October babies due dates and bump colours

Actually they wanted me to BF immediately afterwards but they were really busy in the clinic and needed the room. Luckily I had packed a bottle and was able to feed that in the waiting room. They came by 15 minutes later to check to make sure there was no issue and that was all. There is a tiny tiny tiny chance that it could reattatch and we have to keep an eye on possible infection but other than that there shouldn't be any further issues. Libby's tongue shouldn't cause any issues with speech according to the doctor.

Now if I could just get Cranky Pants McGee to quiet down (Ashley).. you'd think it was her who had the clip done the way she's been going on all day with crying.
Littlestars, ours are about the same age. I have heard of these "wonder weeks", never really thought much of them, but apparently 5 weeks is an extra fussy time. I'm certainly experiencing it over here!
zb5 - I am just happy to almost be at the 6 week mark.. which is apparently the peak point for colic.

On the bright side my girls slept from their 8:30pm feed (fell asleep within 30 minutes after BFing at 9:30pm-ish until 3:30am!!! Totally bypassing their 11:30pm feed. My Dh suggested at 11pm we go to bed and I was hesitant transferring them from their bouncy chairs into their moses baskets but went ahead anyway. I totally thought they would wake immediately or at least shortly for the next feed but nope. It was awesome.. just wish I'd known and had gone to bed earlier.
I'm the same, can't wait for his fussy periods to decrease as they should soon. I hate that feeling that I should go to bed right after I put him down or else I'm wasting a potential long sleep block. Stresses me out! Good job on that sleep twins! The past few nights all I've been getting are 2 hour blocks of sleep, but usually his first sleep block is the longest but it's hard for me to go to sleep that early! I think he's down for the night and it's 7:30pm right now... Still so early.
7:30pm is too early for me too! I seem to have a knack to getting them to realize it's bedtime around 11pm give or take these days. They both slept for 7 hours again. Love it! Unfortunately the downside is that they are not wanting to sleep this morning (both crying as I type!) and it makes it hard to find a chance for a shower without totally abandonning them.

I finally got my baby monitor. Got a sweet deal, the one I wanted was normally $59.99, with a coupon in the BRU catalogue for $10 off. Well it was on sale this week for $29.99 and with the $10 coupon I got it for $19.99!!! Yay! And bonus, I didn't realize it has a feature where it can play lullabies for 15 minutes on the baby unit. I'm so delighted about that since DD1 refuses to give up the mini CD player we used to play lullabies for her with.. I will eventually buy another one but haven't had a chance.

Alright.. the crying is escalating, time to get off the internet.
Jealous of the 7 hours!!! Last night he didn't go to bed until 930, that was really late for him. :) I think it's cause he napped a lot yesterday.

Okay, so my boobs are really itchy. Not the nipples, the skin on my noobs. Ugh, I wonder if it is from the skin stretching from all the milk? I'm also getting horrible boob stretch marks. :( anyone else have the itchy boobs?
Hi ladies, sorry I've been away. I've had bouts of baby blues. Doug stayed home all last week with me. I seem to be doing better but the dreary weather isn't helping any! :wacko:

Amelia is having a growth spurt too. How often are you ladies feeding throughout the day?? She stops at 3am and we get sleep from then to about 7am or 8am and a couple times until 10am. The good news is Amelia finally passed her birth weight now. So she's getting in what she needs from breast feeding.

Today was her appointment for radiology because she was breech she had to be checked for hip dysplasia. She is FREE AND CLEAR. :happydance:

Last week I found a lump so I'm having it checked out on friday. I'm at peace though as Many bf'ing women have said they've had clogged milk ducts. So hopefully that's just what it is but I'm having a sonogram of my left breast to be sure.

Itchy...YES...however it's a little left over from post pregnancy pupps I had. The body produces progesterone while breastfeeding which causes the pupps I'm told. I also heard that some hormone is released from stretchmarks....something like that. Which can also cause itching.

Amelia is more and more alert with each day. It's such a blessing to look over at her and see her there waiting for us. I just love her so!

As for sidds I had no idea it was HIGHER at the second month? REALLY?? Why?! :shrug: How long is the risk for??
Glad you are feeling a bit better MA. And that Doug was able to stay home with you. :hugs:

S sometimes still eats every hour during the day. But other times can longer, like at night or for long naps.

Interesting about the progesterone. I heard you ladies talking about pupps but don't know anything about it. I was hoping to get the mini pill this week but if the itching is hormone related then maybe I shouldn't. I will hafe to ask my midwife!
my skin is itechy everywhere and I have been battling rashes in several areas for a few weeks now. Sucks! Cortisone cream seems to help the rash though. I also use an anti itch cream.

MA - glad to hear the Doug is able to help out during this time. What is Amelia weighing in at now? Seems like it took her quite a while to get back to birth weight. Hope all goes well for your friday appointment and it just a blocked duct.

I went to my daughter's school today and had the ol' parent-teacher conference. I was so happy to hear that DD1 is adapting well to french immersion and that the teacher is please with her abilities and enjoys her personality. Who doesn't love a little praise for your child eh? :) I was even more impressed that I made the appointment, I thought I wouldn't be able to get the babies and myself organized in time to accompany DH. I have been avoiding morning doctor appointments for that exact reason.

The babies slept well again last night, I feel a little spoiled but I'm not complaining!!!

I talked to my sister on the phone and it seems she has had her LO attached to her boob 24/7 for a few days now. She literally is feeding once and hour or so. She still had to top up with formula as well. That baby is hungry!!! It's going to be interesting to see how much bigger she is to the twins at Christmas when I finally get to meet her.

So who has started their Christmas shopping and what are you getting your LO? I am seriously considering doing most of my shopping online and having it shipped to the house exccept for when I see something in a flyer on sale. BRU/TRU delivers free if the order is over $100 and I just found a few clothing stores for children and baby stuff that deliver free of charge too. I might pay a little over the odds but the convenience might be worth it this year. Dh's final Xmas exams are really spread over the month so there isn't much time for him to actually either do the shopping or watch the children.
Hi ladies,

ZB, I was on 17P which is REALLY potent progesterone to keep Amelia in. Prior to that, I had fertility treatment and I also have polycystic Ovarian syndrome so my hormones are out of whack! Not everyone gets pupps and usually you see it more during pregnancy!

Little, now YOU may want the rash checked. Sounds like a mild case of PUPPS.

Amelia lost a pound while in NICU. It took awhile between my milk production and Amelia having latching issues with her "peanut butter tongue". She's now getting the hang of it.

I'm starting to breastfeed in public more and more. Of course I'm talking about in the back or front of our car or in places like BRU, my parents house in the confines of their room with just Amelia and I. NOT public where actually people walking on by.
I'll BF at my parents or inlaws in a closed off room for privacy but I have yet to do it in a car or BRU etc. My backseat of the car is full of carseats so it would have to be in the front passenger seat and we don't have tinted windows and it just seems so exposed. But I suppose if I were desperate I would do it, it is natural afterall.. but I would have to be desperate I think, especially with winter coming and it getting so cold. I guess I should get on making my BFing coverup though for such circumstances.. plus next time I'm at in-laws.. she seemed really weird about me wanting privacy last time I was there.. I suspect she would possibly purposely walk-in on me just to peek. She was really upset I didn't want to do it in front of her, her husband, her sister and her husband and my BIL. Double breastfeeding doesn't look pretty and it isn't graceful. What the heck is she thinking??
:rofl: I can't see you squeezing in the back with the car seat. :lol:

I think I'm going to get a cover. I "almost" did it at the OBGYN's last week. We waited longer than we should have and it was past Amelia's feeding time. There was a woman and her husband in there and then another man that walked in. Had I had the cover, I may have been a bit more likely to do it since my husband was present too. We ended up feeding her in the chair in the room once we got in. The nurse midwife said I was spraying and the baby needed to feed. Haha

It is interesting how ppl get affended when we don't feel comfortable flipping our boobies out in front of them.
Lol, I have bf'd him at every appt we've been to! Which is 4 I think. Not in the main waiting room tho, just while waiting for the doctor. I have been going once a week to a la leche league "breastfeedding cafe" group. We meet at a Panera with our LOs and chat... And bf if they are hungry. It is very freeing and has helped me get comfortable w the whole thing.

MA, forgot to say, hope everything turns out fine w the lump. Btw, anyone heard from mrsk?

MA SIDS is highest risk from 2-4 months. Not sure why. Decreases after 4 but mostly decreases at age 1. Great huh. Nice to knw. Specially since by 2 months they seem so strong and capable of being here forever. It's sad. I'm sorry you've been feeling blue. Hope it passes soon.

Zb my boobs itch also, worse when full.
I am like you all, breastfeeding in private only. Or BRU since they've got a breast feeding room! I like that place for that reason. I pumped in my front seat once at the zoo, at night for a Halloween event. No one could see. But yea, in winter cold, not sure how this will work n

Little, I also want to do shopping online. We all make lists on amazon for the fan to shop off of be get free shipping from them. I do hope to get out a little tho and shop to get the hole holiday experience. Hopefully without kids!
Lol at your in laws for thinking you should whip both boobs out and feed th twins. Uh!

Funny but gross thing just happened, I was o. Here, typing to you all and pumping into 5 ounce bottles and standin at my counter. So I look down at my feet and see I've been dripping milk all over e floor and my boots because the bottles were full. Soooo stupid:dohh:

I miss MRsK, haven't even seen her on the FB page anymore. Hope she's ok.
I've been a bad threadmate but pippa had been in hospital for the last 3 weeks and we haven't had much time to be on here!!

I'm on my bb so when I get home tonight, I'll tell ya the full story!

We are in royal london hospital still x
Awwwww youngmummy I hope you are ok....come back with details hen you can!
Praying for a speedy recovery for pippa as well as comfort and renewal of mind, body and spirit. :hugs:
nypage - you were able to pump that much? wow!! I cannot pump much more than 20ml per boob after a feed, kinda sad. It does make me wonder if someone of the babies crying is because they are super hungry and I suck.

youngmummy - hope things are okay and Pippa will be home shortly.

So tomorrow is my 10 year anniversary of when DH and I met and started dating.. since it's a thursday I am planning on taking him out to dinner at his favorite place on Friday when it's more convenient. DD1 will go to my parents for dinner but I'm not sure if I want to bring the twins to the restaurant with me or attempt to leave them with my parents.. hrmmm.. it would mean definitely a bottle feed but at the same time chances are I would bottle feed while we're out since we all know I'm not one to feed in public. Can't decide what to do... the restaurant isn't fancy or anything, just a place where you custom choose your stir fry and then they make it up and serve it (mongolian bbq or japanese teppanyaki style). opinions? I don't want to be a nuisance but not sure I want to be away from the babies for so long..
Hi Little- You do not suck...I bet that they're getting most of the breast milk and thats why you don't pump much...but to increase my supply I did pump after feeding him a lot so now I think I over produce. Lol can't win....but Because im an idiot...how much is 20ml? I know ounces. Lol. I also had not breast fed Kian at that moment. We were out shopping at Old Navy so we brought a breast milk bottle so when got home I didnt' want the bottle to go to waste so I pumped and we gave him the bottle. AFter I breast feed him I only get a couple ounces out....

I suppose I may leave the twins with your parents and enjoy dinner...its just 2 hours...but i understand your concern. I've not let my little guy alone with anyone yet at all!
Here's my story

As some of you may be aware... I had my 2nd beautiful daughter on the 2nd of October...had a lovely labour (VBAC) and she weighed a healthy 7lb 6oz!

We began our life at home and the first week passed in a bit of a blur... she passed all her meconium (or so we thought) and then nothing... one week turned into two then three.... still no poo! So I took her to the doctors who told me to try boiled water etc etc and I did but still she didnt poo!

Ended up taking her to hospital who gave her a pessary and told me to take her home and she'll be fine...the pessary made her poo a little but not alot!!

Within 2 days, she was vomiting all her feeds and was in so much pain so I rushed her straight back up there!! They decided to keep her in and monitor her... they thought it may be her milk so switched her to neocate lcp but still she was vomiting...so we had an abdo x-ray!!

When the results came back, I could see on their face it wasn't good news! They told me they could see masses on her bowel and they believed it was faeces that couldnt pass but sent it to a specialist hospital in London...who then got back to them and told me they wanted her transferred NOW!!

This was late Friday night (4/11/11) so blue light transfer to London, where I was told my little girl could have Cystic Fibrosis!!!

They started doing rectal washouts, which didnt work to move the blockages...so we were moved from a normal childrens ward up to neo-natal as they have better facilities for her!

Monday morning (7/11) and Pippa was sent down for a contrast enema to see if they could move the blockages, which again was unsuccessful!!
In the afternoon, they told me they'd do a biopsy and if it came back clear, i'd know in 24 hours...if not...then they'd found something and was running more tests!!

By this time, my poor baby was sooo tired and wasn't even giving a fight anymore...she didnt even cry!!

Tuesday came and went and we had no results.... I knew there was something wrong but tried to stay positive!!!

Wednesday morning came...and we got the news that brought out world crashing to a halt... our little girl had a condition called Hirschsprungs disease and she would need emergency surgery today!!! I was distraught and on my own so I called my mum (as my OH was ill and wouldnt be allowed on the ward) so my mum came up to the hospital and at 3pm, we took my baby girl down to theatre.... she had to be put to sleep and I wasnt allowed to stay with her throughout the operation...

This was the LONGEST 2 hours of my life and I sat in the kitchen with my mum just drinking tea waiting to go back up to see my baby!!

5pm came and we headed back to the ward and my little girl was back!!! Wide awake and cooing!!! They had decided earlier in the day that she wasnt strong enough for the proper surgery so had just given her a stoma bag to relieve her pain and the pressure in her bowel!!

After a long cuddle with her, my mum told me it was best if I head home and grab some more clothes and come back up refreshed in the morning...so I did!!

I'd only been home an hour or so...when I got the dreaded phone call!! Pippa had taken a turn for the worst and we was wanted back up the hospital NOW!!

By the time we got there, she'd stabilised and was on a ventilator... apparently she'd had a bad reaction to the anastethic and just stopped breathing!!! The next 24 hours was touch and go but my little fighter fought and fought and at 5.45pm the next night, she pulled out her ventilator and they decided to proceed without it!!

She was nil by mouth until a few days ago, but is now taking 7mls of milk an hour for 10 hours by tube...then have a 2 hour break where she is giving a bottle of 14mls milk....

She is back to her birthweight and is doing so well!!!

I've enclosed some pictures of my beautiful baby girl!!!



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