Thank you for the welcome everyone!
I've just read through the thread from the beginning to catch up on everything. Here is my two cents on:
Twins - my husband is a twin and would absolutely love to have twins (obviously doesn't think of the practicalities!), we had a very strong positive quite early on after our FET which is unusual so I guess it's possible there is more than one in there! We have a scan at 7+4 so we will see!
Symptoms - nothing to note so far really. I think I've been feeling a bit hungrier than usual, but I am often very hungry anyway so it's hard to tell. Definitely no nausea or sore boobs at all. I am a bit bloated, but again, I bloat easily anyway so who knows!
Telling people - our circumstances are a little different to some people's I suppose because of the infertility. A lot of people found out we were going through IVF when I ended up in hospital back in November and so they knew that we would be doing a FET at some point after Christmas. Our friends knew the exact dates of transfer and so they know now that I'm currently pregnant. We want to tell our families in person and we will be seeing both of them in March so will do it then.
What is everyone's view on exercise? My husband wants to wrap me in cotton wool and if he had his way, all I would do is some walking (walking on an incline at the very most
), however, everything I have read points to exercise being absolutely fine (even encouraged), especially if you were very active pre-pregnancy - which I was!