Here's my story
As some of you may be aware... I had my 2nd beautiful daughter on the 2nd of October...had a lovely labour (VBAC) and she weighed a healthy 7lb 6oz!
We began our life at home and the first week passed in a bit of a blur... she passed all her meconium (or so we thought) and then nothing... one week turned into two then three.... still no poo! So I took her to the doctors who told me to try boiled water etc etc and I did but still she didnt poo!
Ended up taking her to hospital who gave her a pessary and told me to take her home and she'll be fine...the pessary made her poo a little but not alot!!
Within 2 days, she was vomiting all her feeds and was in so much pain so I rushed her straight back up there!! They decided to keep her in and monitor her... they thought it may be her milk so switched her to neocate lcp but still she was we had an abdo x-ray!!
When the results came back, I could see on their face it wasn't good news! They told me they could see masses on her bowel and they believed it was faeces that couldnt pass but sent it to a specialist hospital in London...who then got back to them and told me they wanted her transferred NOW!!
This was late Friday night (4/11/11) so blue light transfer to London, where I was told my little girl could have Cystic Fibrosis!!!
They started doing rectal washouts, which didnt work to move the we were moved from a normal childrens ward up to neo-natal as they have better facilities for her!
Monday morning (7/11) and Pippa was sent down for a contrast enema to see if they could move the blockages, which again was unsuccessful!!
In the afternoon, they told me they'd do a biopsy and if it came back clear, i'd know in 24 hours...if not...then they'd found something and was running more tests!!
By this time, my poor baby was sooo tired and wasn't even giving a fight anymore...she didnt even cry!!
Tuesday came and went and we had no results.... I knew there was something wrong but tried to stay positive!!!
Wednesday morning came...and we got the news that brought out world crashing to a halt... our little girl had a condition called Hirschsprungs disease and she would need emergency surgery today!!! I was distraught and on my own so I called my mum (as my OH was ill and wouldnt be allowed on the ward) so my mum came up to the hospital and at 3pm, we took my baby girl down to theatre.... she had to be put to sleep and I wasnt allowed to stay with her throughout the operation...
This was the LONGEST 2 hours of my life and I sat in the kitchen with my mum just drinking tea waiting to go back up to see my baby!!
5pm came and we headed back to the ward and my little girl was back!!! Wide awake and cooing!!! They had decided earlier in the day that she wasnt strong enough for the proper surgery so had just given her a stoma bag to relieve her pain and the pressure in her bowel!!
After a long cuddle with her, my mum told me it was best if I head home and grab some more clothes and come back up refreshed in the I did!!
I'd only been home an hour or so...when I got the dreaded phone call!! Pippa had taken a turn for the worst and we was wanted back up the hospital NOW!!
By the time we got there, she'd stabilised and was on a ventilator... apparently she'd had a bad reaction to the anastethic and just stopped breathing!!! The next 24 hours was touch and go but my little fighter fought and fought and at 5.45pm the next night, she pulled out her ventilator and they decided to proceed without it!!
She was nil by mouth until a few days ago, but is now taking 7mls of milk an hour for 10 hours by tube...then have a 2 hour break where she is giving a bottle of 14mls milk....
She is back to her birthweight and is doing so well!!!
I've enclosed some pictures of my beautiful baby girl!!!