Hello all!
I got alot of sleep last night! I'm a much happier camper today.
I can deffinately say my baby is a Boobie Monster too.
My mom swears I'm spoiling her... she wants to suck soo much, and everytime she wants to suck, I let her. I'm thinking... baby is only working by instinct right now... I don't think there is a such thing as spoiling a newborn.
She doesn't eat much either... she falls asleep after 10 minutes of feeding. I try the whole burp her and switch breast things... it works for a minute or two...
I'm not going to lie ladies... I have fed her formula a few times. But that's only when we are out in public and I don't have much means to feeding her, and since breast milk is only good for an hour without being refridgerated... I felt like I didn't have much choice. I tried feeding her in the parking lot a few times... but it was becoming very difficult.
She hasn't had anything like nipple confusion that the doctors claim. She's just happy to suck.
I finally got her to hate the pacifier! I accidentally had got her addicted to them, but now instead of the paci, I give her a breast. Lol.
She was so cute the other day, when I tried to give her a paci, she took 3 - 4 sucks, frownes her face and was looking from side to sde with her eye's as if she was in deep thought, and then it dawned on her... "Hey! There isn't any milk in this!" She Spit it out so loud it sounded like she was spitting out a water melon seed.
I didn't realize she was hungry until she did this... I had just fed her for a good 30 minutes and thought she was just on a sucking spree... How wrong was I.
Hope everyone else and loved ones are doing great!