt alil better.. :thumbup:

Anyway, It's almost 4pm here and I am eagerly waiting to do my OPKS test at 6pm to see if there is any progression. :happydance:

My cycles are almost everywhere too! sometimes its 35 days or 40 days or numberless sometimes! Really hard to trace for Ovulations!
This is what i found online.. Right after period CM signs: :coffee:

-Dry or sticky. Not yet ovulating.
-Creamy. Ovulation may be coming.
-Wet. Close to ovulation
-Raw egg white consistency. Ovulation is approaching. This is the best time to have sex, if you want to get pregnant.

I'm currently in the sticky to creamy stages.. wearing panty liner.. unsure if im able to detect the wet part.. lol!! :dohh:

Well, let's go thru this cycle together alright! =) And yes, you are in our prayers too!! May God finally bring joy to us with a sticky bean in our womb.. Amen!! :happydance::flower::hugs:


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Thanks for the good vibes! I'm going on a year trying for #1... I'm hopeful that fall will be good to us. My cycles are all over the places. I gave up on temping mid sept, but hope to start back up if this cycle does not result in a BFP (which I am not hopeful about since doc put me on provera for 21 days after a month of spotting).
something weird i've also been experimenting with is vaginal steam baths...sounds odd, but I find them helpful at least in the sense that they help me relax and meditate during the time I am doing them.

Okay, now I'm intrigued... What are vaginal steam baths?

I hope you ladies don't mind me joining this thread!! I'm 6DPO TTC#1... I'm on my second cycle. I only temp/monitor my CM, I haven't started trying OPKs yet. I feel like I would get very overwhelmed by them. If I don't get my BFP this month I may try them. So far I've had some cramps/twinges which I don't remember having last month, I also had some pretty vivid dreams last night. I often wonder if my mind tricks me into feeling these things during my TWW to make me go crazy... :wacko: Wishing you ladies lots and lots of luck and baby dust! :dust:
Thanks for the good vibes! I'm going on a year trying for #1... I'm hopeful that fall will be good to us. My cycles are all over the places. I gave up on temping mid sept, but hope to start back up if this cycle does not result in a BFP (which I am not hopeful about since doc put me on provera for 21 days after a month of spotting).
something weird i've also been experimenting with is vaginal steam baths...sounds odd, but I find them helpful at least in the sense that they help me relax and meditate during the time I am doing them.

Okay, now I'm intrigued... What are vaginal steam baths?

I hope you ladies don't mind me joining this thread!! I'm 6DPO TTC#1... I'm on my second cycle. I only temp/monitor my CM, I haven't started trying OPKs yet. I feel like I would get very overwhelmed by them. If I don't get my BFP this month I may try them. So far I've had some cramps/twinges which I don't remember having last month, I also had some pretty vivid dreams last night. I often wonder if my mind tricks me into feeling these things during my TWW to make me go crazy... :wacko: Wishing you ladies lots and lots of luck and baby dust! :dust:

Hey Dear!! :happydance:


The more the better!! :flower:
Yeah i recalled being in the TWW with extreme vivid dreams too!! But it turns out :bfn: for me..

Anyway, baby dust to u ya!! :hugs:
Do update us on ur symptoms as the test day draws nearer!!!

We are excited to know too!!
Alright ladies!!

Here is my update!

CD17 (yesterday):
Did my ovulation test at 5pm, an 1hr early than ma usual test time coz i really really need to pee!
Came back negative on the test.. :cry:

I recalled having menses like cramps and right sided pain..

CD18 (today):
So this morning i went to have my shower, i felt something down there.. since i was wearing my pantyliner, i manage to wipe it..

To my surprise, i saw some brown stains..more like light brown.. and when i wipe further, its like sticky and brownish stain.. :nope::shrug:

Im only on CD18 and my cycles are usually more than 40 days cycle.. cant be pre menstrual spotting?
Realised i had new pimple on my forehead, im extremely moody, no urge to BD or even hug DH last night.. insomnia too! No appetite to eat..

I have no idea what im going thru.. cld i ovulated earlier? We BD on 9th Oct with Preseed and thats it..

Do let me know if u ladiew have any idea..

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Alright ladies!!

Here is my update!

CD17 (yesterday):
Did my ovulation test at 5pm, an 1hr early than ma usual test time coz i really really need to pee!
Came back negative on the test.. :cry:

I recalled having menses like cramps and right sided pain..

CD18 (today):
So this morning i went to have my shower, i felt something down there.. since i was wearing my pantyliner, i manage to wipe it..

To my surprise, i saw some brown stains..more like light brown.. and when i wipe further, its like sticky and brownish stain.. :nope::shrug:

Im only on CD18 and my cycles are usually more than 40 days cycle.. cant be pre menstrual spotting?
Realised i had new pimple on my forehead, im extremely moody, no urge to BD or even hug DH last night.. insomnia too! No appetite to eat..

I have no idea what im going thru.. cld i ovulated earlier? We BD on 9th Oct with Preseed and thats it..

Do let me know if u ladiew have any idea..

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Could it be ovulation spotting? I've heard alot of ladies have spotting around the time of ovulation due to the change in hormones.
Thanks for the good vibes! I'm going on a year trying for #1... I'm hopeful that fall will be good to us. My cycles are all over the places. I gave up on temping mid sept, but hope to start back up if this cycle does not result in a BFP (which I am not hopeful about since doc put me on provera for 21 days after a month of spotting).
something weird i've also been experimenting with is vaginal steam baths...sounds odd, but I find them helpful at least in the sense that they help me relax and meditate during the time I am doing them.

Okay, now I'm intrigued... What are vaginal steam baths?

I hope you ladies don't mind me joining this thread!! I'm 6DPO TTC#1... I'm on my second cycle. I only temp/monitor my CM, I haven't started trying OPKs yet. I feel like I would get very overwhelmed by them. If I don't get my BFP this month I may try them. So far I've had some cramps/twinges which I don't remember having last month, I also had some pretty vivid dreams last night. I often wonder if my mind tricks me into feeling these things during my TWW to make me go crazy... :wacko: Wishing you ladies lots and lots of luck and baby dust! :dust:

Vaginal steam baths are an ancient Mayan practice. You prepare them as you would a tea blend (you buy the herbs online). You take the hot/steaming blend and place it in a wood or glass container then you either place it under a special chair or take it to the shower (I do it in my bathtub). You then squat/ or stand over the steam using a towel to "lock in" the steam. You're supposed to be naked from the waist down, but wear socks. During this time you're encouraged to mediate and get in touch with your body. I do it for 20-30 minutes. Afterward, I take a long nap...like I said, I know it sounds odd and probably won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I have enjoyed it!

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