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October BFP's ~ Get your's here! (34 so far!!!)

Would any of you other ladies who have their BFP's like to be Bump Buddies :)
MINUET- Whats going on love? Do you have anything to induce your period?
AFM, day 2 of Clomid and whether or not its related or hormones from my period but overnight, i broke out like CRAZY. I mean, everywhere!
I'll take it though, im glad my provera took so long to work cause my hubby left today and is gone til monday on a stag weekend. It the timing were different, i told him he was not going...god answered his prayers!!!!
MINUET- Whats going on love? Do you have anything to induce your period?
AFM, day 2 of Clomid and whether or not its related or hormones from my period but overnight, i broke out like CRAZY. I mean, everywhere!
I'll take it though, im glad my provera took so long to work cause my hubby left today and is gone til monday on a stag weekend. It the timing were different, i told him he was not going...god answered his prayers!!!!

Lol your husband is lucky.

I'm sorry you broke out, that is NO fun, can't wait to hear that the clomid works for you this time!

Thanks for asking, no I don't have anything to induce a period; and am now not sure I even O'd. I'm going to wait a few more days and see what the temps do.
I was tempted to use the progesterone cream to induce a period, but I did that back CD51-CD60 as I thought I'd finally O'd, and it didn't produce AF.

My arsenal still has a couple weapons in it though:
myo-inositol - used to treat insulin resistance and bring it back into balance. There is even a product out there that uses it, called Pregnitude, and it's supposed to work
royal jelly - have yet to try this, but hopeful

Still discouraged, but we haven't run out of options yet!
MINUET- Whats going on love? Do you have anything to induce your period?
AFM, day 2 of Clomid and whether or not its related or hormones from my period but overnight, i broke out like CRAZY. I mean, everywhere!
I'll take it though, im glad my provera took so long to work cause my hubby left today and is gone til monday on a stag weekend. It the timing were different, i told him he was not going...god answered his prayers!!!!

Lol your husband is lucky.

I'm sorry you broke out, that is NO fun, can't wait to hear that the clomid works for you this time!

Thanks for asking, no I don't have anything to induce a period; and am now not sure I even O'd. I'm going to wait a few more days and see what the temps do.
I was tempted to use the progesterone cream to induce a period, but I did that back CD51-CD60 as I thought I'd finally O'd, and it didn't produce AF.

My arsenal still has a couple weapons in it though:
myo-inositol - used to treat insulin resistance and bring it back into balance. There is even a product out there that uses it, called Pregnitude, and it's supposed to work
royal jelly - have yet to try this, but hopeful

Still discouraged, but we haven't run out of options yet!

Oh, my cycle is going to work, dont you worry about it:thumbup:
Matt is very lucky, 3 days, just guys, in a cabin, golfing, bar hopping, no kids, no wives, 4 hours a way! And really, what works better than him being gone while im on clomid, and emotional, on my period... and he will come home in time :happydance:
That is very strange that you took it for 9 days and havent gotten your period. Yet your temps dont show a clear ovulation pattern, to me, yet.
I'm glad you're still being positive, that helps! Is this by far your longest cycle?
Hi ladies, I'm brand new to the board and thread but I've been lurking for a while.
Been TTC since January 2012 after a lot of years on the mirena coil... life stops every month at the 2ww these days and due to test on 30 October. Can I join?

Got to the stage where I don't know if I'm actually having real symptoms or its my brain tricking me into thinking I'm pregnant as I've read so much about it..

Major congrats to all those who got their BFP this cycle, hoping and hoping it's me next

Congrats Lorna, hope this is your rainbow and you have a H&H9 months!!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you Lorna!!! That is such long awaited, fantastic news. Sending mountains of sticky :dust: to you!
Hi all can I join too please, I'll be testing if my af is late, it's due on the 1st of November


I started a November thread, the link is in my siggy, if you want to join that one for Nov. 1 testing. I could add you to the end of this month if you prefer to be on this thread. :)


Aw hugest congrats ladies with BFPs :) woop so wonderful :)

Just wondered if I could have a little moan, feel terrible as I'm so happy for a lady but can't help feeling sad - we lost our perfect little one at 12 and a half weeks in July, just after 1st scan, we had the cvs test because they were concerned about the size of our angels nuchal fold and found out at the scan before they performed the test that babies heart was no longer beating :cry: well they did the cvs results and found no abnormalities at all, but I had parvovirus caught from being a teacher and the doc believes this is what caused little one to pass away :(... Sorry for ramble... But I went to my next door neighbours tonight for a Jamie Oliver cookware party, knowing she was pregnant, got chatting and she said her due date is a day after the day our Bumpy would have been born... Its a little boy too... So happy for her, but can't believe the chances of us living next door and her due date being practically the same, just feels like a bit of a blow! They're lovely and already have a little boy and I truly am so happy for them, but just can't believe we'd have conceived on like the same day, just seems so unfair that we didn't get to keep the baby we love so much :( so sorry to hugely ramble as totally know this is 2ww, so sorry, just feel like I know you girls :) your support means so much :)

I'm 2dpo today with no symptoms! How is everyone? Lots of love xxxx

:hugs: So sorry you have that reminder right next door. I have everything crossed that this is your month for a :bfp:

Welll after 9 years I am PREGNANT :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:this morning picture attached!! I am 5 weeks!! This is my second time this year (last one MC) so please can everyone wish me sticky bean!!

:wohoo: I'm so happy for you! :D Sending super sticky thoughts to you and little bean! :)

Hi ladies, I'm brand new to the board and thread but I've been lurking for a while.
Been TTC since January 2012 after a lot of years on the mirena coil... life stops every month at the 2ww these days and due to test on 30 October. Can I join?

Got to the stage where I don't know if I'm actually having real symptoms or its my brain tricking me into thinking I'm pregnant as I've read so much about it..

Major congrats to all those who got their BFP this cycle, hoping and hoping it's me next


Welcome! Good Luck!
:wohoo: I'm so happy to announce this bfp! After 9 years, you were certainly due yours! :D

:bfp: LornaMJ :bfp:

Lorna mj - :happydance::happydance::happydance:bfp

Congrats hun so pleased for you.

You must be on :cloud9:


Moving onto November thread - had two goes for a Halloween pumpkin - wasn't meant to be a 20 day cycle - hurry up fs appointment:cry:

good luck ladies


Would any of you other ladies who have their BFP's like to be Bump Buddies :)

i would love to be your bump buddy, it would be nice to have some support during this worrisome time:)

10dpo am I seeing things or is that showing positive?
I don't know if I'd try a digital yet, I heard they are not as sensitive as other tests. Try another frer in the morning! Maybe wait a few days for a digital.

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