October babies due dates and bump colours

I'm sick of wrestling with bags so I want one bag that can have my purse stuff and "on the go" diaper stuff like your small bag little stars.

We have one pacifier on every floor of the house and one for the car. And we still lose track of them sometimes! I'm tempted to get more...
Ekk, one of my girls is stuffy in the nose and having an aweful time breathing. Now I have to make sure that the babies don't suck on each other's soothers and keep each one on a specific boob for the next while. Realistically I think I have to face the fact that when one twin gets sick the other will too. Meh.

Now off to see the local Santa Clause parade.. it's freezing outside..
I'm soooo excited! I just bought my first wrap! A Bali Baby Gypsy Mama Breeze Wrap in Orion!!!!!
It's like Christmas has come early. I'll be stalking the postman until it arrives.

Anyone else wear their babies?
Katerdid, I am a baby wearer...
This is mine https://www.google.com/products/cat...a=X&ei=MIXJTtGeKrPisQLS9qlU&ved=0CI8BEPMCMAQ#
I love that it can be worn as a front carrier and as he gets bigger it is also a back carrier.
Here is me wearing it! :)

I also bought a moby wrap but I love the above one SO much more!
I wear Silas in an ergo carrier w infant insert. I love it! I mean I haven't tried any of the other ones but it's great. He cried for the first 5 minutes the first time I put him in it... Now he pretty much falls asleep every time. I even nurse him in it. Its a little awkward but great if in tired of sitting down.
We have a baby Ergo too with the infant insert. Doug wears it and I seem to like the Moby wrap for myself.

What type of pacifiers are you using? I bought two Mams and two Tommy's and so far Amelia is only taking to the Mams brand.

Good news though, Amelia is taking to my right nipple now much of the time without the shield. We're still working on the left one. For some reason she doesn't do well on it and she'll either suck it flat or have a hard time getting her tongue down from the roof of her mouth.
We're using the playtex binky "most like mom" pacifiers. They're latex I think (brown?) and a little easier for him than the other ones we had which are silicone (clear?).
We bought the Mams because their bottles were supposed to mimic mom's nipples. Not sure about their pacifiers though as I just went with them for a quick fix. :lol: I stuck with what I knew about their bottle brands. Not such an educated decision in my opinion but it was something we needed quickly.

It's amazing. Since Amelia has been regularly on my right nipple and a little on the left the past two days without the shield, I've been having the cramping and feel the tingling of the uterus working it's way down. I wonder if another issue with the shield is that it takes away the full affect baby can have by suckling from moms nipple aside from just the gas issue, etc. :shrug:

Well, ((sigh)) Another exhausting night, though I wouldn't trade it for the world! :winkwink: She's getting really funny now. Holds her own pacifier in and laughs/giggles more. Talks a little baby talk. I look at her and she melts my heart! Praise God for her and all these little babies in here. What a blessing for Thanksgiving time (though you Canadians already celebrated yours. :winkwink: )

Love and :hug: to you all!
Good job Amelia! Silas is smiling and "chatting" baby talk - no giggles yet though. :)

I got the playtex pacifiers because they got good reviews online. Same with the playtex bottles which were using. The playtex brand doesn't seem very popular with my friends though, not sure why. I always liked their tampons, weird that they do baby stuff as well... :haha:
We use Mams too. Took him about 2.5 weeks to like it tho. My husband picked it out when he was by himself - he had no clue about brands or anything. But it worked out.

We use Breastflow bottles tho. Haven't tried any other kind cuz it works well for us.

Lol, love platex tampons too. It is funny the broad spectrum of stuff that brand makes!

Good to hear I'm not the only baby wearer! I was going to get the Moby but Will is already too big for me to get much more use out if it, so I went with a woven wrap instead.

Ah, love baby noises! Will "talks" all the time. He's now starting to try and laugh. He opens his mouth in a wide smile and makes a squeaky noise. Sooo cute!
I love the wide smiles! Mine does more now too and it's my favorite part of the day.

I have a moby, but have never really liked it. Used about 4 times. Never felt completely hands free in it around the house...,and out and about ts so complicated to put on. Any tips! How do you baby wear in public and now that it's cold what do you do!? I feel like w a big coat on, in slippery wet snow, baby wearing won't be good? And can't wrap him in blankets then.....idk, I'm lost.
And you are all lucky, mine won't take any pacifiers at all. My boob is all that soothes him. Lol.
Nicole: Have you watched the youtube video instructions on the Moby? They might help. Make sure you are making it tight enough too - the Moby is stretchy so you don't really have to leave room for Kian.

I'm think I'm going to try this :No Sew Fleece BW Poncho in winter. Otherwise dressing them warm and wearing an oversized coat withe the wrap underneath works too.
I have been wearing him in THIS. It's surprisingly very light weight and even with the little hcunker in there my back doesn't get sore at all. I have been wearing my Pregnancy hoodie over both of us, and able to zip it up as well :haha:

It's getting a bit colder now though, so not sure.....
hmmmm, i may try again. i already plan ti wear him if i go shopping Black Friday!! think i need a carrier type. the wrap i feel like he can breathe and is flopped over or squooshed.
Shopping with him in the carrier is awesome! He just passes out. I have no solution to the cold weather problem. He stays very warm against my chest, but we both get cold in the car getting him from the carseat to the carrier... Bleah. I have a baggy coat but it's not big enough to do up the buttons...
NY, I agree, check out the youtube videos. I LOVE my Moby wrap! I take her up and down the stairs. It comes with instruction on all the wraps. Right now, Amelia likes the Cradle hold. Newborn hug works well to calm her and I don't quite have the breastfeeding hold down yet. The store owner taught me the hug hold and I'm pretty confident with it! Doug really likes the Ergo but it's hard for me to work her in and out by myself all day long.

As for the bottles, I LOVE the Dr. Browns for colic! AWESOME insert for our little piggy who likes to gulp. It makes her swallow slower.

Today I got cracked! :happydance: A day at the chiropractor is like a day at the spa for me. :rofl: First time in almost a year! I'm looking forward to the next visit and maybe sometime after the holidays I'll go in for a nice massage. Oh Help me Rhonda!:cloud9:

Doug managed to tick me off today too. The only time I've been at the mall. I managed to get Amelia her stocking, we managed to eat and then Amelia needed to feed again. In the midst of rushing to find a breastfeeding accessible store, my husband strayed or should I say lagged behind moping because he was in a flipping mall. I finally got mad and told him if he didn't want to walk with his wife and daughter to leave, so ....he left! LIVID doesn't cut it.:shrug::growlmad: He said he didn't hear me say that. I call it convenience! Needless to say, he spent most of the night making it up to me. Again I managed to get to a flipping store to leave with 2 things. I have no idea how I'm going to catch up with Christmas shopping at this rate. SO MAD. :growlmad:
Gosh I havent ben on in forever. Just got internet back. Hope all is well.
MA, that's not very nice of Doug! My dh has been so busy working on a work project that we haven't gone out the three of us in a while. :( can't wait until he finishes this stupid project....
Hi Oct. Good to see you! :hugs:

ZB, hoping he gets his project done soon! How are you liking your new place??

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