October babies due dates and bump colours

Aww poor sweet girl! I'll continue to pray for continued recovery! :hugs: Please continue to keep us posted hunny! P.S., She's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Wow you gmummy, that sounds like such a trial! Wishing pippa a speedy recovery!
Hope she has a quick recovery. How scary. Poor Gil, she's beautiful.
Oh poor little Pippa! I'm so glad she's getting better, I can't imagine how scary that was for you all. :hugs:

Btw, I got my Mirena IUD in this morning. It wasn't bad at all although the cramps afterwards hurt like a b****! I posted the full detailed story on my journal if anyone is curious about getting one.
So lad Pippa s doing well now, what a horrible thing to go through.

Well after 10 days we are finding our feet. Alana tends to sleep in 4-6 hour blocks and feeds for 1-2 hours on off in between sleeps. I have had to give a dummy/pacifier though as she comfort sucks and when she does this it is a bad latch and hurts my nipples.
We see the midwife today so should see how much weight she has put on. I want to make sure she is getting enough from BF.
Well Alana hasn't even put on 1oz in 5 days of breast feeding :( I am hoping that this changes in the next five days. She seems to feed really well and I have no issues with sore nipples now and her latch seems to be strong.
Pippa is such a strong fighter! Thank you for taking the time to share the story and I hope that she continues to do well. I can't imagine having to deal with that ordeal when they are just so young and fragile.

Hippy - perhaps your milk hasn't come in yet. It took a while before my supply to meet demand and I had to supplement but we're 100% off supplementing now. I think I supplemented the girls for 4 weeks or so.

20mls is LESS than one ounce.. 1oz = 30mls

I'm looking forward to my 2 month appointment with the pediatrician since it will be a true reflection on my breastfeeding producting. We only just started 100% BFing by the one month appointment.

MIL came over today and took DD1 for the day since it's a day off of school. She also brought over a ton of clothing she bought on discount while visiting the USA. Seems like a nice thing but here's the thing.. she got two Xmas outfits (already have some but whatever) 1 is 0-3 months and the other is 3-6, then she also got a winter pram suit (again I already have two but whatever) one is 3-6 and the other is 6-9months. what the heck? I know the girls were born about 8 oz different in weight but even now at 6 weeks one is just barely over the 8lb mark and the other is just below. How large does she think they are? I get that I've gained a bit of weight since getting pregnant but it doesn't mean my babies are fat!! Then she bought like literally 20+ outfits for the girls, all winter-y style ones with fleece, velvet, long sleeves etc. in size 6-9!!!! Being that at 6 weeks they can't even fit 0-3 months I just really wonder how they are going to wear this clothing in the middle of the summer. Oh well.. it was a nice gesture..

So I decided to get my mom to watch the twins for thw 2 hours dinner will take. I hope they behave! Looking forward to mongolian bbq!
Lol little stars we are having the opposite problem! MIL wanted to send newborn clothes... He never wore newborn size so i told her not to bother. He is in 3-6 month clothes now and we are asking for 6-9 month clothes for the winter/spring. :blush:

I can't wait until his 2 month appt to see how he measures up. The midwife was certainly surprised to see how big he was at my 6 week pp appt.

Anyway... Why don't people just ask what size to buy instead of guessing??

Hippy, give it a few more days... They don't need to regain their birthweight until 2 weeks. Good luck! But I bet you'll be okay.
Hi ladies!!

Littlestars :rofl: The stories of your mil make me roar sometimes. I'd imagine it gets on ones nerves often. I'm not quite sure what I'd do. My parents have taken on their grandparent roles well. Considering they've been pretty interesting parents and "I'VE sometimes felt like the parent" they are doing pretty well. I was quite worried but my dad is down to 8 cigarettes a day and refuses to smoke around Amelia. In fact, he smokes in the back room with the window open. He's even thinking of getting the patch now. This is a man who's been smoking since his teens and REFUSED to stop smoking to spite everyone getting after him. I think his love for his grandaughter is changing his focus. We'll see. They know she can't spend the night because he's a smoker. We spend a couple hours only even though he's down to just 8. I still don't want that light sent on her nor do I want to raise her odds of getting sids.

Went to both of my Dr.'s appointments. Breast sonogram came out with nothing. :happydance: Can't remember WHO told me, but I took a hot shower, pushed my breast down and let Amelia suckle on the nipple without the shield (even though she sucked it flat) and by today's appointment it's no longer there. We narrowed it down to a milk duct!! Thanks to all who shared their concern and experience with me. :winkwink:

Went to my 6wk appointment (even though its 7wks) at the perinatal center. The incision is looking EXCELLENT, they took out a few of the sutures that didn't dissolve. I asked if next time we could do a VBAC if possible and they said yes. They mentioned a few options of birth control for us. One with hormones, the other is one placed in the vagina which I'm sure some of you know. They mentioned the egg and sperm can still fertilize but whatever that placement is will do away with it. Said no right away. It took me 10 years to conceive Amelia. Knowing that is not only a conviction but would kill me inside because I DO want more with all the time wasted over the years being told I couldn't. I'm 38 in May and lets face it, I'm not sure how much longer I'll have to ttc. So we're using condoms and I think ZB mentioned the timing which we'll do as well. The rest is honestly up to God. In all honesty we're not trying for another year or year and a half because I'd like to try to keep breastfeeding Amelia and just giving her "me time" before another one. Is anyone 39 or over here who got pregnant?? Just looking for more inspiring stories.

Breastfeeding. I pump 5 ounces 150ml's a day. I don't pump after every feed because I just wanted a bottle for mornings for Doug. NOW I think I'm going to start pumping after Amelia because I'd like more to freeze. Does anyone know how long you can keep frozen breastmilk? Can I use the little plastic Medela beakers or do I have to use just the bags?

Another question. I wasn't thinking when I bought our cute little diaper bag. It has a snap on the outside and opens ALL the time. I need a bag with a zipper that can house feeding supplies, several cloth diapers, a "wet bag" which dirty cloth diapers go in, spare clothes, toys, etc. I also am not interested in paying 99.00 or over (I've seen some pretty posh bags) Anyone know of a diaper bag that fits my criteria??

ZB, how's the cd'ing doing?? I LOVE ours! We're using prefolds and thirsties which are my favorites. Not a fan of the infant Grovia's because I have to put a cover over them. Oh Katy's are AWESOME aio's so far. I think I'm going to buy more of them!

How is everyone doing??
Breastfeeding. I pump 5 ounces 150ml's a day. I don't pump after every feed because I just wanted a bottle for mornings for Doug. NOW I think I'm going to start pumping after Amelia because I'd like more to freeze. Does anyone know how long you can keep frozen breastmilk? Can I use the little plastic Medela beakers or do I have to use just the bags?

Here is a great link for milk storage guidelines:
Basically frozen milk lasts 6 months, so it's a great option if you're wanting to stock up.

I store my frozen goods in Lansinoh Breast Milk Storage Bags. They have a nice space at the top to write the date and amount and I've never had one leak. You can get them at Walmart for cheap. It's easier to warm up the baggies than a beaker, plus they take up less space.
Breastfeeding. I pump 5 ounces 150ml's a day. I don't pump after every feed because I just wanted a bottle for mornings for Doug. NOW I think I'm going to start pumping after Amelia because I'd like more to freeze. Does anyone know how long you can keep frozen breastmilk? Can I use the little plastic Medela beakers or do I have to use just the bags?

Here is a great link for milk storage guidelines:
Basically frozen milk lasts 6 months, so it's a great option if you're wanting to stock up.

I store my frozen goods in Lansinoh Breast Milk Storage Bags. They have a nice space at the top to write the date and amount and I've never had one leak. You can get them at Walmart for cheap. It's easier to warm up the baggies than a beaker, plus they take up less space.

Thank you. :hug: Oh, and I just LOVE that little guy in your siggie. He's a cutie-pie. :cloud9: Give him a great big hug for me will ya?!:thumbup:
MA, that is great about your father and the smoking! I hope my in-laws will take it that seriously, but that is probably unlikely!

I too need a new diaper bag w a zip. The one I have slips off my shoulder and is too small so I'm always carrying it plus my big purse and its slipping Round everywhere... I'm a disaster when I leave the house!

The prefolds and thirsties are working well for us too. He's a big peer so were using big kid size prefolds folded down in front... A little bulky but not bad. Although that is one reason he's frown out of some of his clothes so fast. The onesies are hard to snap at the bottom. Although anything with feet is getting tOo short too, so I think he's just big!
Ma you sound like you're doing well! I also store frozen milk in lansinoh bags. I started with medela ones because you can attach the bag and lump right into it but those are more expensive. It would cost a lot to use the beakers to freeze it!

I agree w your choice against bc. If you want another, then don't mess with it.
I have a really cute skip hop bag. Loved at first, well now realizing the strap is rough and snags sweaters bad. Darn it! It's bad enough to need a new one. I need a suitcase. Lol.
Zb5 when did you start using reusable nappies?

I have plenty in small size but only 5 for tiny baby which at the moment Alana would have to use as she is just over 6lbs so we couldn't do it full time as not enough to get me through a day. I don't want to buy any more tiny baby ones as hopefully she will be out of them soon enough and I have plenty small once she is big enough to fit them.

Great news about your dad MA, I love how grandchildren change things for our parents.
We started using them after the first week. I am using a diaper service so they drop off clean diapers and pick up the dirties once a week. We are getting 80 diapers per week... 60 wasn't enough! We pay like $20/week or something like that...

The service only offers two sizes, infant and regular. Based on his weight Silas should still be In infant, but he kept soaking through the infant and also it was a tight fit around his butt. Guess he's got a big butt. :haha: so anyway we are using regulars now and just folding them down in front. For a girl you are supposed to fold them down in back because that's where they soak.
We started using them after the first week. I am using a diaper service so they drop off clean diapers and pick up the dirties once a week. We are getting 80 diapers per week... 60 wasn't enough! We pay like $20/week or something like that...

The service only offers two sizes, infant and regular. Based on his weight Silas should still be In infant, but he kept soaking through the infant and also it was a tight fit around his butt. Guess he's got a big butt. :haha: so anyway we are using regulars now and just folding them down in front. For a girl you are supposed to fold them down in back because that's where they soak.

Amelia is starting to grow out of her newborn size and we'll be on to size 1. I bought 6 of the osocozy brand prefolds to see if we like them. I REALLY like our original cloth-eez diapers. We'll see which I go with. The cloth eez are ordered. The osocozy we can buy at the new cloth diaper store that opened in our mall. Couldn't BELIEVE we now have a cloth diapering store in the mall of all places. :happydance:

We've been using the sprayer and just washing our dirty diapers. I love that too. Quick and easy. Not as bad as we thought it would be. I actually like that sprayer too.:winkwink:
Well my two little girls are still too little for their AIO diapers I bought so I'm still using disposables. Luckily I got given some as a gift and am still using them. I'll probably run out in another week and then have to think about going with prefolds for a few more weeks until the girls hit the 10lbs mark. Not sure if I can get diaper covers small enough locally. Hrmm.

And as for diaper bags.. mine is too big! lol I got a Harajuku Lovers bag, well knockoff at least, from Chinatown in Toronto for $30. It's great, waterproof, fun looking and tonnes of pockets/storage. Huge capacity! I literally today just made myself a 'on the go' bag from an insulated lunch bag that kinda looks almost like a small purse.. Insulted is great if I have a bottle made up (with DD1 she was FF) and then I can fit in 3-4 diapers, wipes, a tube of vaseline and a spit rag. Perfect for when I just heading to the store for a short trip and want to be prepared 'just in case'.

MA - thats wonderful to hear that your parents are having a good time playing the grandparent role since the stories you've told of them had me wondering how well they would do. My In-laws still smoke but they do it outside thankfully so their apartment doesn't smell. That being said they thought nothing of smoking a cigarette within an arms reach of me or my daughter during the summer while at their god aweful trailer. That will not be happening next summer near the twins or we won't be visiting at all!

Dinner out last night was very nice! Though I did make my dinner a little too spicy. We went for ice cream afterwards and then snuck off to Walmart to do a little shopping. I bought some extra firm bed pillows to use to help with double breast feeding, so far so good. The couch pillows were not cutting it anoymore. Also picked up some more soothers. I'm sick of always hunting for one. Now we're swimming in them!
What are soothers??

I keep forgetting the twins are smaller. Amelia fits into her Oh Katy's just now. They are AWESOME! Didn't even need a cover. Love the extra insert for big wetters. I think I'm going to buy more soon. Maybe if they have a good black friday sale online I'll grab a few. :winkwink: I'll be interested to see what you like once they are in them.

I'll have to look up the harajuku. I found a 2k one from Louis Vouton. :rofl: Doug flat out refused. :lol:

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